The link below will open your eyes to the lies you are being told about a virus with a 99% survival rate for most age groups. Fear is powerful, but knowledge is more powerful. Choose knowledge over fear and watch what this front line doctor has to share about what she has observed during this fake pandemic. Also, ask yourself why a professional like her would put so much time and effort into speaking about this if she wasn't motivated by truth and the desire to help humanity. 

Those who want to silence her are trying to discredit the information she shares. So you must also ask yourself, why are they trying to silence her? Why do they see her as a threat? 

Friday, January 29, 2021


I keep questioning why I felt no fear about Covid from day one while almost everyone around me was freaking out and strapping masks on. I got fired last year because I want to breathe. The virus has higher than a 99% survival rate, but people are still fearful ten months later. Listen to this interview with Dr. Lee Merrit and open your mind to the possibility that you have been lied to and it's time to get back to living. Doctor Merrit's best advice is at the end.

 If you can't play the video at the last link below, then go to and look for a video titled, Bio-warfare and weaponization of medicine amid Covid  It is toward the top of the site right now under 'Trending.' 

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Halt the wall that protects the American people, and then build a wall that protects the government from the American people. What's wrong with this picture?

DC Officials Announce Plans to Erect Permanent Security Fence Around US Capitol - In Same Week Democrats Ended Construction of Border Security Fence: Joe Biden signed an executive order to stop the building of the border wall immediately after his virtual unattended inauguration. Walls don’t work. They’re immoral. And racist. But Washington DC officials announced this week they will erect a permanent security fence around the US Capitol because walls work in DC! This is People’s Pelosi’s House.…


Mask mandates do not work. Study after study proves the mask is worthless. Do some research. Dr. Fauci even said the mask is worthless on a 60-minutes interview. Look it up and watch it. And don't fall for the cover-up videos that tell you he changed his mind about masks. 

Why doesn't anyone care that there is absolutely no proof out there that a mask will protect you? Zilch, zero, nada scientific evidence supporting mask wearing as a way to slow the spread of a virus. None!

The trajectory of this virus has been completely unaffected by mask wearing. You are not a love-your-neighbor hero if you wear a mask. You are denying your body much-needed oxygen, and you are saving no one.  Click on the link below. 


Biden wants to open our borders, shut down our economy, end the auto and aviation industries, and keep us dependent on other countries for energy such as oil and natural gas. On day one of his fake presidency, he shut down the keystone pipeline and destroyed all the jobs that went with it. He wants to destroy freedom, privacy and private property. He wants to take our guns so we can't fight back. 

The New World Order that the deep state is pushing cannot co-exist with a strong America and citizens who enjoy civil liberties. One by one, Biden is destroying with executive orders every good thing that President Trump did in four years. If you voted for him, you voted for evil and now you will get to see just how evil this man is. 


Biden hands over control of America’s power grid to communist China: Hunter’s dad has already revoked an executive order signed by President Donald Trump that barred communist China and other hostile foreign entities from gaining access to America’s power grid. Deceptively named the “Executive Order on Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis,” Joe Biden’s order undoing Trump’s brings […]

Wednesday, January 27, 2021


What's in the covid 19 vaccine? Aborted baby tissue, recombinant DNA and all kinds of crap. All you have to do is read the package and do some research. At least know what's in the vaccine before you line up for it. Why blindly trust something that you can't remove from your body once it is injected? 

Situation Update, Jan 27th – Covid “science” insanity: Anal swabs and face diapers

Situation Update, Jan 27th – Covid “science” insanity: Anal swabs and face diapers: Today’s Situation Update for Jan. 27th discusses the TEXIT movement (Texas secession), the military “occupation” of the District of Columbia foreign land (DC), and dares to delve into bizarre, horrifying new “science” that demands anal swab covid testing for children and adults. Yes, anal swabs are the new covid-19 testing protocol now being pushed in […]

Texas files, WINS, first major lawsuit against Biden regime over refusal to deport illegal alien criminals

