Friday, May 31, 2024

Skim a Bestseller: The Search for Significance #jesus #god #life

Robert McGee's book has helped millions of readers learn to stop basing their self-worth on their accomplishments or the opinions of others. Dwell on God's thoughts about you and the truth of scripture. Then you will break free from the cycle of self-doubt that robs you of joyful living. 

This is the first video under my new playlist, Skim a Bestseller, where I will explore an ongoing list of non-fiction, bestselling Christian books. 

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Music therapy 🌿Calms the nervous system and refreshes the soul, Relaxation

Music therapy is a thing. Are you putting it to work for you? God has given us many ways to relax. But people fail to take a moment to rest their minds and emotions. Your nervous system deserves to rest too, and it needs to rest most during the day, not while you are sleeping. Make the time. 

Monday, May 27, 2024

When Sickness Is Witchcraft, 5 Signs Will Occur

If you don't believe that sickness can be a spiritual attack, you need to read the book of Job. Maybe you need more than a doctor. Maybe you need deliverance from the demonic stronghold that has a grip on you. 

I know that spiritual attacks are real. I have experienced it. And the only way I could save myself was through powerful prayer. I actually felt that thing lift off of me.  

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Nine IDOLS Women Crave (Part 2) #idols #god #power

When you look to people and things as your source of comfort, affirmation, control or power, then you have made those people and things an idol in your life. God wants to be your everything. He wants to fill the deepest longings of your heart and meet all of your needs. This video is part two of my last video. Join me as we explore more of the idols that can creep up on women and how those idols take the place of God in our lives. 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Breaking the Stronghold of Food: Conquering Food Addiction

I recently posted a You Tube video that mentioned how food can become an idol in our lives. It's called "comfort food" for a reason, and when we turn to food to calm nervousness or anxiety...when we use food as a way to relax, destress or numb ourselves, then food has become an idol. The Holy Spirit wants to be our source of comfort. 

the beauty of an ordinary life - social media and simple living

My last You Tube video mentioned how social media can become an idol in your life. Then I came across this video. Maybe more of us need to put down our phones and step away from all the noise. Are we spending more time on social media than we spend with God? He wants to be our source of comfort.

Monday, May 20, 2024

10 Examples of What Gaslighting Sounds Like

You will not get through life without encountering a gaslighter. People who gaslight will deny any responsibility for their actions. They will tell you that you are too sensitive and too emotional, and they will make you question your own reality, memory or perceptions.

I made a You Tube video about gaslighting titled, "Don't Gaslight Me! I Know My Reality." This video does a great job of giving examples of what a gaslighter will say to you. Watching this will help you to recognize this emotional abuse when it's happening to you.

A gaslighter will make you feel like you are making a big deal out of nothing. Don't allow yourself to be controlled and manipulated by a gaslighter. This is an intentional form of emotional abuse. The gaslighter knows exactly what they are doing, and you standing up to their evil tactics is the only way to defeat them. 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

8 Signs of a Manipulative Personality

You will not get through life without encountering a controlling and manipulative person. They will guilt-trip you, take advantage of your kindness, and try to make you second-guess yourself. They will never take blame for anything and will never apologize. They won't remember doing anything wrong and will pretend to be ignorant of the hurt they caused. 

How to Be Free from Bitterness and Unforgiveness

This is such an important topic because we are living in a time when people are allowing themselves to be used by the enemy. Spiritual attacks are at an all-time high. Relationships are being destroyed. 

David explains the signs of someone who is hanging on to bitterness and unforgiveness. As I watched this, I thought of certain people that I know and people that I have had conversations with. Some people will display obvious signs that they are filled with bitterness. Hanging on to resentment will kill your peace, your joy and it will destroy your life. 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Nine IDOLS Women Crave #god #family #spirituality

An idol is an object of extreme devotion that takes the place of God. God wants to be our comfort. He wants to be our source of affirmation and approval. He wants to give us a knowing that life is under His control. But because we don't trust Him to meet those needs, we find our own way of meeting those needs. 

Women idolize their marriages, their husbands and their careers. They go to Facebook, food, shopping and friends for comfort. Women look for security and approval in people instead of in God. She makes her job her identity and the place where she feels important. Don't run to people and things to find your purpose, joy, identity, comfort or healing. Run to God.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Is the Healthcare System Designed to Keep You Sick? | Dr. Casey Means

Healthy people can live without pharmaceutical drugs. Big Pharma makes money on sick people. Corruption seeps into every industry. The pharmaceutical industry is the most corrupt in America. It is an industry designed to keep you weak, sick and tired. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Satisfied Book Trailer | Alyssa Bethke

This book, Satisfied, has inspired my next You Tube video, which I titled, "Nine Idols Women Chase." The things that we love and think about more than God can become idols in our lives. I will be sharing Alyssa's wisdom and adding comments and examples of my own as we explore the ways that women make idols of people and things, and how doing this can negatively affect our lives and the lives of our family members. 

Her book, Satisfied is not specifically about idols, but she did mention two things in the book that began to consume her and social media. This is what sparked an idea for me to write about the things that women allow themselves to focus on too much. The list could have been longer than six, but maybe there's a part two in the future. 

Sunday, May 12, 2024


Sometimes life becomes so unbearable that you don't want to be here anymore. The thing is...killing yourself could make things worse if your heart is not right with God. You can kill your body, but your spirit will live on, and it will go to one of two places. One of those places is eternal Hell. 

