Monday, May 31, 2021

Ep 2491b – States Will Lead The Charge,The People Will Decide, Constitution Is The Only Way

Ep 2491b – States Will Lead The Charge,The People Will Decide, Constitution Is The Only Way: 🌿  Be The Best Version of Yourself in 2021 With Ageless Body 😍 Get 51% Off by Clicking Here ➡️  The [DS] election plan has failed


 Happy Memorial Day. Wishing everyone a fabulous day. I hope you are feeling encouraged as we see positive things happening in our country to expose the Deep State and get closer to restoring a future of freedom and happiness for our children and grandchildren.

I won't be posting news updates for about a week. But check out the news links on the right side of my blog to stay informed because things are starting to get good. Patriot insiders are getting bolder with their words as if they know something big is on the horizon. The prophets are not backing down with their hopeful outlook for America. Stay encouraged!


Mel and Charlie share thoughts as we start another week of the peaceful American Revolution 2.0 and the global movement to regain sovereignty, peace and prosperity. Today we honor all warriors past, present and future that have sacrificed for the greater good and for the survival of humanity. We The People Do Not Consent & Stand United. #GodWins

We love what we do and are working hard to keep on top of everything to help this transition along peacefully and with love 

Sometimes You Must Show The People Everything To Remember Those Who Gave Everything – Ep. 2490

The globalist plan is not going as planned. Nations are now pushing back and not accepting what the globalists are offering. Switzerland pushes back on free trade. Yellen says inflation might be worse than expected. The [CB] know what is coming, this is why they started hiding the data. Out of mind out of sight. The patriots needed to show everyone everything. The people must see the difference between what the [DS] is offering and what the US was meant to be. The people are noticing the difference and patriotism is rising, the [DS] narrative is failing. The [DS] is now pushing back on the audits, they know if they don’t stop them, its game over. If one falls they all fall. Scavino shows the difference between a President that is for the people and a President who takes orders from the [DS].

Sometimes You Must Show The People Everything To Remember Those Who Gave Everything – Ep. 2490

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi Interview – COVID Vaccine Blood Clot Risk Was Known, Ignored & Buried

Joining us today is Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, here to discuss the ‘dangerous mRNA vaccines’ and how he and his organization warned about the blood clots (and much else now coming to pass) that we are now seeing from the COVID-19 injections, months before they began. He stresses that it is important that we come to understand what Cerebral Venous Thrombosis is, and why all of its symptoms seem to be identical to what we are told COVID-19 symptoms are. 

How to overcome the pressure to get a COVID vaccine

If I were an employee or student who was required or feeling coerced into getting a COVID vaccine, here’s how I would strategically handle it… 

Prepping essentials: 8 Survival uses for rubbing alcohol

Prepping essentials: 8 Survival uses for rubbing alcohol: Rubbing alcohol is a sought-after product in stores because it’s a convenient disinfectant for a variety of things. But did you know that rubbing alcohol also has several survival uses? This versatile item can even be used to make a liniment or to start a fire. (h/t to Using rubbing alcohol correctly Rubbing alcohol is […]

Dr Zelenko calls child vaccine mandate ‘coercive human experimentation, crimes against humanity’

Dr Zelenko calls child vaccine mandate ‘coercive human experimentation, crimes against humanity’: Zelenko Protocol discoverer Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD today called child vaccine mandates “coercive human experimentation,” calling for those responsible for such policies to be tried for “crimes against humanity.” (Article republished from “According to the CDC, healthy kids 18 or younger have a 99.998% rate of recovery from COVID-19 WITHOUT any treatment,” Zelenko told America’s […]

"It Should Be that He Is Simply Reinstated, That a New Inauguration Day Is Set" - Sidney Powell Speaks in TX on What Happens After the Fraud Is Exposed (VIDEO)

"It Should Be that He Is Simply Reinstated, That a New Inauguration Day Is Set" - Sidney Powell Speaks in TX on What Happens After the Fraud Is Exposed (VIDEO): Attorney Sidney Powell spoke at the For God and Country Rally this Memorial Day Weekend in Dallas, Texas. During her on-stage discussion, Sidney Powell was asked about what will happen if several states overturn their 2020 presidential election results. Sidney Powell: We’re definitely in uncharted territory. There are cases where elections have been overturned. But…

Saturday, May 29, 2021

FIVE TYPES OF ADULT BULLIES and I've met them all

 By Danelle Carvell
         Wouldn't life be easier if we could all act like friends

I once thought of bullying as something only kids and teenagers do. I believed that the world beyond high school would be bully free. Being an adult meant acting like one. But last year I saw adults being mean to each other in ways that reminded me of the third grade schoolyard. Covid brought out the worst in people. 

I'm not on Facebook much anymore. The mask wars put me over the edge. I had experienced bullying on social media before Covid, but 2020 was the year I needed to step away. I didn't realize how the negative conversations on Facebook were affecting me until I took a break from it. 

I was shocked by the rude comments and who was behind them. Arguments about Covid swayed me to click the unfriend button several times. One of my Facebook friends even gave me a lecture about being able to disagree and still be friends. She didn't think I should unfriend people because they don't agree with me. 

When you smear someone's character or make demands on them, you go beyond disagreeing with them. Several people stepped over the line last year on Facebook, and I feel no guilt or remorse clicking the unfriend button when I'm being attacked.