Texas files, WINS, first major lawsuit against Biden regime over refusal to deport illegal alien criminals: In addition to making his first moves to destroy American energy independence by canceling pipelines and safe drilling on federal (taxpayer) lands, President Joe Biden also demonstrated he is intent on making our country less safe. Late last week following a report from Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that the Biden regime had ordered Immigration and […]

Fauci Virus: Shocking new evidence proves covid-19 began with Dr. Anthony Fauci and NIAID

Fauci Virus: Shocking new evidence proves covid-19 began with Dr. Anthony Fauci and NIAID: An investigation into the origin of covid-19 has uncovered a final trail of evidence that directly links Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to get unethical gain-of-function research on coronaviruses. The gain-of-function research that was conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China was intended to engineer […]

Tuesday, January 26, 2021


Getting your focus on God right now is going to turn things around. A great shaking is coming to Earth. Those who are not grounded in the Lord will have their lives turned upside down. This is a time for the testing of our faith. You need to stand firm. Focus on what God is saying, not on what the news is saying. 

Also, have compassion on President Trump. The church should not curse him or feel disappointment in him. We should care for and defend him. He has endured a great suffering. But there is a resurrection coming. God's will shall be done. This nation is in the process of birthing a great revival. This painful time we are enduring will be worth it. We are actually living in a wonderful hour and are about to see a great blessing. 

The Highest Paid Federal Government Employee Is the Same Guy Who Cost Millions of Americans Their Jobs

Here he is, the guy who is now telling us to wear two masks. I'm pretty sure that God is disgusted with this man and his days are numbered. In a 60 Minutes interview, he said that a mask will not provide protection from a virus, and now he thinks we should wear two. He lost his credibility. Is anyone even listening to this overpaid government worker. I can't call him a doctor. A true doctor has integrity. 

The Highest Paid Federal Government Employee Is the Same Guy Who Cost Millions of Americans Their Jobs: What an outrage, the same guy who cost millions of Americans their jobs is the highest paid employee in the US government. Forbes reported yesterday that Dr. Fauci is the highest paid individual in the US Government: Dr. Anthony Fauci made $417,608 in 2019, the latest year for which federal salaries are available. That made him…

President Trump Announces 'Office of the Former President' - Will Carry On the Agenda of the Trump Administration

President Trump Announces 'Office of the Former President' - Will Carry On the Agenda of the Trump Administration: President Trump announced he created the “Office of the Former President”.  He will use this office to carry on the agenda of the Trump Administration. President Trump announced that he is officially creating the ‘Office of the Former President’.  He announced this on Telegram today: This is one of the first actions coming from the…

Biden suspends new oil, gas drilling permits on federal land, signaling beginning of energy price hikes

Biden suspends new oil, gas drilling permits on federal land, signaling beginning of energy price hikes: President Joe Biden’s administration announced on Thursday, Jan. 21, a 60-day suspension of new oil and gas leasing and drilling permits for U.S. lands and waters. The suspension, part of a review of President Donald Trump’s environmental policies, went into effect after Acting Interior Secretary Scott de la Vega signed the order on Wednesday, Jan. […]

Just in time for Biden, WHO finally admits PCR tests produce false coronavirus positives

Just in time for Biden, WHO finally admits PCR tests produce false coronavirus positives: The World Health Organization (WHO) is finally coming clean about the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) testing scandal that resulted in untold millions of people falsely testing “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) – but only because Joe Biden has now been coronated as “president.” All throughout 2020 with President Donald Trump at the helm, PCR […]

Situation Update, Jan 26th – Trump makes moves toward parallel presidency as Biden agenda blockaded

Situation Update, Jan 26th – Trump makes moves toward parallel presidency as Biden agenda blockaded: The resistance to the corrupt Biden agenda is gaining steam and it’s now clear that numerous elements of the political machine are lining up to block Biden’s actions. For example, with two Democrat senators now stating that they will not support the removal of the filibuster rule, this means the filibuster will almost certainly remain […]

Monday, January 25, 2021

Situation Update for Jan 25th, 2021 – The trigger for the military to move against Biden (you won’t like this)

Situation Update for Jan 25th, 2021 – The trigger for the military to move against Biden (you won’t like this): A lot of people won’t want to hear today’s Situation Update, even though it still delivers many action items and justification for optimism. What people want to hear are instant solutions: “Joe Biden will be removed by Saturday” or “there will be a new election on March 4th under the restored republic.” I’m sorry to […]

Jonathan Cahn: Prophetic Message to Joe Biden! (Presidential Inaugura...

