We often fail to encourage others, which is a form of love. This video explores simple ways to encourage people, based on the book, "52 Simple Ways to Encourage Others." Everyone needs encouragement, no matter their age. Even when someone seems to be on top of the world, that person needs encouragement, so never withhold this precious gift of love. The more you give, the more you will get back.
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Friday, August 23, 2024
Warning! These Toxic Emotions Are Making You Sick!
Both medicine and the Bible teaches about toxic, negative emotions. Anger, resentment, bitterness, envy, rejection, fear, worry and anxieties cause disease. More than 80% of all disease is caused by these emotions. Stress and unforgiveness are also big contributors to disease.
Toxic emotions will prohibit God's healing. We need to do the work to free ourselves of these toxic emotions so we can be set free from the problems they cause.
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Your “SELF-DISCIPLINE” Tells Them This…
Self-discipline is the strongest form of self-love and self-care, and it is the key to almost every success. No one can achieve greatness without it. Here is your pep talk if you are lacking this very important character trait. Since I grew closer to God, my self-discipline has grown immensely. In my opinion, there seems to be a connection between spending time with God and self-discipline.
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Your Authority in the Dark
There is a whole world that we can't see, a supernatural world that acts on people for good and bad. Kenneth Hagin's bestselling book, "The Believer's Authority" teaches how to fight the powers of darkness and win.
We as a church have authority on the earth that we are not using. Satan doesn't want you to know the truth about your authority, which Jesus talked about in Luke 10:19. Believers suffer for their lack of knowledge. We need to rise up and learn how to use our authority against every scheme of the enemy.
Saturday, August 10, 2024
CAREER and HOME: Lies We Believe
Women have been brainwashed to believe that the absence of a titled payroll occupation enslaves them to failure, boredom and imprisonment within the confines of their homes. These words are from the bestselling book, "Lies Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free."
In this video I share my years as a stay-at-home-mom, and the backlash I received from Christian women for doing so little with my life. The status of "homemaker" has been devalued to accusations of her being lazy and unmotivated. But the Bible is clear. God does not see these women as lazy and unmotivated.
Sunday, August 4, 2024
Everything You Need to Know About Casting Out Demons
A spiritual war is raging for the souls of this generation. The enemy wants to deceive you, destroy your faith and disconnect you from the truth. Ask God to open your eyes to the supernatural if you doubt that demons even exist.
If you are a Christian who holds up your Bible, why are you denying and ignoring certain parts of the Bible? Ephesians 6:11-12 warns of the strategies of the devil and evil spirits of the unseen world.
David Hernandez speaks truth about the devil, demons, praying in tongues, Holy Spirit power and other aspects of the supernatural.
Saturday, August 3, 2024
U.S. Might BAN Lucky Charms, Skittles, & Gatorade?!
Are you feeding your kids foods that are destroying their health? Lucky Charms, Fruit Loops, Skittles, Doritos, M&Ms and Gatorade could soon be banned in the US due to the harmful chemicals they contain. Brominated Vegetable Oil causes thyroid disease. That's why I stopped drinking Mountain Dew, which was my favorite soda years ago. Watch this video to learn about the dyes, chemicals and foods you must avoid if you give a flying fig about your health and your children's health.
How Grocery Stores SCAM YOU!!
A very interesting and eye-opening video about food and the tricks that grocery stores use to entice you to buy more per visit. Ultra-processed foods are terrible for you, and Dr. Berg explains why. Do you know what part of the grocery store contains the healthiest food? Watch this video and you will change the way you shop for groceries.
Lies Women Believe About Beauty
The message of our culture tells women and girls that physical beauty matters more than inner beauty. But God's word tells us the truth. As Christian women, we are called to live above this world's system and beliefs. Television, music, movies, books and advertisements brainwash women to believe that their self-worth is tied to their physical appearance. But in God's eyes, a woman's beauty goes much deeper. Inner beauty is fierce and far more powerful than physical beauty, and it is much more needed in today's cruel, selfish world.
Thursday, August 1, 2024
The Big Food Lies Nobody Tells You... | Dr. Mindy Pelz
Many foods in the grocery store are basically poison that contributes to disease. Do you know how to read an ingredient label? Have you taught your children how to read labels? Do you know that the food industry puts chemicals in your food that will contribute to obesity and disease?
If you care about your health and the health of your children and grandchildren, you must watch this video. The food industry does not deserve our trust. We must educate ourselves about food to be healthy and to maintain a healthy weight.