I hesitated posting this, but if this reaches just one person who has been pushed to a point of not wanting to live anymore, then maybe a life can be saved. Her story will give you hope. This had to be difficult for her to share, but God wanted her to share her story for those who can relate to her desperation. 

Friday, May 10, 2024

Maybe You Should SPEAK UP! #inspiration #spirituality #life

We live in a culture that prioritizes not offending people. The Bible tells us that we should confront people who wrong us and we should speak out against any kind of evil that comes for our children, our schools, our families and our nation. 

The darkness in our world is becoming darker and bolder. We are living in the days talked about in the Bible when evil will be perceived as good and good will be perceived as evil. Since Covid, the persecution of Christians and Jews has wickedly increased. Do you not see the spiritual battle that is happening right before our eyes? 

God has to be looking down and wondering, "Where are my people who are willing to boldly stand up and speak out against every wrong?" We have way too many evil people in positions of authority making evil decisions while good people suffer. Will that change if you remain silent? You side with the bullies when you don't speak out against them. You side with evil when you ignore it and say nothing. 

God Wants You To Confront This Person - Here’s Why!

This girl is one of my favorite You Tubers. It's funny that I came across this video while I was working on a video titled, "Maybe You Should Speak Up!" She explains the right way to confront someone when an offense needs to be discussed. She shares the "hamburger method," which is very effective in solving conflicts without insults, attacking or yelling.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Permission to Heal | Ways to Protect Your Peace (Cozy Relaxing Vlog)

Only you can protect your peace, and many of us are not good at it. Your mental health will suffer if you are not able to give yourself permission to heal and to step away from everything that is stealing your peace and your joy. 

Emotional Manipulators Do This

This may sound familiar to some people. Manipulating people to avoid responsibility for their own actions is a tactic people use to control those around them. It can be very frustrating to be in a relationship with someone who constantly uses this painful manipulation tactic. 

I have found this tactic to be very prevalent in the workplace. But it can happen in friendships and families as well. It can happen in marriages. Watch this video if you are having problems with people in the workplace or in any area of your life. 

Emotional manipulators can put you in a constant state of stress. Your mental health will be affected if you don't put up boundaries. You will walk around on eggshells when in their presence. You will begin to believe that you are the problem, and that is exactly what they want. 

God Warned Me! America Must Prepare for What's Coming…

What's happening at our universities is a wake-up call. We should learn from history what happened at the universities in Germany. We can see Hitler's Germany reproducing itself right here in America. Liberal professors have been pouring gasoline on the fire of antisemitism for years. 

We can't ignore Israel right now. God will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. He said this in Genesis 12:2-3. We should be praying everyday for Israel and protection for the Jewish people. People all over the world are praying for peace in Jerusalem and an end to hostility toward Jews. Put this on your prayer list and make it a priority. God promises a blessing upon those who bless His chosen nation and His chosen people. 

You are here for such a time as this. You are here to be an army, not an audience. Get in the battle and fight with your prayers. 

Monday, May 6, 2024

Pro Palestine Protests: What You as a Christian NEED to Know

Something shifted in our nation when the April 8 eclipse appeared. A demonic energy is filling the earth. We must be aware of the attacks of the enemy. Those attacks are spreading across our college campuses in this hour. The protesters want American Universities to divest themselves from companies that support Israel. The whole world is about to turn on Israel, and these protests are the beginning of that hostility against God's chosen land, Israel. 

But there is a remnant of people who are rising up against this demonic activity. We are on the precipice of the greatest move of God this world has ever seen. You are here for such a time as this. You are here to be an army, not an audience. God chose you to be part of this final outpouring of God. 

Rise up and be the voice in this moment. Be bold! Be courageous! God has chosen you to be His voice, His hands and His feet in this moment. 

Friday, May 3, 2024

Advice for Starting and Running a You Tube Channel in 2024 #youtube #yo...

What I've learned by watching many how-to videos by successful You Tubers and advice from my experiences as a new You Tuber, including: the legal side of You Tube, how and when you get paid, all the ways to make money on You Tube such as brand deals and donations, advice about titles, descriptions, hashtags, keywords, playlists, thumbnails, taxes, deductions, Tube Buddy, list link hacks, equipment, and the (beyond money) benefits of being a You Tuber. Also what channels to watch for further great advice on starting and running a You Tube channel in 2024.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


Are you fighting negative thoughts, insecurities, and feelings of inadequacy? Are you wrestling with fear and worry? It's time to put your past behind you and look forward to what lies ahead. Step into your future with boldness. Cast your cares upon the Lord. He can make a way where there is no way. God has it all under control. Crazy faith will give you the victory that you're hoping for. 

A Cozy Winter Afternoon Making Muffins, Soup, and Crusty Bread | Cinemat...

This woman creates a historical fantasy world in her Iowa prairie kitchen. Today she's baking cinnamon raisin orange muffins, crusty spelt bread and apple carrot pumpkin soup. Comforting sounds of a crackling fire, a whistling kettle, bird songs and purring cats are featured in this video, which put me in a state of relaxed tranquility. 

The BEAUTY of an ORDINARY LIFE - simple living

With 686,000 subscribers, this lady is a queen of simple living. Her videos are cinematic wonders, with changing camera angles and close-ups of nature. She does this while offering priceless wisdom that will leave you feeling lucky to wake each morning and appreciative of everything the day has to offer.