Tuesday, November 28, 2023

God Hates PRIDE: Seven Ways to Stay HUMBLE

The Bible is filled with stories of how God humbled prideful people and He still does this today. Here are seven ways to stay humble so we can avoid the embarrassment of God publicly knocking us down when we become puffed up with pride. 

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Hell Truly Exists: Ten Reasons You Don't Want to Go

More than 150 Bible verses reference Hell, yet even Christians do not believe this terrorizing place exists. In this video, I give you 10 reasons you want to avoid Hell, according to Bill Wiese, author of the bestselling book, "23 Minutes in Hell".

Monday, November 20, 2023

Is the Devil real?

The Bible clearly warns us about the devil and his tactics. Yet, 50% of Christians do not believe the devil exists. In this video, I share why I know that the devil does exist. 

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Words Have Power: What are you Speaking?

The words you speak affect people, animals and even plants. We need to be more mindful of the things we say because words have power. You can shift atmospheres in a room, uplift people and change the trajectory of your life with your words. Don't partner with your problems, speak against them. Your voice is your power. 

Thursday, November 9, 2023


It's a problem as old as the Bible. And it is a sign of the times in which we live. In this video I explore the spiritual problem of narcissism, what drives this behavior and how can you spot a narcissist? Understanding the mean people in your life gives you an understanding of why they act as they do and it helps you to deal with them in a godly way. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

A Trip to Walton's Mountain and my Mail from Earl Hamner

A visit to the Walton's Mountain Museum in Schuyler, Virginia held a surprising discovery. In this video I share insights on my favorite TV show, why I find John Boy so endearing, and the email I received from Earl Hamner, the creator of The Waltons