Cyberbullying is one of many ways that adults bully each other. A recent study revealed that 31% surveyed have been bullied by adults. They also said that bullying has become more accepted in the past year. The digital age has enhanced our potential for being harmed by words. And Covid was the perfect opportunity for bullies to do their thing.

The keyboard gives false courage. Those who bullied me on Facebook last year wouldn't have found it so easy to say those things in person. Unkind words flow more freely in front of the screen, when the person isn't actually present. It's a cowardly act.

Bullies are often insecure, so they target people they feel threatened by. Those people are often smart, capable and well-liked  There's a saying about people who want to feel tall by cutting off the heads of others. Bullies often don't feel good about themselves, so they put others down to lift themselves up. My research on bullying has made me realize that bullies are broken, hurting, unhappy people. 

When I'm bullied, it really has nothing to do with me. Their hostility reveals more about them. Confident people with a strong self-esteem and a happy life don't need to be mean. Keeping that in mind has made it easier for me to have empathy for bullies. I'm not writing this to admonish the bullies in my life, but to help others understand and deal with adult bullies. 

The definition of bullying is "aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort." Being on the receiving end of bullying can cause both physical and emotional stress that includes Sleep loss, headaches, muscle pain, anxiety, depression and frequent sick days. Over time, more serious issues can manifest. Thyroid problems, gastrointestinal problems, high blood pressure, mood disorders, self-destructive behaviors, eating disorders and other health problems can be the result of bullying. 

According to Psychology Today, there are five ways that adults bully one another. I already mentioned cyberbullying. The second way is tangible/ material bullying. That's when someone uses advantage in stature or resources to dominate and control the victim. They might be in a higher position over you or they might use material leverage such as money, information or the law to intimidate, threaten or harass you. I have experienced this type of bullying in the workplace.  

The workplace is one of the worst places to experience bullying because it affects our ability to focus and function. The last time I was bullied at work, I found myself forgetting things and making mistakes I probably wouldn't have made in a pleasant work environment. 

Because I was focused on self-preservation, I found it difficult to focus on my work. I was basically treated like a dog at that job. I say that because pounding on a table, clapping, and pounding on the back of my chair are things this person did to get my attention. And those are things you do to get a dog's attention. 

I finally quit after enduring the abuse for several years. It felt like being let out of prison. To make things worse, she never owned up to the abuse when I called her out on it. She would either claim that she didn't remember the incident or tell me that I'm too sensitive. Eventually I gave up confronting her because I knew she would just throw it all back on me.

That's what bullies do. They abuse you and then tell you that you need to toughen up. They find a way to make you the one with the problem. It's never them. It took me a long time to realize that I was being bullied in that job. One of my co-workers said that she wanted to warn me when I was hired. A few others gave me their phone numbers if I needed to talk and they told me that I wasn't the first person who was forced to quit that position. 

Finding support from co workers is important if you're planning to keep the job. Being bullied affects you unconsciously and you'll need that support. If it's possible to limit your exposure to the bullying, do what you can to make that happen. Write down every bullying event and the date. This will help you to acknowledge that you are being bullied and it's important if you decide to report the abuse. 

The third type of bully is the passive/aggressive or covert bully. This is a bully who takes you down slowly and is more sly about it. They might use negative gossip, joking at your expense, sarcasm, eye contact, facial expressions or gestures that are condescending. They might give you a mean look or deliberately cause you embarrassment. This bully might also ignore you, isolate you or exclude you. They scheme to find ways to sabotage your well-being, happiness or success. 

I have also been on the receiving end of this type of bullying. Both of my examples are women who used condescending gestures and facial expressions as well as negative gossip and deliberate embarrassment to harm me. When I think about the reasons why these women bullied me, I can only come up with two reasons: envy and resentment. One of the women resented me for something that happened more than twenty years ago, and the other one felt threatened by me for reasons that were only in her head.

Once again, bullying says more about the bully than the victim. People who hang on to resentment for that long need to look at their own lives and assess their own  mistakes and imperfections. And someone who feels threatened by another woman also needs to examine herself or  question her situation to figure out what's causing her insecurities. 

The fourth type of adult bullying is verbal bullying. This is straight in your face bullying in the form of threats, shaming, hostile teasing, insults, constant negative judgement and criticism or racist sexist language. This is the one I struggle most to find examples from my own life, perhaps because it takes more courage to bully someone so openly and obviously. But I have experienced this type of bullying and I have watched others repeatedly endure it, sometimes from their own family members. 

An important thing to remember about bullies is that they often pick on those that they perceive as weak, so as long as you remain passive and don't stand up for yourself, you make yourself a continuous target. A bully will often back down when the victim shows some backbone and stands up for himself. 

The fifth type of bully is even bolder than the verbal bully. He will use  intimidation, threats, harassment or harm his victim by attacking the person physically. He might throw things, hit someone, sexually harass the victim or use physical gestures to scare you. I experienced this type of bullying when I was in my twenties and it happened in front of a room full of people. The humiliation is something I will never forget. 

There's a saying that suggests we can teach people how to treat us. And there's another saying from an unknown source that says people will hate and bully you for three reasons: they see you as a threat, they hate themselves, or they want to be you. All three reasons reveal the heart of the bully and the pain that's causing their actions. It's really not about you.

