Tuesday, February 27, 2018
The second reason why I'm so passionate about essential oils and the Young Living company is because of the toxins I'm avoiding every day. I no longer use Cascade, which contains endocrine disrupting chemicals that cause cancer and damage DNA. I now use Thieves dishwasher powder, which uses plant-based, naturally derived ingredients.
I no longer spray Lysol, which contains a mix of chemicals that are toxic to humans. I use a diffuser to freshen my home instead of canned air fresheners, gels and plug-ins, which cause tumors, lung damage and asthma. Air fresheners are in the top ten list of most toxic products in the home. I can make a homemade air/fabric/sheet spray in under a minute with water, salt or witch hazel, and a few drops of essential oil.
One of the top pollutants in the home is laundry detergent and fabric softener. You wash your clothes in toxic chemicals and the polluted fabric sits on your skin and outgases in your closet. Dryer sheets are also extremely toxic. I can make my own laundry detergent with essential oils or buy Thieves laundry detergent from the Young Living catalog. Instead of dryer sheets, I use essential oil-infused wool dryer balls.
We contribute to our own health problems when we blindly bring toxic products into our homes. Even the cookware we use can be toxic. The average woman is exposed to 300 chemicals daily through her makeup, personal care products and home cleaners.
Makeup and personal care products are loaded with chemicals. Young Living has a line of toxin-free makeup called Savvy Minerals and the bath & body products are chemical-free too. Toxic chemicals are allowed in nearly every type of cleaning product in the US. 95% of cancer cases are caused by environmental and home toxins.
My journey started when I got sick from a room full of cheap candles on Thanksgiving Day. That's when I began to wonder what other crap was lurking in the products I use. I became a label reader and an avid researcher. My research led me to essential oils and the Young Living company. I feel better about my role as gatekeeper for my family now that I've ditched the toxic products and switched to healthier options.
Learn more about essential oils at wholelifeoils.com/danelle-carvell/
Monday, February 26, 2018
Young Living Essential Oils? Why You Need Them!
What does this video have to do with essential oils? Whoever posted this video with the given title should have explained. Maybe I can clear things up with my story. About ten years ago, my doctor prescribed an FDA-approved drug called Lupron to help me deal with chronic pain from endometriosis. It was an injection administered properly and it nearly destroyed my life.
The drug caused a list of side-effects that were worse than the pain I was trying to cure. I still suffer from chronic insomnia since taking Lupron because it caused permanent neurological damage. The drug messed up my brain's ability to produce the hormones needed to fall asleep and stay asleep. It wasn't until I started using hormone balancing essential oils such as fennel, clary sage and myrtle that I was able to sleep well enough to hold down a part-time job after eight years of exhaustion.My insomnia would last for days until all I could do was lay in a bed and shake.
I think the reason this video was given its title is because essential oils are not dangerous. There is not a single documented case of anyone dying or being damaged by a properly applied essential oil. Oils are inherently safe, which is why anyone can use them without a doctor's supervision.
Of course, there are precautions you need to follow, things you should learn about oils before using them. Some oils should not be taken internally. Oils should be diluted properly. If you have certain medical conditions, you can't use certain oils. There is a learning curve with essential oils, which is why the companies that produce pure medicinal oils have distributors who act as guides.
I deeply regret that I didn't try something natural when I was having so much pain. I turned to a prescription drug and it messed me up. The FDA is not an all-knowing entity. To say that essential oils are not safe because they're not FDA-approved and regulated is a foolish statement. My life was nearly destroyed by an FDA-approved drug.
In fact, FDA-approved drugs are the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. How many FDA-approved drugs have been recalled since the 1970's because they were killing and harming people? The answer is 35. About 100,000 people die each year from adverse reactions to prescription drugs, not because they overdosed, but because some drugs on the market are dangerous.
Some people are afraid of essential oils, but they don't hesitate to take over-the-counter meds and prescription meds. They have it backwards. And one of my passions is to make people realize how safe essential oils are despite all the negative talk about them. Learn more about the healing power of essential oils at oil-testimonials.com
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Oil in the Spotlight: Myrrh
Myrrh is one of the safest, mildest, gentlest oils in nature and is probably best known as one of the gifts brought by the Magi to the Christ child in biblical times. Esther was massaged with the oil of myrrh every day for six months in preparation for her marriage to the king. The Egyptians used myrrh as an insect repellant and sunshield for thousands of years. It is the most effective natural sunscreen.
