Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Shirley Brosius: Announcing: The Birth of a Book

Shirley Brosius: Announcing: The Birth of a Book: Drum roll please! The book Janine Boyer, Kim Messinger and I wrote is now available. We’re holding a Book Launch Party on Saturday, Februar...


"Tim Tebow is a mirror. He exposes how shallow most of our Christianity is. That’s what makes us so uncomfortable…"I am a Christian, but I am not as fanatical about it as Tebow is."
No kidding. I wonder which one is more like Jesus…you or Tim Tebow? Would Jesus tell Tim to “tone it down?” Would Jesus tell you to?
No. He doesn’t have to. You already have toned it down yourself. That’s why Christianity is so under assault in the culture. We are ashamed of the Gospel. We are ashamed to speak up for what is right."  Click on the link below for the entire article.


 Bernard von NotHaus, who coined his own “Liberty Dollars” manufactured of pure gold and silver was accused of terrorism by the Department of Justice for a crime that, for two hundred years, was known simply as “counterfeiting”:

From teenagers engaging in typical adolescent behavior and protesters fighting for their right to be heard, to a guy buying survival food or joining in a heated debate on the internet, a semantic change for words like terrorism, terrorist, hostilities, and domestic extremist  is taking place in the social and political spheres.

Soon, any activity deemed contrary to the ideas, purposes and principles of the ruling class and the plutocratic elites will be grounds for detainment, imprisonment and expulsion.  Check out the link below.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Amidst a sea of apathy, one RI representative steps up against the NDAA and indefinite detention

"Every single individual that voted for this legislation which so egregiously conflicts with our constitutionally guaranteed rights is nothing short of a traitor, and it’s heartening to see at least one politician realizing this, even if it is just at a state level." 

“Americans should realize that, coupled with the Patriot Act, the NDAA, for all intents and purposes, completely nullifies a good portion of the Bill of Rights, turns the United States into a war zone, and places US citizens under military rule,” Baldwin rightly stated.
Amidst a sea of apathy, one RI representative steps up against the NDAA and indefinite detention

"EB"ing a Mommy: Heaven's little drummer boy.

I discovered this blog just days before her little boy died in her arms. Please pray for Courtney. -Danelle

"EB"ing a Mommy: Heaven's little drummer boy.: My precious angel received his wings today. I have had many nightmares about having to write this post. He was exactly 2 years and 8 month...


A long video, but very interesting.  A recap of some of the strange events and natural disasters that took place last year.  Some things I didn't know about until now.  The alien stuff is a bit sci-fi, but I guess anything is possible.  The video below is worth a look.

Mark Levin: We're In A "Post-Constitutional America"

Who is the biggest disaster to our constitution?  Check out this video.  This is truth.
 Mark Levin: We're In A "Post-Constitutional America"

Friday, January 13, 2012


Are you praying (even fasting) today for America, for Israel and for the nations of the epicenter? Are you praying specifically for the Lord to raise up leaders who will get America back on the right track economically, spiritually and morally? Are you praying for a massive spiritual revival — a Third Great Awakening — that will turn hearts of millions back to true, sincere, saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and will once again make America the “shining city on a hill” she was for so long?

The blunt truth is this: We are in deep trouble as a nation. We are facing the horrific and accelerating breakdown of the family — infidelity, divorce, abuse. We are seeing accelerating apostasy within the Church. People are turning away from God, betraying family and friends and ignoring the life-changing message of the Bible.

Crime is surging, especially violent crime. The pornography industry now makes more than ABC, CBS and NBC combined. Our national debt has shot past $15 trillion — 100% of our GDP — and there is no end of runaway spending in sight. Washington and Wall Street are rife with corruption. The number one highest-grossing film in the nation right now is called The Devil Inside. Tragically, the list goes on.


Obama says, "We are not talking about a government controlled system.  Oh really!  Then why is the government trying to control the system?


Based on the girls symptoms and the fact that they are all girls, the possible culprit of the mystery illness is the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil, which is known to severely debilitate many of the girls that receive it. Perhaps these girls are suffering from "Post-Gardasil Syndrome," the new name given to the spectrum of side effects that often manifest after an individual receives the Gardasil vaccine 


The fact that Tebow had 316 yards passing and averaged 31.6 yards per pass in the game didn't escape notice on Sunday night. Tebow wore "John 3:16" on his eye black in the 2009 BCS Championship game and has since become identified with the famous Bible message. 
The coincidental stats caused millions of fans to perform Google searches on the Bible passage in the past 24 hours. Here's one more unbelievable stat: John Ourand of Sports Business Journal reports that the final quarter-hour television rating for the Broncos-Steelers game was, you guessed it, 31.6.


You may think those helping to pass the GMO bills truly believe that genetically engineering the food supply is beneficial to public health, but the scary truth is that many of said individuals couldn’t care less about humankind or the future of the planet. As far as many government regulators are concerned, Monsanto can expand to the high heavens as long as financial interests are being properly taken care of.  Click on the link below.

Empty Store Shelves Coming to America

Have you noticed the cards on your supermarket shelves that say, "Temporarily Out of Stock"? This is the first sign of food shortages. You have visible proof that shortages of food are already a problem. Don't ignore the warning.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Here's a twist on the classic way to tie a winter scarf.  Looks great!

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Thousands of US troops began descending on Israel this week. Senior US military sources told debkafile Friday, Jan. 6 that many would be staying up to the end of the year as part of the US-IDF deployment in readiness for a military engagement with Iran and its possible escalation into a regional conflict.

They will be joined by a US aircraft carrier. The warplanes on its decks will fly missions with Israeli Air Force jets. The 9,000 US servicemen gathering in Israel in the coming weeks are mostly airmen, missile interceptor teams, marines, seamen, technicians and intelligence officers.

Friday, January 6, 2012


For anyone who has made a new year's resolution to lose weight, this is a must read.  I talked about this book before, but now I can say that it has changed my life.  My attitude toward food has completely changed because of this book  I find myself with more willpower because I want to be obedient to God and His will for how I should feed my body. 

I realize now that I was made for more than letting food control me and using it as a form of comfort.  For so many people, food is their drug.  When they're stressed, they comfort themselves with food.  God was meant to be our comfort, and when we reach for food instead of Him we make food an idol.  Click on the link below to read about this book and order a copy for yourself.


Obama has arrogated to himself the power to declare the Senate in recess for them and short circuit the entire Constitutional process for Senate confirmation of Constitutional officers.
This is nothing less than an assault by President Obama on the entire institution of the Senate. And it appears to serve no purpose other than Obama telling the Senate that he will do whatever he darn well pleases.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


We're being poisoned with plastic, fluoride and other toxic chemicals?  Sounds crazy enough to be true.  Learn how to avoid Bisphenol A because it's everywhere.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


A great read for women who are feeling discouraged or who compare themselves to other women and wish they could have it all together like she does. 

Monday, January 2, 2012


"I will sweep away both men and animals; I will sweep away the birds of the air and the fish of the sea. The wicked will have only heaps of rubble when I cut off man from the face of the earth," declares the LORD. [Zephaniah 1:3]