Nobel Prize Winner Warns Vaccines Facilitate Development of Deadlier COVID Variants, Urges Public to Reject Jabs

 The vaccines don’t stop the virus, argues the prominent virologist, they do the opposite — they “feed the virus,” and facilitate its development into stronger and more transmittable variants. These new virus variants will be more resistant to vaccination and may cause more health implications than their “original” versions.

CV19 Vax Resistant Mutations, Ballot Audits Continue, Inflation Tax

The CV19 vaccines are creating variants or mutations that are resistant to the CV19 vaccine.  He also says that he is following the global vaccination push closely and says he is documenting that the “curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of deaths.” 


This short dream from the Lord was an admonition to STAY FOCUSED! There is a momentum and a shift taking place and God is mobilizing the saints!


Come in at 9 minutes to get right to Kat's update on current events in America.

TRUMP-FORCE-ONE IS BACK!!!! LOOK What Trump Is Going To Do With IT!

Trump isn't going away. He knows something and he has big plans. In time, we will be let in on those plans. Probably by the end of the year, but I'm hoping sooner. 


Mel & Rob take a look at current events and cant help but see that the mass awakening is real and we are going through a global deprogramming from our decades old slumber. The War is real but the great reset is failing. Red Pills are everywhere, and their operations are coming out of the darkness into the light. #GodWins 

Federal law prohibits mandates of emergency use COVID vaccines, tests, masks — 3 resources you can use to inform your school or employer

Federal law prohibits mandates of emergency use COVID vaccines, tests, masks — 3 resources you can use to inform your school or employer: With more than 100 U.S. colleges mandating COVID vaccines for in-person attendance and schools enforcing mask mandates, it’s critical people understand their rights. (Article by Aimee Villella McBride and Stephanie Locricchio republished from The bottom line is this: mandating products authorized for Emergency Use Authorization status (EUA) violates federal law as detailed in the following legal notifications. All COVID vaccines, COVID PCR and […]

Gen. Flynn: COVID Was A PLANNED Conspiracy To Divert Attention And Steal An Election!

Yes, he literally said this was planned a long time ago.

Some people were really desperate and they used their free time to plot something like this. One can never underestimate desperate people.

They gave us hell and we are still living in it. We are fed up with this plandemic. They did this just because they couldn’t control all the people who support Donald Trump. 

Joe Biden, The Democrat Party, and the Abstract Truth

 Just as the Nazis instinctively knew that the world might be morally incensed at the knowledge that they were carrying out the wholesale extermination of the entire Jewish population of Europe, they kept it a clandestine operation; likewise, the Democratic Party instinctively knows that the majority of the citizenry might not be keen on the knowledge that they are carrying out the utter demise of the American civilization as we know it.

Dr. Tenpenny: Covid Shots Start Genetic Process That Is ‘Like Having an on Button With No off Button’

If you’ve already received the “Fauci Ouchy,” there isn’t really anything that can be done at this time. Perhaps as more people succumb to the side-effects of gene manipulation inherent in these drugs, doctors and researchers will dig deeper into ways of reversing the process, but right now there’s no way to do it.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Mask Rebellion Picking Up Steam

All I can say is, Yay! I was fired for not wearing a mask and I recently yelled, "Take Off the Masks!" just before my granddaughter was about to mask sing for a grandparents day program at her school. I offer no apologies. Adults who are forcing children to wear masks should be ashamed of themselves. They should do some research. Masks negatively affect children physically, mentally and emotionally. You are cutting off oxygen to their growing brains, forcing them to suck back their exhaled bacteria and their own carbon dioxide. This is child abuse. And people should be arrested. 

Why Are Democrats So Afraid of Election Audits?

 Democrats claim that election audits like the one in Arizona are an existential threat to democracy, but it’s difficult to see how that could be the case unless they reveal that our elections have been hijacked by political partisans.

Every time you see a liberal melting down about election audits, just ask yourself: What are they so afraid of?


 The content of the emails would seem to suggest an underlying emphasis on ensuring subservience to the Chinese authorities, given that investigations and confidentiality agreements were arranged so as to please the Chinese, rather than any other country or organization, and thus would further the national interests or defend the national pride of China.

Indeed, Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton pointed to this fact, accusing Fauci and the WHO of colluding with the Chinese in a cover-up attempt: “These new emails show WHO and Fauci’s NIH special accommodations to Chinese communist efforts to control information about COVID-19.”

Frontline doctors file motion to stop FDA authorization of COVID vaccines for children

With a ‘12,000 percent increase in deaths with these vaccines’ and ‘statistically zero risk’ of children dying from COVID-19, plaintiffs argue there is no justification for such injections 


 You will have to read fast to keep up with this video, but it is quite entertaining. I laughed at some of the dialogue, but it's also not funny. Seeing how close our country has come to the horrors of Hitler is far from funny. We can't ever let this happen again. And that means patriots must step up and get involved in their local school boards, local government, state government and all organizations where corruption could affect our freedoms and way of life. We can no longer be complacent. We must keep these evil people in check. 

