Sunday, August 1, 2021


 Here we are in August already. I never want summer to end. I told myself I was going to pack as much fun as possible into this summer, but that's not happening. I missed my hometown carnival last week and I've put many things on the calendar and then didn't get there. Maybe running all over the place isn't what I need right now. 

Yesterday I devoted all day to prayer. I'm going through a really great book, "Prayers That Rout Demons." It sounds a bit scary, but demons are very real. I have family members who've had encounters with them. And if we don't learn to defeat them, they can be a strong source of torment in our lives. Many believers suffer unnecessarily because they fail to exercise their authority over the works of darkness. 

You can pray yourself out of any adverse situation, and you have the power to change geographic regions. It is through prayer that we release the will of God upon the earth. God's word released through our spoken words will cause His power to manifest in our lives. The book explains this very well and gives specific prayers that you can say to defeat demonic influence in your life and the lives of people you love. I found the least expensive option here

Right now, I am struggling with something that I feel is a demonic attempt to defeat me and make me miserable. I reached a point where I had to do something to break free, so I fasted and prayed yesterday. It's rare that I can go an entire day without food, but I did it because making a sacrifice like that will make your prayers more powerful. The bible is filled with stories about fasting as a way to let God know you are serious about your prayers. 

I decided to take the month of August to focus on prayer, so I won't be posting news updates for at least a month. For those who follow my blog, you know what news sources I use most, so you can go to those places and look around for articles and videos that interest you. Some of the links are listed on the right side of my blog under News and Health links. The links I hit most are where I listen to The American Journal, Alex Jones, David Icke, and Greg Reese. Ann Vandersteel at the Steel Truth link and the X22 Report are good too. 

TheRight Side with Doug Billings is a powerful truth platform right now, so check that out too at I also follow the Stew Peters Show on Rumble. For daily news, you can go to Newstarget, Gateway Pundit, and Newsmax  But the most important news to follow is what the prophets are saying because they have a direct link to God. If you don't believe in prophets, you need to read your Bible. Anyone who teaches that modern-day prophets don't exist are denying all the prophets mentioned in the Bible. If God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, then he still speaks through prophets. 

Follow Wanda Alger, Elijah Streams, Ark of Grace Ministries and The Victory Channel on You Tube. The word of the Lord that prophets share have been a source of encouragement for me. When things look hopeless, I am reminded that God is in control and He is working behind the scenes even though we can't understand what He is up to and why He is allowing so much chaos in our country. 

The prophets are all telling us that the most important thing we can do right now is draw close to God. He is drawing a line in the sand between those who are close to Him and those who are not. The ones who are ignoring Him will have regrets and some catching up to do, while the ones who are close will be rewarded and promoted to higher positions. You don't want to miss out on that.

So enjoy the rest of your summer and thank you for following my blog. By sharing true news, I have received the most page views per month since I started the blog. I wish I could know all of you who check in regularly and I would love to hear from you. It's hard to continue doing something without positive feedback, so I encourage you to send a message or comment. God bless you and your family.