Monday, April 29, 2024


The Holy Spirit is a mystery to many. Let Roxanne give you a lesson on how the Holy Spirit operates and what He can do for you. If you are not tapped into the Holy Spirit, your life has no power. But with the Holy Spirit, you are unstoppable and you will have victory in every area of your life. 


Some people think that once you accept their apology, you should resume the relationship and everything should get back to normal. But once the trust is broken it will always be an issue in the relationship if you welcome that person back into your life. This is the reason why God allows divorce when a spouse is unfaithful. Even God knows the damage that's done when trust is broken.

Trust must be earned, and that takes time. Rebuilding trust will require an investment of time and effort.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Their Words Are Exposing Them - Listen Closely!

What a person says exposes what is in their heart. Pay attention to what people say, especially the words of those close to you. Spoken words have the power of life and death. 

Should you be asking God to set a guard over your mouth? 

Watch this video to the end to learn all the ways that you might be destroying your life or the lives of others simply through the words that slip across your tongue. 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

8 Toxic Apologies God Warns You Not to Trust

A toxic apology is worse than receiving no apology. This might be my favorite video from Kris Reece. She takes a serious topic, adds humor and presents an entertaining lesson on how to give a real apology. The goal of apologizing is to mend the relationship, not to beat the person up even more and make them feel worse. 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Chocolate Tea Bread - Sweet Bread that is Moist and Delicious - Perfect ...

I just sat down and wrote out this recipe. Oh my goodness! I don't think I will get through the day without making this delightful tea bread. Not everyone appreciates good recipes, and I am very selective about the recipes that I share. Lately Tom has been catching my attention on You Tube with some real winners. 

It Ends with Me: Breaking Bloodline Curses

Someone needs to confront the problems in your family and speak truth. Someone needs to recognize the problems that keep repeating within your family. Someone needs to stand up and speak up. 

We do this not to blame people, but to battle for positive change so that the next generation will not suffer. God has called someone in your family bloodline to be that change-maker. Negative mindsets need to be broken. Hostile behavior needs to be called out. When God brings a problem to light, it needs to be dealt with, not swept under the rug. 

Are you the person God chose to put an end to the toxic cycle of bad behavior in your family? Are you the one God chose to build a better foundation for the next generation? 

Spiritual warfare is real, and this topic is finally getting the attention it deserves. Tucker Carlson mentioned the demonic realm and the spiritual battle we are in on Joe Rogan. We need to wake up and realize that many of the problems within our families are actually spiritual problems. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


We all have secrets. But there is no secret that can damage you because God has already forgiven you. You are free from that sin if you confessed it to God. The Bible says that He remembers it no more. So why should you be remembering it and feeling guilty? You don't need to go around confessing your sins to people once you confessed it to God.

There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Your sins are the reason why Christ died on the cross. So everything you did has been washed clean as if it never happened the moment you accepted Christ as you savior. 

You have been redeemed. People cannot damage you by leaking your secrets. There is no secret that God did not know about before you found Him. Only God has the final say. And God is a God of mercy. 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

The WIN Is Coming Don’t Let The WHEN Worry You‼️#chosenones #motivation ...

If you've been beat up your entire life and you need encouragement, this gal is the queen of encouragement. Subscribe to her You Tube channel for your weekly pep talk. God put her on this earth to make the oppressed ones smile and keep going. Victoria pushes you to victory with inspiring words and songs. She is the voice of God for the mistreated. I appreciate her so very much!

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Competition, Envy, Jealousy and the Cure for all this Nonsense #inspirat...

Women can fall into a spirit of envy when they compare themselves to other women and they see those women as more beautiful, more successful, happier and doing better than they are. You don't have to compete with another woman to be blessed. Put your energy into creating a better life for yourself instead of hating someone who has the life you want. Seeing yourself through the eyes of God is part of the cure for a jealous spirit. 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Goulash and Two Minute Cornbread-An Old Fashioned Country Comfort Food-O...

I grew up on goulash. Tom is one of my favorite You Tubers with a cooking platform. He's a pleasant, friendly guy. His wife handles the camera. And he makes the kind of food that my husband and I love. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Demon Spirits Behind Narcissism Involving Witchcraft

When people turn their backs on God, they will take on narcissistic traits. Gaslighting is the number one tactic of a narcissist. When you catch a narcissist in a lie, they will flip the script and make you feel like you are in the wrong. 

The fallen nature of a woman is attracted to a male narcissist, so many women will fall for him. It's time to increase your discernment and know the signs that someone is operating from the dark spirit of narcissism. The narcissist needs deliverance from this demonic spirit. 

Monday, April 15, 2024

WARNING: Are You Prepared for What is Coming?

Throughout Bible history, God always warned His people about major events coming upon the earth. He warns so that we don't fall into fear and panic. 

Are you prepared for what is coming? Israel is being attacked by Iran. This is an intentional attempt to start a world war. God has been warning about a time of darkness that people will feel. 

Things are coming upon the earth that we have never seen, and when it happens, you will recall watching this video, and you will know that God does not want you to fall into fear and panic. He will protect His people from what is coming, but He will allow certain chaotic, destructive things to happen, and those things will be shocking and uncomfortable. 

God is allowing the coming darkness in order to wake people up. The Bible warns in several places that we should not despise prophets. We are told in the Bible that God does nothing without first revealing it to His servants, the prophets. This video is a warning from God to those who have willing ears to hear it. 

"Buckle up! Buckle in! But remember: your enemies cannot win," says the Lord. 