Tim Truth talks to the Health Ranger about covid masks, vaccines and unsolved mysteries

Tim Truth talks to the Health Ranger about covid masks, vaccines and unsolved mysteries: Are you someone who used to identify as a “liberal” but who later came to your senses after diving a little bit deeper into the “conspiracy theories” that the government and media want us all to ignore? If so, then you will not want to miss the following episode of Brighteon Conversations with Tim Truth. […]

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Sidney Powell Weighs in on Georgia Audit: 145,000 Absentee Ballots, 106,000 Adjudicated Ballots, Video of Multiple Scannings of Same Ballots and Nine Witnesses of Suspected Fake Ballots!

Sidney Powell Weighs in on Georgia Audit: 145,000 Absentee Ballots, 106,000 Adjudicated Ballots, Video of Multiple Scannings of Same Ballots and Nine Witnesses of Suspected Fake Ballots!: On Friday Henry County Georgia Chief Judge Brian J. Amero ordered Fulton County absentee ballots unsealed and inspected by auditors. On Friday night Attorney Sidney Powell posted this on Telegram: With a GA judge ordering the audit of 145,000 mail-in ballots in Fulton County it is important to remember how events transpired on Nov. 3.…

35 Republicans Join Dems to Frame Trump FULL SHOW 5-20-21

An update on the Maricopa County election audit and how the Dems are trying to stop it is part of this discussion. 

Joe Biden is proving even more of a ‘master of disaster’ than Jimmy Carter

Joe Biden is proving even more of a ‘master of disaster’ than Jimmy Carter: President Joe Biden entered office poised to oversee a record recovery and a return to the booming economy and all-round stability of pre-pandemic life. Instead, he’s turned out to be a master of disaster, with self-inflicted crises across the board threatening to set America back to the 1970s — with that era’s infamous “stagflation” as well […]

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Gretchen Whitmer Gets BAD NEWS after More Details about Her Trip to FL A...

Every day I hear another story about the stupid, illegal, wrong and evil actions of  people in positions of authority. They all will be weeded out and we will have a totally new and far better nation as a result. The really shocking stuff has yet to happen. 


Come in at 16 minutes to get straight to the good stuff.

MUST SEE: After 10-Year-Old Boy UNLEASHES on School Mask Mandate He's Gi...

You think that children are not suffering from these masks. Here's proof that they are.

House Intel Republicans: "Under the Leadership of Dr. Anthony Fauci" US Likely Engaged in Dangerous Research in China, Covid-19 Escaped Wuhan Lab

House Intel Republicans: "Under the Leadership of Dr. Anthony Fauci" US Likely Engaged in Dangerous Research in China, Covid-19 Escaped Wuhan Lab: US House Representatives led by Devin Nunes released a report showing that the US likely engaged in dangerous research in China and that the China coronavirus (COVID-19) likely escaped from a Wuhan lab.  This is consistent with what we have been reporting for a year. The Washington Times reported on the House report: House Intelligence…

It’s past time to recognize that we have grossly overcounted the number of COVID deaths for political purposes

It’s past time to recognize that we have grossly overcounted the number of COVID deaths for political purposes: As the COVID-19 pandemic reached U.S. shores and began to spread across the country, it became very obvious to seasoned political observers that deep state powers that be who operate in the shadows and were vehemently opposed to Donald Trump becoming president, saw an opportunity to get rid of him. They began viewing the pandemic as a […]

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Sen. John Kennedy Goes OFF on Biden - Demands He Get to Work Right Now

There's a goose and a day drinker in charge of America says Sen. John Kennedy. He says what many of us are thinking.

[LIVE] FLASHPOINT (May 18, 2021) | Hank Kunneman, Mario Murillo, Lance W...

This encouraging video offers a list of ways we are winning the war against evil after a fake pandemic and the stealing of an election. Also Sam Sorbo talks about her new book and reminds us that the lockdowns were unconstitutional and leftist government tyrants are warring against Christians. 


Lockdown updates worldwide, the shunning of anti-vaxxers, and the Israeli conflict are among the topics discussed. 

WOW! Biden Caught Fake Driving -- Someone Else Is Steering Vehicle -- It Was All a Stunt! -- VIDEO and PICS

WOW! Biden Caught Fake Driving -- Someone Else Is Steering Vehicle -- It Was All a Stunt! -- VIDEO and PICS: Netizens caught Joe Biden fake driving the new Ford F-150.This was all a show by his handlers to make Joe Biden look like he's in charge.

European database shows 405,250+ covid vaccine injuries, 10,570+ deaths (so far)

European database shows 405,250+ covid vaccine injuries, 10,570+ deaths (so far): The latest data from EudraVigilance, a European vaccine injury and death database, suggests that more people are now getting sick and dying from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections than from the virus itself. The side effects resource shows that as of May 8, 2021, 405,259 people have become injured from Chinese Virus jabs while another 10,570 […]

Monday, May 17, 2021

Biden isn’t fuelling anyone with his useless agenda

If I had voted for Biden, I would be feeling pretty stupid right now. The good thing that's coming of this is that we are finally seeing people for who they really are. The Bible says that every hidden thing will be revealed. Now is the time for exposing hidden evil agendas and the evil people pushing them.

 Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said soberly. “... I’ve never seen so much deterioration of our national security in such a short period of time, as I do right now. On multiple fronts, America is weaker, and the world is more dangerous. And I blame Joe Biden.”

This country is staring down crises in energy, the economy, the job market, Middle East, and the border, and what is this administration doing? Opening more transgender restrooms. 