We can't have unity and peace in America when we have no unity and peace with God. Everything Biden is doing, everything he stands for goes against God's word and His Ways. Christians who voted for Biden should be severely questioning their beliefs and their judgement. 

The Great Awakening, See The Difference, How Do You Inject Legal Evidence? Optics – Ep. 2386

Biden is reversing all the good things that President Trump did in four years by signing executive orders. People are already starting to notice. You are going to realize how good you had it while Trump was president. You will not escape seeing how evil the Biden administration is. 

Saturday, January 23, 2021


By Danelle Carvell 

I really felt it today... a severe drop in my hope. I woke up feeling beat up and pretty much disgusted with this whole thing called life. I can't blame it all on the covid monster or the disappointment of a stolen election. There are other reasons for the way I'm feeling right now, but I won't go into that. This is meant to be an encouraging piece, so let's get to the good stuff. 

I recently rekindled a friendship with someone by sending a Christmas card. I do crazy things like sending people cards out of the blue as a thank you for something they might have done for me 20 years ago. I just like to show appreciation and I like to encourage people in an unexpected way. I think the world needs more of that.

Anyway, I've been texting this person for several weeks about the election, and the last thing I shared today was a confession that I'm losing hope in the entire situation. The world is circling the drain, and all we can do is hang on for the bumpy ride down the sludgy sewer pipe. That's about how I felt. 

But I forced myself out of bed, washed my hair and put some make-up on, got dressed and headed to Goodwill to purchase something that I regretted not buying when I was there yesterday... a soft fuzzy pink night shirt to match my pink pajama pants. If I'm going to be miserable, I may as well be comfortable while I'm wallowing. 

I was within miles of the store when I remembered the coat in my trunk... a new coat from Cabelas that was meant for my granddaughter. It was slightly too small for her, but rather than send it back, I decided to keep it and pray for that pretty blue hooded coat with lined pockets to find its way to the right person who needs it. 

For almost two months I drove around with that coat in my trunk, I was keeping my eye out for someone who appeared to be the right size, a girl who appeared to be in need of a coat. I had been at Goodwill yesterday, but didn't feel an opportunity to offer the coat to anyone. "I want to find the girl who belongs to that coat," I said out loud as I made the final turn toward Goodwill. 

As I walked toward the door, two young girls ran out of the store followed by a woman I assumed was their mother. The older girl was wearing a light jacket that would have been more appropriate for fall than a cold day in January. I mulled it over for only a few seconds before a burst of courage took over me.

"Excuse me," I said to the woman. "I'm going out on a limb here, because I don't know how you're going to take this, but I have been driving around with this new coat in my car, hoping to give it to someone. It was too small for my granddaughter." 

Her facial expression was shock and confusion. I think at that point she thought I was trying to sell it. How often does a stranger pull a new coat out of a trunk? After convincing her that I would rather give it to her than donate it, she agreed to look at it. Her instant smile when I pulled away the plastic, and then what she said next, let me know I had chosen the right person.

"You know what? I bought a pair of snow pants for my daughter and haven't been able to find a coat that matches. That shade of purple right there will match those pants perfectly." What a lift to my spirit! What an answer to prayer...and so quickly. From the time I spoke that prayer to the time I handed over that coat couldn't have been more than five minutes. 