Myrrh was the oil most commonly used by the people of ancient times, and it is mentioned more than 150 times in the Bible. Pregnant mothers applied myrrh oil for protection against infectious diseases and to elevate feelings of well-being. Myrrh also was diffused and inhaled during labor to reduce anxiety and facilitate calmness. And it was massaged on perineum to facilitate stretching.
Today myrrh essential oil is used for oral health, intestinal health, skin conditions and pain relief. It is a powerful wound healer that may be applied directly to the skin without dilution. Myrrh soothes respiratory conditions and painful skin conditions. It reduces the appearance of wrinkles and stretch marks.
Myrrh can be applied topically, put in a diffuser, inhaled directly from the bottle or from the palms. It also can be taken internally. If you're new to using myrrh, use a carrier oil to dilute before applying to the skin to see how you react to it.
When used aromatically, myrrh essential oil aids in the release of fear and negativity. It uplifts the mind, relieves anxiety and soothes stress.
Emergency Broadcast – Health Ranger – Feb. 23, 2018
Emergency Broadcast – Health Ranger – Feb. 23, 2018: This is an emergency broadcast from the Health Ranger, Feb. 23, 2018. This broadcast covers the accelerating attempted communist takeover of America by radicalized left-wing forces that include CNN, Antifa and other George Soros-funded sabotage operations. Their goal is to de-legitimize all conservative voices by demolishing their First Amendment rights, revoking their Second Amendment rights, […]
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Essential Oils 101 Class for Beginners
I didn't realize how many ways my life would improve when I purchased a Young Living premium starter kit. Something this good is impossible not to share. Learn more at wholelifeoils.com/danelle-carvell/
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
This blog has been inactive for years, but I decided to revive it because I have a lot to share about natural health. You may have been using this blog as a place to check out my news links. I'm slowly adding the links I follow now for world news, so check back.
I've always been fascinated by the healing power of plants and I'm finally learning more about how to use natural remedies for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. I share what I'm learning on two Facebook pages: Nelaina Naturals and in the group Health Benefits of Essential Oils.
I find it interesting that the biggest audience on this blog is Russia. So I'm addressing this first letter to my Russian followers and I would love to hear from you. You probably want to know what life is like in America. Maybe that's why you read this blog. I did a little research today about what life is like for women in Russia, and I learned some interesting things.
Russian women seen very different from American women, mainly in their attitudes about relationships and family. I learned that Russian women still hold true to the traditional views of male/female roles in a relationship. You're more willing to submit to your husband as an authority figure, while American women seem to hate the word "submit". You're also less likely to rush into divorce because you believe in falling in love once and that's it. American women are very independent for the most part and they don't tolerate disrespect, so I see them ending relationships because the guy turns out to be a disappointment.
According to my research, Russian woman make excellent housekeepers and are likely to do all the housework themselves. In America, couples disagree about how the housework is shared because most women work full time and they want help. I actually agree with that. If women are going to give up their traditional role of homemaker to financially provide (traditionally a man's responsibility), then the man should help around the house. From what I see in America, most women still do the majority of the housework and childcare, even when they work full time. American women are exhausted, but they don't want to admit it.
In America, women like to think that they can do it all. They fiercely defend their right to work outside the home, although some do stay at home and care for their children while the husband is the sole provider. But these women are often looked down on by our society. I was a stay-at-home mom for nine years and I felt like a second class citizen at times. Working women always had some kind of degrading comment when they discovered that I didn't work outside the home.
Women in America are very competitive. We seem to see one another as competition because of the great value our society puts on appearances and financial success. Motherhood is not a valued occupation here. I think caring for her children is the most important thing a woman can do, but that role gets little respect here.
I was constantly defending my lifestyle decisions even though I fully had my husband's blessings to be at home with our daughter. I think that the way a couple decides to run their household is a private decision, but in America people seem to think they have a right to comment on a woman's lack of a paycheck, even when her children are very small. Six weeks after childbirth a woman is expected to get back in the game and become a money maker again.
I used to work in a daycare and I saw how exhausted those women were when they'd pick up their children. Mom couldn't focus on what her child was saying. She didn't want to see the painting her little one created. She just wanted to get out the door because an entire evening of work awaited her at home--cooking, dishes, laundry, homework. An American woman will defend her right to do it all. But at the same time I read surveys that reveal most American women would stay at home with ttheir young children if it were financially possible.