New Revelations About VAERS; CDC New Mask Guidelines; North Dakota Bans Masks Mandates; 3 Covid Vaccine-Injured Medical Professionals Left Behind 


Mel K Joins Patriot Streetfighter Roundtable with the great Scott Mckay & Mike Jaco for a patriot warrior update. Lots of happenings in the world and we break it down From Arizona to Covid to International tension worldwide. 

Go out and ABUSE people who aren’t wearing a Covid mask – that’s the message from China Joe’s “science” regime

Go out and ABUSE people who aren’t wearing a Covid mask – that’s the message from China Joe’s “science” regime: In a recent tweet, senile Joe “China” Biden wrote: “If you see someone in a mask, “please treat them with kindness and respect.” Meaning if you see anyone without a mask, do not treat them with kindness or respect. In fact, that probably means they voted for Trump, so you should then go full ‘Mad-Max’ […]

Del Bigtree declares covid is a biological weapon (VIDEO)

Del Bigtree declares covid is a biological weapon: On May 11, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) grilled Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) about his agency’s illicit funding of dangerous gain of function research. Fauci of course denied that any such funding exists, even though there is an extensive paper trail proving it to be true. Del Bigtree […]

Coronavirus likely originated in a Chinese Lab… but the real villains are right here in America (Multiple Videos)

Coronavirus likely originated in a Chinese Lab… but the real villains are right here in America: Just last week, famed science reporter Nicholas Wade published an exhaustive, 11,000-word investigation into the origins of the Chinese coronavirus. Wade’s conclusion is unambiguous: The most compelling theory for the Covid-19 outbreak is that it inadvertently escaped from a Chinese lab conducting unsafe, experimental research. (Article republished from Neither the natural emergence nor the lab escape […]

Antony Blinken continues to lecture the world on values his administration aggressively violates

Antony Blinken continues to lecture the world on values his administration aggressively violates: Continuing his world tour doling out righteous lectures to the world, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday proclaimed — in a sermon you have to hear to believe — that few things are more sacred in a democracy than “independent journalism.” Speaking to Radio Free Europe, Blinken paid homage to “World Press Freedom Day”; claimed that […]


Joe Biden is not the president of the United States. The military is not taking orders from Biden. They are taking orders from Trump. Trump pulled back to let the American people see how corrupt Joe Biden is. It's only a matter of time before the Deep State destroys itself and Trump will be back where he belongs. Stay enocuraged and get ready to celebrate. 


The prophets agree that we will soon see Trump's return as president. I will be dancing in my driveway and waving my Trump flag.

Target Removes Trump Hater Chrissy Teigen's Cookware Line From Its Site After She Tried to Convince Multiple People, Including a Minor Teen to Kill Themselves

Prepare to hear about many more celebrities caught in scandals and losing their fame and fortune. Everything is being exposed. We will see them for who they really are and it won't be pretty. People you admired will be admired no more.

Target Removes Trump Hater Chrissy Teigen's Cookware Line From Its Site After She Tried to Convince Multiple People, Including a Minor Teen to Kill Themselves: Target removed Trump hater Chrissy Teigen’s cookware line “Cravings” from its site after she tried to convince multiple women to kill themselves. The Sun reported: CHRISSY Teigen’s Cravings kitchenware line has been removed from Target’s website following Courtney Stodden’s claims she was “bullied” by the star, The Sun can reveal. Earlier this week, Courtney said…

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Uncovered - A Direct Link Between the Chinese Military and a Major Pentagon-Funded Virus Research Center

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Uncovered - A Direct Link Between the Chinese Military and a Major Pentagon-Funded Virus Research Center: We’ve uncovered a Direct Link between the Chinese Military and a Major Pentagon-Funded Virus Research Center By Lawrence Sellin and Anna Chen Largely based on an examination of Chinese-language documents and scientific publications, we believe that the Military Veterinary Research Institute and the Institute of Zoonotic Diseases in Changchun, Jilin Province, China, led by People’s…

Fauci pushed, funded gain of function research with FERRETS using communist China to bypass U.S. restrictions on dangerous bioweapons research

"It is no longer a secret that Fauci is the reason why we are all in this mess. He is directly responsible for every single death that resulted from Chinese Virus infection, and he is now murdering even more people with deadly injections disguised as “vaccines.”
Fauci pushed, funded gain of function research with FERRETS using communist China to bypass U.S. restrictions on dangerous bioweapons research: A new investigative report from Fox News host Steve Hilton sheds fresh light on the potential origin of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), which we now know has Anthony Fauci’s name written all over it. According to Hilton, the Chinese Virus has nothing to do with wet markets or bat soup as was originally claimed. It […]

Study finds that 25% of vaccinated people suffer from post-immunization effects, ranging from mild to life-threatening

Study finds that 25% of vaccinated people suffer from post-immunization effects, ranging from mild to life-threatening: A British study using real-world data has shown that 25 percent of vaccinated people experience mild side effects after COVID-19 immunization. Researchers looked at data they obtained through an app that tracks the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.K. for their paper. They found that the mild side effects – the most common being headache – […]

120+ retired military flag officers warn US ‘under assault’ by socialists, Marxists, urges Americans to fight back

120+ retired military flag officers warn US ‘under assault’ by socialists, Marxists, urges Americans to fight back: More than 120 retired military flag officers with Flag Officers 4 America published an open letter Monday warning that the United States is in “deep peril” and under “tremendous assault” by supporters of socialism and Marxism, urging Americans to get involved in “a fight for our survival as a Constitutional Republic like no other time since our […]


Americans are finally waking up to the fact that we are under scientific coordinated attack by globalists pushing a new world order. 