The mom was so appreciative. Her girls had already jumped into the back seat and I'm not sure they knew what was going on, but one of them was going to be happy about her new coat. My guess is that their mom had been praying too. She prays for her girls and for their needs to be met. And that is what brought us together today..those prayers. 

All this tension we've been enduring with covid and the election has taken its toll on all of us. But I was reminded today that we still have a God who cares about us and the things that we need. My hope has floated back to the top where it belongs. It's time to hope again.   

For more on guarding against a deferred hope that causes discouragement and even bitterness, read today's Give Him 15 Daily Prayer with Dutch Sheets titled, It's Time to Hope Again on You Tube




Thursday, January 21, 2021

Situation Update, Jan 21, 2021 – The astonishing case for optimism and faith

Situation Update, Jan 21, 2021 – The astonishing case for optimism and faith: After the staged, theatrical Biden inauguration yesterday that carries no legitimate legal standing whatsoever, people lost their minds as they fell for the spell of the fake news media that broadcast the Big Lie, in Hunger Games style. Many patriots lashed out against podcasters and independent media outlets who have been operating in good faith […]

Wednesday, January 20, 2021


Here is a list of what Biden supporters voted for. Biden signed three executive orders on his first day in office and not one of them is good for America.

The way people are handling today’s events tells you everything you need to know about their true character

Today did not play out as I expected, but I still believe that God has a plan for America that does not include Joe Biden as president. God's timing is perfect and I completely trust his timing. I refuse to believe that freedom, justice and righteousness have been defeated today. I strongly encourage you to keep your faith and keep praying.

The way people are handling today’s events tells you everything you need to know about their true character: It’s truly fascinating. Many patriots, upon seeing Joe Biden sworn in on TV — nothing but a theatrical production, of course — have lost their minds and surrendered to defeat. They had hoped that military arrests of Biden would occur on their desired schedule. Because if the timing of the world doesn’t match their expectations, […]

Situation Update, Jan. 18, 2021 – Game-changing intel grants Trump new pathways to VICTORY

Situation Update, Jan. 18, 2021 – Game-changing intel grants Trump new pathways to VICTORY: Because of the increasing popularity of the Situation Update podcast, information came my way that lays out a path for justified optimism on what’s coming in the days ahead. As I say in the podcast, “I now know what Lin Wood knows.” This statement does not in any way imply that Lin Wood is the […]

Sunday, January 17, 2021


Here's a challenge for all who dislike President Trump. Read this and then tell me how you will explain to your children and grandchildren how you justified your hatred for this man. 

Ep 2379b – Declass, MEMO Is Just The Beginning, Warning Storm Ahead

Ep 2379b – Declass, MEMO Is Just The Beginning, Warning Storm Ahead: 😋 Reach Your New Year's Resolutions With The Help of Keto! ➡️ Get 51% OFF By Clicking The Link Above ^^^  The MSM is now reporting

Retired 3-star General McInerney calls for President Trump to invoke Insurrection Act, suspend Habeas Corpus, declare martial law and initiate MASS ARRESTS under military authority

Retired 3-star General McInerney calls for President Trump to invoke Insurrection Act, suspend Habeas Corpus, declare martial law and initiate MASS ARRESTS under military authority: Brannon House of has published another bombshell interview with retired 3-star General Thomas McInerney, who is openly calling on President Trump to recognize severity of the cyber war assault on America by invoking the Insurrection Act, suspending Habeas Corpus (as Lincoln did) and initiate mass arrests under military authority. The original, full interview is […]

FlashPoint: Watch God Move! Michele Bachmann, Lance Wallnau, Hank Kunnem...

Now is the time to pay attention to the prophets. God has not taken his hand off this country. The best is yet to come. At the 35-minute mark on this video, Hank Kunneman talks about tremors on earth. The ground and the soil shall shake and there shall be a wind in various places. These things are already being reported, loud unexplainable bangs in the middle of the night and unusual winds in various states. 

We need to stay in a position of faith and get our focus on God. The winds of change are coming. God will expose and bring to justice those who must be held accountable for their evil acts. 