Couples in America want the big house, the nice car, the fancy clothes, expensive vacations. They want to live big, so they have to bring in a big income to have those things. Impressing each other with the nice things we own and the fun life we have is important here. We seem to live lives that are more about things than people. Americans judge one another more by what we accomplish than by who we are as people. A career woman gets more respect than a stay-at-home mom. I'm not impressed by a person's income, I'm impressed by their character.
What's wrong with America? We're too focused on material things, unwilling to make sacrifices. And we mind each other's business instead of respecting that we all have the right to choose our own lifestyles. I think women should be more supportive of one another. I have a few good friends but for the most part, true friends are hard to find. Kindness is the quality I admire most in a friend. Nothing else comes close to impressing me more than a kind, patient, humble heart.
I love what President Trump is doing for this nation, but a lot of people don't. I think they have to decide whether they hate our president or love our country because everything he's doing truly is making America great again. He's giving us hope by pulling back on big government and focusing on what Americans need to have a decent life--job opportunities, fewer government regulations. I told everyone that I wouldn't want to get out of bed in the morning with Hilary as president. That would have been more of the same Obamanation we had for eight years.
Well I guess I better get on with my evening. Thanks for being my biggest audience. I hope you'll stick around even though my blog is going through some changes. I still get the urge to write about all kinds of topics, so check in now and then. And I would love to hear about life in Russia, so drop me a comment.
Enjoy your evening,
Monday, February 19, 2018
Brene Brown on joy and gratitude
Foster a grateful attitude and embrace the blessings in your life with the uplifting aroma of Gratitude, which invites a feeling of emotional and spiritual progress. Gratitude is a blend of nine essential oils from Young Living. Apply topically, diffuse, or directly inhale the oils of Frankincense, Myrrh, Bergamot, Northern Lights Black Spruce and five others. Learn more about the healing power of essential oils at wholelifeoils.com/danelle-carvell/
Bio-Identical Hormones and Synthetic Hormones - Suzanne Somers Breaking ...
I mentioned bio-identical hormones in my last post. This will explain what they are. I use bio-identicals in combination with hormone-balancing essential oils to help me deal with the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.
Learn more about the health benefits of essential oils at wholelifeoils.com/danelle-carvell/
Menopause: What is it? What is TRULY happening??
Essential oils can greatly help a woman through the transition of menopause. I use Young Living Progessence Plus and SclarEssence to balance my hormones along with bio-identical hormone cream. This helps improve my mood, my sleep, and the youthful look of my skin. My skin was terrible when I went through menopause. I had red patches all over my face.
I didn't want to start on prescription hormone replacement, but I did take it for a while before I knew my other options. I finally found what works for me. And Young Living pure essential oils have played a big part in my feeling good at 55 and still being able to fit into size 6 jeans. Come in at 5:50 to get straight to the good stuff in this video.
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Today in America, we have more than 100,000 chemicals on the market that have never been properly studied to see if they're toxic to human health. The average home contains more than 63 hazardous products, and the average woman is exposed to 300 chemicals daily in her personal care and home cleaning products.
The number 2 cause of death in America is cancer. According to research, 95% of cancer cases are caused by environment and the chemicals we're exposed to. This is why I've adopted a chemical-free lifestyle. I no longer spray my bathroom with Tilex and hold my breath while doing it. I no longer spray Lysol in my home because it's loaded with toxins. I'm the gatekeeper of my home and I don't want to poison my family and set them up for diseases later in life
See my photo and read my bio here wholelifeoils.com/danelle-carvell/
Then grab a drink, get comfortable and take 30 minutes to learn how you can improve the health of your family by saying NO to unhealthy home products. This audio class by the beautiful Sarah Harnisch will inspire you. https://oilabilityteam.com/toxin-free-life-audio/
Saturday, February 17, 2018
01-16-2013 Healing With Essential Oils - Dr. David Stewart
The author of Healing Oils of the Bible is my favorite essential oil expert. This is an interesting talk about how oils heal physically, spiritually and emotionally. Learn more at wholelifeoils.com/danelle-carvell/
Friday, February 16, 2018
The Missing Link by Dr. Gary Young
Oils were the first medicine of man. They produce the highest level of oxygenating molecules of any substance known to man. So many benefits in the oils of plants and so many people missing out. Learn more at wholelifeoils.com/danelle-carvell/
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Discover Essential Oils - A Complete Guide for Beginners
This is the class that peaked my interest in essential oils. I had an income of $20 a week when I bought my Young Living premium starter kit. It was a leap of faith that brought so many good things into my life..a home medicine chest, emotional healing, and a chemical-free lifestyle. Learn more at wholelifeoils.com/danelle-carvell/