Candace Owens rips into Meghan Markle, Michelle Obama for acting like 'v...

Yeah, she and me are beyond tired of hearing the whining coming from these people. I don't feel sorry for any of them. But they sure have made feeling sorry for themselves a way of life. 


Are big tech, and government swamp rats pumping out reams of coronavirus misinformation? Also, these four headlines are hard evidence of creeping totalitarianism. 

9th May Update Current News

Yes, it would be great to see Trump return to office on the Fourth of July. What a celebration that would be!


It’s abundantly clear now that pretty much everything that the public has been told and continues to be told is between untrue and downright lies.

I offer as a shortlist that:

  • PCR mass testing reasonably reliably distinguishes infected and infectious people from others;

  • that masks reduce transmission of respiratory viruses; 

  • that transmission of infection in the absence of symptoms is an important contribution to epidemic spreading;

  • that lockdowns as executed reduce hospitalization and deaths;

  • that no matter how small the remaining susceptible population and no matter that virtually no people who, if infected, might die remain unvaccinated, the position is perilous;

  • that no pharmaceutical treatments are available;

  • that variants are different enough to warrant border closures and require new vaccines;

  • that the gene-based vaccines are safe and effective;

  • that “vaccine passports” will increase safety while having no material impacts on freedom of choice in a liberal democracy.

It is impossible to believe that intelligent, well-connected and well-briefed senior advisers to governments don’t know that almost all, if not all, of the above are simply not true.

CDC pushing covid “scariants” propaganda to keep America enslaved with FEAR

CDC pushing covid “scariants” propaganda to keep America enslaved with FEAR: Every time Rochelle Walensky from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) gets on television to declare that some new “variant” of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) threatens to kill us all, you can immediately disregard it as a lie. That is because all this talk about scary new variants is just more medical police […]

Woman, 35, dies from brain bleed days after getting COVID vaccine: Thousands have died so far but Biden admin continues to push the deadly injections

Woman, 35, dies from brain bleed days after getting COVID vaccine: Thousands have died so far but Biden admin continues to push the deadly injections: A 35-year-old woman from Michigan has become one of the latest to have died after taking one of the three approved COVID-19 vaccines, this one manufactured by Johnson & Johnson, according to a local report. Anne VanGeest passed away April 19 in Grand Rapids after suffering a subarachnoid brain hemorrhage, FOX 17 reported. “It is with […]

Cyber-attack forces top U.S. fuel pipeline to shutter its entire network… are globalists behind the sabotage?

Cyber-attack forces top U.S. fuel pipeline to shutter its entire network… are globalists behind the sabotage?: The coordinated attacks on the 2020 U.S. election revealed just how lackadaisical and clueless America’s institutions have become in the face of crime, terrorism and war. The breakdown of the election system is just a glimpse of the greater collapse to come, in an America that has become so distracted by propaganda and so oblivious […]

Trump Torches Joe Biden Over Gas Shortages, Gas Lines, Inflation... Best Takedown Yet!

Trump Torches Joe Biden Over Gas Shortages, Gas Lines, Inflation... Best Takedown Yet!: President Trump is THE BEST! Trump absolutely torched Joe Biden on Wednesday for taking us back to gas lines, gas shortages, inflation and malaise of the Jimmy Carter years. Several southeastern states are reporting long gas lines and gas shortages after “hackers” shut down the Colonial Pipeline. Inflation is speeding up as consumer prices rise…

Dr. Cole on Covid Jabs: "We've Seen More Deaths From This Shot Than All Vaccines in the Last 20 Years Combined" (AUDIO)

Dr. Cole on Covid Jabs: "We've Seen More Deaths From This Shot Than All Vaccines in the Last 20 Years Combined" (AUDIO): Dr. Ryan Cole, owner and operator of Cole Diagnostics, has been very outspoken against the Covid lockdowns/quarantine and has warned about the mRNA vaccine. The Idaho doctor on Wednesday said he is not anti-vaccine but he warned against the experimental Covid jabs. “We’ve seen more deaths from this shot than all vaccines in the last…

JUST IN: Colonial Pipeline Announces it Has Begun the Restart of Operations

JUST IN: Colonial Pipeline Announces it Has Begun the Restart of Operations: Colonial Pipeline Wednesday afternoon announced it restarted its operations at 5 PM ET. “Following this restart, it will take several days for the product delivery supply chain to return to normal. Some markets served by Colonial Pipeline may experience, or continue to experience, intermittent service interruptions during the start-up period. Colonial will move as much…

5.6.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #78 Patriot Events G...

How a stuck ship in the Suez canal is related to the divorce of Bill and Melinda Gates is part of this discussion. 


I've been saying that May will be the month when things begin to shift in favor of the patriots. Exciting things are happening. This year's Fourth of July celebrations will be like no other. We will have more reason to celebrate than ever before. God is moving. He is saving our nation from the Deep State traitors trying to destroy America, just as the prophets predicted.