I can't post this as a video because it would be taken down by those who want to keep you in the dark. Click on the link below to be taken to the Rumble channel.


Even Christians are living in deep depression, anxiety and fear. God can restore your joy and free you of all those negative emotions. Tailah explains how to get your joy back and break the oppressive strongholds that are holding you down. When you have no joy, you have no strength. Watch the video and follow her advice if you want your joy back.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Why Do They HATE my SUCCESS? #inspiration #life #selfimprovement

Some people will hate to see you progress. They will pull you down like crabs in a bucket when they see that you are leveling-up. Don't let the criticism of people derail you from your dreams and goals. God is the only one qualified to speak into your destiny. He's the only guide you need on your path to self-improvement. So don't give your energy to the Hating Heffers. 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Some spiritual warfare symptoms! Let’s talk

Spiritual warfare is real. This girl is not crazy. She is a gifted child of God working to advance the kingdom of God, and that is why she's a target for spiritual attacks. She shares this so you realize what is happening to you if you become a target. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

10 SIGNS Someone Is SECRETLY JEALOUS of You !!

The more you accomplish, the more curious they get about your life. They don't want to see you succeed, and they will never praise you for what you do well. They will act unimpressed with your success. 

Jealous people find toxic ways to make themselves look better than you. They will slander your reputation, embarrass and shame you, and downplay your success. They will bring up odd topics just to prove you wrong.

They hate to see you in the spotlight and will talk negatively about your success behind your back. They will not attend events that celebrate you, and will do anything they can to destroy your confidence. 

Jealous haters will remind you of your mistakes. They want to make you feel like a bad person. They love it when you mess up. They find joy in watching you struggle, and they love to see you upset. 

These people are frustrated with their own lives, so they need to compete with your life. They are fearful, insecure, and they lack confidence. They despise the confidence they see in you. 

The Bible says that we will know people by their fruit. Watch the video so you know all the signs that you are dealing with a jealous person. This emotion can do great damage.

You are OUT OF THIS WORLD 🌎❤️ #dailybread #prophetic

When people think you are acting crazy as you get closer to God, take it as a compliment. You are not of this world. God is calling you to be transformed by the renewing of your mind, and that is what makes you look crazy to the world. You are taking on the mind of Christ, which is not the way the world thinks. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

They're Not Qualified To Speak Into Your Life (THEIR WORDS ARE USELESS &...

This is the topic of my next video, which will post on Saturday, April 13.

When you make people more significant to your goals and dreams than they actually are, you give them power. Don't let people put doubt in your mind and steal your peace and confidence. Don't give power to the negative and toxic opinions of people. 

Only God knows what He put inside of you and people don't get to comment on that. Be confident about the direction God is leading you in, and disqualify every voice that rises against you. Refuse to internalize their words and don't engage them in their toxic rants. 

Haters expose themselves when they speak negativity into the things you are setting out to do. You must disqualify their opinions from your life. Don't let them steal your focus and get you off track. 

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Eagles - No More Cloudy Days (Live) (Official Video) [HD]

This overlooked gem from the Eagles has been turning up everywhere I go lately. God uses music to encourage us. Pay attention to the songs playing when you start your car, when you walk into a room, or when you walk past a radio or a street musician. Music is one of the ways that God speaks to us. The message in this song tells me I have a reason to be hopeful. The storm has passed.

YOUR SOURCE FOR EVERYTHING #spirituality #life #god

Are you feeling discouraged, depleted, or tired of the trials of life? Maybe you are looking in the wrong place for answers. Let's explore what the Bible says about how we should react when we are fearful, overwhelmed, confused, or troubled in any way. 

We often look to people for the answers to our problems. When we do that, we boot God off His rightful place as our source for everything. God promises to supply all our needs. That promise is in the Bible, and God can't lie. 

Friday, April 5, 2024

20 Truths I Wish I Knew About Toxic People In My 20's

"If I knew then" is a title from one of my You Tube videos. I appreciate this gal so much. I learned so much from her. 

Everything Is Going To Work Out!!!!!!

Oh my goodness! I mentioned this exact scripture in my last You Tube video. Nikki is one of my favorite sources of encouragement. She says so many things in this video that I have been talking about lately. 

Don't magnify the problem; focus on the promise--"...all things work together toward good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose." 

Stand still and watch God move on your behalf. Don't let fear cause you to make a decision that you will regret. Keep your heart right. A faithful man will always abound in the blessings of the Lord. God will prove to you that He will never leave you disappointed. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Feeling Unusually Discouraged Lately?

Discouragement and disappointment can sap your strength and bring even more defeat into your life. If you find yourself in a battle for way too long, you are in dangerous place.  A discouraged soul no longer has  connection to God. And it is a terrible time to make major decisions when you are feeling discouraged. 

God wants to remove the discouragement and fill you with courage and strength. Don't yield to discouragement. Don't compromise and take steps backwards in your spiritual journey. 

Watch the video. Your soul and spirit is more important than your next step. You need to fill your soul before taking another step. Be still and get reconnected to God. Rely on Him as the source of your strength. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

God says, I will supply you with resources // Prophetic Word!!

If you are experiencing a lack of resources, you must trust in the Lord to unlock the resources you need. He can do this in amazing ways, and when you see Him come through for you, your faith will grow. 

God can send angels on your behalf. He can set in motion a wealth transfer. He can send people to help you. He can lead you to organizations, churches, groups, or businesses that will supply your needs. 

Pray and trust. God remembers you every second of every day. "Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added to you." That is God's promise to you. Go to Him.

This is the subject of my next video, which I will be posting on Saturday.