Feds admit Capitol “siege” was planned in advance by Trump haters, not Trump supporters

Feds admit Capitol “siege” was planned in advance by Trump haters, not Trump supporters: Federal law enforcement officials are blowing the lid on the Capitol false flag “siege,” revealing that it was planned long in advance by bad actors who hate President Donald Trump rather than support him. Many conservatives are already aware of the fact that those who “stormed” the chambers of Congress on Jan. 6 were not […]


A list of companies will be taken down as a declaration of war with China. Russia is staying out of it. Don't be scared. We are about to be liberated. You will be hearing all kinds of shocking information, but it is all going somewhere good. The actions being taken are necessary for a global awakening. There's nothing more Trump can do to expose the evil. It's now time for the evil to be eradicated. Praise God!

Ep 2374b – Message Received, Blackout, Hello GEORGE, Time To Show The World The Truth

Ep 2374b – Message Received, Blackout, Hello GEORGE, Time To Show The World The Truth: 😋 Reach Your New Year's Resolutions With The Help of Keto! ➡️ Get 51% OFF By Clicking The Link Above ^^^  The [DS]/MSM are now

Sunday, January 10, 2021


Covid is just a rebrand of the flu and the mask is just a symbol of compliance and submission. In a few months, it will be one year since we shut down the country for a virus. Viruses have been killing people for centuries, but with the right marketing and a good dose of fear, you can convince people of a fake pandemic. The death rate is no higher than usual in America since covid. We've created a national virus phobia. When will it end?

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Friday, January 8, 2021


We still have time for something unexpected and amazing to happen before Trump's first four years in office are complete. The broadcast they talk about in the beginning can be found in the post directly below this one. Just hit the home link under this post and scroll down.

FlashPoint: The Prophetic Voices Speak VICTORY! | Dutch Sheets, Lance Wa...

90 minutes of what God has to say about the latest events--the shootings at the Trump rally in DC, the election fraud, the fake news headlines and why we should remain optimistic about the future, even celebrate it. The incredible Trump journey is just beginning. 


Some of the highlights of this episode at the link below: Why VP Pence didn't stand up for Trump. Why many traitors will be arrested over the next several days. Also, the proof of Italian interference in the US elections, and why now is the time to put our faith in God. 

Shot Heard Around The World,It Had To Be This Way,The Crime Of Treason Has Been Completed-Ep. 2372

The link below will explain why things had to play out this way and why it must look as if we lost before we can actually win. The swamp creatures needed to be exposed before the swamp is drained. Stay encouraged. Things are about to get interesting. 


I can't go for health reasons, but I would love to be there. The march to DC in two days will be a moment in history, perhaps the most historic event of our time. Pray for those who are going. And if you are going, may God bless your courage and concern for America.

BREAKING TRUMP NEWS 8PM 01/03/21 | Life, Liberty & Levin Jan 03, 2021

The latest update on what is at stake at this point and what the radical left is trying to accomplish to destroy our freedoms and everything good about America. This is very serious.

Sunday, January 3, 2021


 The year 2020 has been most unusual.

It started with an unprecedented global pandemic caused by the CCP virus, and it’s concluding with the U.S. presidential election, which has captivated the world.

On election night, on Nov. 3, an assortment of anomalies were observed, followed by a large number of specific allegations of election fraud. As the integrity of the election continued to be questioned and evidence continued to emerge, most mainstream media stuck to a one-sided narrative by calling the 2020 election the most secure in American history, and sought to silence opposing voices.

The results of the 2020 election will not only decide the future of the United States, but also determine the future of the world.

Friday, January 1, 2021

No More Cloudy Days

This underappreciated gem by the Eagles is my perfect theme song for this new year. I remember the first time I heard this song as a much younger person. I immediately loved it. It's about second chances and believing in the possibilities the future holds. 

If 2020 was not good to you, things are going to turn around.
Stay encouraged. I think of God singing this song to me and it becomes even more encouraging. I can't stop playing it.