Covid-19 vaccine spike proteins are killing people, not merely the “virus”

Covid-19 vaccine spike proteins are killing people, not merely the “virus”: New research from the Salk Institute has inadvertently revealed that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “spike” proteins, which are forever generated inside the body following an experimental gene therapy (mRNA) injection, are directly responsible for causing injury and death. Salk insists that only the “virus” spike proteins are dangerous and not the ones found in vaccines, but […]

Is pine needle tea the answer to covid vaccine shedding / transmission? Learn about suramin, shikimic acid and how to make your own extracts

I'm hearing about pine needle tea as a way to clear your body of the dangerous toxins in the Covid vaccine. Someone said you can buy it on etsy. I haven't looked into that and I'm not suggesting you buy some, but you might want to look into this if you got the covid vaccine and you are concerned about all the people who died shortly after receiving the shot. These experitmental vaccines are like playing Russian Roulette. They were so rushed that they never received FDA approval. You are basically a guinea pig for a new vaccine that did not go through animal trials. You are the animal trial.

And doctors are telling us that even if you didn't get vaccinated, you can get sick from being around people who were vaccinated because they are shedding spike proteins onto others. This is getting crazier by the minute.

Is pine needle tea the answer to covid vaccine shedding / transmission? Learn about suramin, shikimic acid and how to make your own extracts: Disclaimer: The information presented in this article and podcast are for informational purposes only. Nothing present here is intended to diagnose or treat any disease, and there are no supplements or products offered for sale in relation to this information. Word is spreading that pine needle tea may offer a solution against covid vaccine “shedding” […]

Prepping 101: Emergency water storage for beginners

Prepping 101: Emergency water storage for beginners: Storing an emergency water supply prepares you for scenarios in which access to water is restricted. In order to be prepared, you need to keep an adequate supply not only for your family’s drinking needs but also for sanitation, cooking, cleaning and the like. This will require food-grade water containers, as well as a backup plan, should […]

Lockdowns BACKFIRE: Areas with most aggressive covid lockdowns saw highest infection numbers

Lockdowns BACKFIRE: Areas with most aggressive covid lockdowns saw highest infection numbers: Data is finally coming out about the effectiveness of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) lockdowns, and it is now undeniably clear that they made the problem worse. Forcing people to stay at home because of a big scary virus ended up causing more to get sick than if the Constitution had not been suspended in a lame […]

Fauci and the NIH caught funding China’s covid bioweapons research

Fauci and the NIH caught funding China’s covid bioweapons research: In today’s Situation Update podcast, we cover the bombshell news that communist China’s militarized bioweapons industry was funded by the NIH under the control of Dr. Fauci. They deliberately funded bioweapons development “gain-of-function” research in China, which led to the deliberate release of the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon that’s now being used to push weaponized depopulation vaccines […]

5.7.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #79 BIG Intel Drop ...

Come in at 20:43 to get right to the exciting stuff on this video. 

His Glory - A Window Into The Supernatural with Hank Kunnemen 5/6/21

Come in at 5:43 to get straight to the good stuff. This word of the Lord from Hank will fill you with hope. 

May 7, 2021 I’ll save your sons and daughters/ Donald Trump will prevail...

Come in at 6 minutes to get right to the good stuff.

His Glory - Grace & Glory: Storming The Gates! 5/7/21

Come in at 15:40 to get to the good stuff on this video. documents injuries and reactions caused by covid vaccines

There is a mass genocide taking place but you would never know about it simply from reading or listening to the “news.”

The official story is that everyone getting injected for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is doing just fine, even though the reality is that people everywhere are getting sick or dying from the jabs at astounding rates.

To ensure that people have access to the truth, a website called Covid-19 Vaccine Reactions was set up to track adverse events as they occur. The site aggregates what does occasionally get reported in the news along with firsthand stories about people who suffered after getting one of the jabs.

Prepper must-haves: What to stock up on before a summer or winter power outage

Prepper must-haves: What to stock up on before a summer or winter power outage: Almost everything in a modern home requires electricity, like food prep, heating, entertainment and communication. Before SHTF and you lose power for a week or longer, make sure you have enough supplies for summer and winter. (h/t to What to stock up on for a winter power outage On a regular day, short-term power outages are […]


 Social distancing is a key strategy for turning America into a communist hell-hole, and the Blue States are NOT letting up anytime soon with social distancing ‘guidelines’ (fake laws you get arrested for breaking). Small and medium-sized businesses are collapsing by the day.

Turns out social distancing is worsening the pandemic, as children, teens and adults are not getting the normal, natural antibodies built up from exposure to bad bacteria. Instead, every student in every school is instructed to lather up with anti-bacterial triclosan every 15 minutes, while masked up and barricaded by plastic partitions and hazmat bubbles.

Large-scale study finds that masking students is ineffective and a form of child abuse

Large-scale study finds that masking students is ineffective and a form of child abuse: A dataset called the “COVID dashboard project” has revealed that forcing children to wear a mask all day at school is a pointless exercise in child abuse. Put together by Brown University professor Emily Oster, the project was designed to fill the gap concerning the “coordinated federal effort to track COVID cases in context.” “By […]

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Your Impending "Digital Citizenship", COVID-19 Predictive Health Wearabl...

If you think The Great Reset is a conspiracy theory, you haven't bothered to do the research. Covid was a created crisis with the goal of controlling the population so their desired changes can be forced upon us. And they have more forced changes in their plans. 

