Monday, July 29, 2024

The growing persecution of Christianity

Why do so many people hate Christians? Why is Christianity the most persecuted religion in the world? We are in a spiritual war, and because Christians worship the one true God, Satan hates Christians. This shocking report was probably inspired by the blatant mocking of Christianity during the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic games. But this has been going on for centuries in every area of the world. 

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Careful What You Ask For

The meaning of the title is revealed at the end. Today I am skimming Lee Strobel's bestseller "The Case For Christ." He left no stone unturned during his two-year investigation into the accuracy of the Bible and the truth about Jesus. What finally led this atheist to faith in God was the truth that he discovered. 

Friday, July 19, 2024

The Cruelest Form of Gaslighting

Gaslighting is an insidious form of abuse. The first time I realized that I was a victim of gaslighting was in 2023. And I have since learned how to spot this controlling, manipulative tactic that devious people use to take the focus off of their own mistakes. They flip the script and attempt to shift blame on you. They want to confuse you and cause doubt in your mind about what actually took place. 

They want to make you feel crazy, needy, insecure or paranoid for your legitimate concern about someone's bad behavior. This is emotional and psychological manipulation and abuse. Anyone who feels enttitled to hurt you and then blame you for the hurt that they caused needs to be cut off, maybe permanently.

No one explains gaslighting better than Tamie M. Joyce. You should watch this video because gaslighting has become an epidemic in today's culture. Also, check out my video titled, "Don't Gaslight Me! I Know My Reality" under the past post category, "My You Tube Channel" down the right side of my blog. 

Get Ready for a Shift: Political, Financial, Spiritual

God can still save a nation. He's about to show up in a mighty way.

Widespread technology outages are disrupting flights, banks, media outlets, and companies around the world. In this special broadcast, Julie Green talks about the warning God gave her about coming blackouts and interruptions. God also warned that attacks against our nation would intensify. He warned about chaos and uprisings breaking out everywhere. The civil chaos in England is the latest example. 

Things will change and change quickly. God has warned about a political reset and a complete change to our financial system. This is a time to trust God regardless of what we are seeing. 

An unprecedented chain of events is on the horizon. A shift in political and spiritual power is taking place. These are the days of Haman. What our enemies intended for us is now happening to them. Their evil has boomeranged back into their own camp and is exploding in their faces. 

In this video, Julie goes over many of her prophecies that have already been fulfilled. You can't watch this and not see that she is clearly hearing from God. She has predicted too many things that have already happened. Yes, God still speaks through prophets and here is your proof. If you don't believe in prophets, you also don't read your Bible. 

Do you not find it strange that within a week of Donald Trump's assassination attempt, Biden gets Covid and now Democrats are calling for him to step down?  One political party tried to take out another political party, but all they got was Trump's ear. Since the debate, more people have turned against Biden, who is heavily drugged.

Democrats are turning on each other to save themselves from the impending doom. God's army is moving forward to remove Obama and his shadow government. Obama is more power-hungry than ever before, and his puppet Biden is about to be replaced, just as Julie prophesied in August of 2023. 

Expect these political removals to pick up speed in ways never thought of, including evil three-letter agencies. Our enemies are being replaced by God. This is the greater Exodus Julie predicted. Today's Pharoh is coming down. And God will decide who our next president will be. God has said that our last election was stolen. 

But we don't need another election to save our nation. God saved the Israelites from Pharoh and He can save America from the evil administration that is hell-bent on its destruction, so they can bring in their one-world government and have their ultimate control and power. If you don't see this, you soon will have no choice but to see it. God is exposing it all. 

Ask yourself why early photos of Biden show that he has blue eyes and now his eyes look black. Follow Monkey Werx on You Tube and ask yourself why so much activity is going on at GTMO. Watch the 1993 movie "Dave" starring Kevin Kline. Then click on the link below and watch Julie Green's video so you can be awake during this epic moment in history when we will see with our own eyes that God can still save a nation.

Healing With No Apology

We must find a way to heal when we receive no apology, no admission of wrongdoing, and we hear no regrets for the hurt they caused. This is the time to draw close to God and to lean on His strength. This is the time to find a place of forgiveness because if we don't forgive, we will destroy ourselves and block any blessings God has for us. This is a time to pour into ourselves and to be patient with ourselves. 

This video has some wise advice for both the person who is hurting and for the person who knows deep down that they should apologize.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

How Do I Get Free from Strongholds for Good? | Breaking the Cycle

The unbeliever needs to be set free from demons while the believer needs to be set free from strongholds.
This is a biblically-based message about setting ourselves free of demonic influence after we have opened a door to the enemy. Many Christians do not even realize that they have a stronghold, but it can very much affect their lives in a negative way. 

David explains how to identify a stronghold in your life and how to break it for good. He identifies eight different strongholds that could be affecting your life right now or affecting the lives of people you know. 

This is a must-watch, because even if you never experience a stronghold, you will most likely come across someone who is experiencing this dark influence in their lives. You may think the problem is caused by something else, when the problem is actually a spiritual problem. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

🛑You Are Still Doing It And No One Had Your Back‼️|

If you have had a hard-knock life and you are right now pondering the latest example of that, then this video is for you. When no one else comes through for you, then you are forced to give it to God. There is nothing like adversity to draw you close to God. See your isolation and pain as an opportunity to get to know Him on a personal level. 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

You Need Rest!

God designed our bodies and minds to need rest. Even God takes a break at times and since we are made in His image, we also should make rest a priority. But in today's culture, we wear our busyness like a badge of honor. 

Rest is so important to God that He made it one of the 10 commandments. Are you taking one day a week to rest your body and mind? Can you step away from everything that resembles work for one day a week? God will bless your obedience when you honor this commandment.