Jimmy Kimmel’s Interview with Mike Lindell

This is an example of how the far left tries very hard to push their own agenda and silence the voices of conservative patriots. Jimmy Kimmel brought Mike Lindell on his show for one reason--to discredit his goals and beliefs. Facebook does the same thing with fact checkers. The right to free speech has been eliminated in our country. And if you can't eliminate someone's voice, you can always invite him on a talk show and try to make a fool of him.

Trump/Owens 2024?!

I believe Trump will be back sooner than 2024, but Candace would make a great VP. I admire that girl!


So what do the elitists have in store for humanity? You don’t need a crystal ball, you just need to read their own writings and watch their propaganda videos. Join James on this edition of The Corbett Report podcast as he takes a tour through the future to see the world that the globalists are seeking to create. 


 Right now, we just saw the raid on Giuliani.  We saw the raid on some of Trump’s attorneys.  This is banana republic stuff.  This is gangster government, but it’s also the behavior that they don’t have solid control.  It is the behavior of people who are terrified if things turn the other way, and they could, that they are going to be in some very deep trouble.” 


 It’s all laid out in a brand new report.  What he found is appalling.  One big fact his research revealed is up to 100,000 lives could have been saved by using Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).  Instead, the medical community and the mainstream media trashed it and told people it was “dangerous” and it “did not work.”  That was a total lie.  Dr. Skidmore explains, “So, we have all these countries that used it, and a number of countries, such as the United States, that for some reason did not use it and actually prevented it . . . claiming it was unsafe.  So, our estimate is if the U.S. just allowed it and made it widely available from the beginning, we could have saved 80,000 to 100,000 lives.” 


I'm starting to think that Pennsylvania is hopeless when it comes to rebelling against the mask. I went to the grocery store today on Linglestown Road in Harrisburg and was so disappointed to see so many people still sucking back their own carbon dioxide while wearing face diapers. 

Do they know that the state of  Florida has remained completely open for the past year and is no worse off than any other state? Does anyone think for themselves anymore or am I surrounded by apathetic zombies who are brainwashed to follow orders no matter what the cost? Does anyone do research or explore alternative news options? I'm seriously considering educating these oblivious Pennsylvanians myself, in person, one by one. 

Fortunately, other states are giving me hope. Go Kentucky! 

7 prepping projects that you can work on this spring

7 prepping projects that you can work on this spring: With the arrival of spring comes an opportunity to do some new projects around your homestead. Countless things need to be done, but there is always room for new DIY projects, especially ones that are ideally done during the springtime. Here are seven prepper projects you can make this season. (h/t to Build up […]

The Biden one-burger-a-month plan to save Earth from global warming

The Biden one-burger-a-month plan to save Earth from global warming: Starting now, Americans are only permitted to eat one hamburger each, per month, in order to save the planet from burning up and burning us all alive. Instead of each American eating 10 burgers per month, we must all join forces and cut 9 of those 10 burgers out of our monthly eating habit, so […]

LifeSiteNews has launched a video channel on Brighteon featuring outstanding interviews with America’s top truth tellers and health freedom advocates

LifeSiteNews has launched a video channel on Brighteon featuring outstanding interviews with America’s top truth tellers and health freedom advocates: We are proud to announce that LifeSiteNews has joined with a brand-new video channel. Recognizing that there is no future whatsoever at YouTube, LifeSiteNews has made the right choice by migrating its video offerings to Brighteon, where they will never be censored. After a successful run of its Unmasking COVID-19: Vaccines, Mandates, and Global […]

Sidney Powell: We Are Living Under a Communist Totalitarian Regime (AUDIO)

Sidney Powell: We Are Living Under a Communist Totalitarian Regime (AUDIO): Former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell said we are living under a Communist totalitarian regime this week during her appearance on Rose Unplugged on WJAS 1320. Sidney Powell blasted the corrupt Justice Department for raiding Giuliani’s NYC apartment while ignoring Hunter Biden’s hard drive and other Democrat crimes. “The world is absolutely upside down because this…

Monday, May 3, 2021

Prepping basics: A 10-item checklist for beginner preppers

Prepping basics: A 10-item checklist for beginner preppers: The prepping lifestyle is often intimidating for non-preppers because it feels like there are so many things to do before you can be ready for any disaster. But at its core, prepping is all about being consistent and taking small steps to ensure that your family is safe when disaster strikes. If you want to […]

Facebook’s Zuckerberg donated hundreds of millions to help Democrats steal the election for Joe Biden

Facebook’s Zuckerberg donated hundreds of millions to help Democrats steal the election for Joe Biden: When it overtook its social media rival, MySpace, even then few could have predicted that Facebook would grow into the big tech behemoth that it is today. Moreover, who would have thought that a geeky billionaire named Mark Zuckerberg would become powerful enough to literally decide the outcome of presidential elections? And yet, that’s what he […]

DIRTY VACCINES 101: Dangerous mRNA Covid inoculations explained in laymen’s terms for concerned people to understand

DIRTY VACCINES 101: Dangerous mRNA Covid inoculations explained in laymen’s terms for concerned people to understand: Vaccines are a very insidious way to attack humans and their immune systems because most people cannot even begin to understand the science behind the manufacturing of these biological warfare inoculations. It’s hard to question the science when you wouldn’t even understand the answers given, and scientists and doctors know this. Yet, if you knew […]