Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Prepare for the Worst: Part two- Heat, Light & Power

This video explores creative ways to bring heat, light and power into your home during a winter power outage. Rocket stoves, insulation tips, a brick air heater that's easy to make and Crisco candles are discussed. Also, tips on emergency cooking, generators, batteries, solar power and storing gasoline. 

Let’s make Fire Cider | The Beekeeper’s Apothecary |

This channel is a beautiful and informative place to be if you are interested in natural remedies. I love to share You Tubers who are enriching people's lives with their skills and knowledge. 

God truly has given us some amazing medicinal herbs and foods that promote healing and support the immune system. And we should be taking advantage of these remedies. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2024


I felt prompted to share this. Someone needs to hear this. If we don't share our past traumatic experiences, others can't learn from the mistakes that were made. 

Healing from trauma is a process, and we all heal differently and within different time frames. People isolate themselves to avoid hurtful situations from being repeated. Some people reach a point where their hearts can't handle anymore abuse. God understands this, but people often don't understand. 

Those who have not walked in your shoes will tell you to move on and forget about it, but it's not as easy as that. Forgiveness is not about forgetting. They don't understand that your reluctance is not about unforgiveness, it is about self-preservation and your own protection. If they can't respect that, then they are part of the problem. 

Certain situations can trigger memories of a traumatic experience. These emotional triggers can only be understood by the person who had that experience. Those on the outside looking in have no clue what that person is feeling. 

Watch this video if you are in the process of healing from any kind of emotional abuse. Sarah was very helpful to me during a time when my shattered heart desperately needed a supportive, kind word.

Please note that the word "witchcraft" in this video means any type of control or manipulation on your life. 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Stores I REFUSE to shop at.. *as a Christian*

Some of these stores are hard to stay away from, but I'm convinced that it is the right thing to do if you claim to be a Christian. This is an excellent video that will really make you think about the businesses you are supporting by buying their products. 

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Our Military Was Just Given The Green Light (Serious Warning)

The Biden administration has reached a new level of evil. Our military has been authorized to kill American citizens during civil unrest. And Kamala Harris is trying to sell the lie that it was originally Donald Trump's idea. 

She talks about Hitler, but she is the one who thinks like Hitler, because she just did exactly what Hitler did...she agreed to authorize the American military to kill American citizens that don't agree with the deep state's wicked agenda. Hitler also slaughtered the citizens of his own country. 

A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for death and a vote for nuclear war. The election is days away, and they are desperate. They are literally pulling out the big guns. Pray and vote!

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Prepare For the Worst: (Part one-Water & Food)

Two destructive hurricanes that hit the United States have made us realize the importance of disaster preparedness. This video covers the how and what of storing water and food, including things you have not thought about. Water filters, coming food shortages, and pantry essentials are discussed. 

Friday, October 18, 2024


God is dealing with people right now. People need to get their hearts and lives in order. God is correcting, and people need to choose which path they want to follow...the path of darkness or the path of light. 

If your life is all about you, then you are following the path of darkness. God hates pride. He's dealing with the wicked and rebellious ones right now. People don't change until they feel the consequences of their actions. 

Are you a good fig or a bad fig in God's eyes? You will decide your own fate. The road to Heaven is narrow. 

Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Best You my opinion #Cristi Jessee

Valuable know-how, spiritual guidance, hope encouragement, friendship, laughter and a keeper recipe are just a few of my fabulous finds on this amazing platform. I can no longer sit through a Hallmark movie. My priorities have changed, thanks to my favorite You Tubers. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Guard Your Heart: TRUST Must be Earned

God expects forgiveness, but He does not expect us to trust people. Trust must be earned. In a world filled with toxic behavior, we must learn to guard our hearts and put up firm boundaries. Boundaries are not only a good idea, they are God's idea. 

This video will help anyone who is having trust issues. Verbal and emotional abuse is an epidemic. The only way we can protect our peace and our mental health is to draw a line and let people know that we will not tolerate abuse. 

Guard your heart, for it determines the course of your life.

Monday, October 14, 2024

FIST of GOD... OCTOBER!! Janie Seguin, Bo Polny

The month of October holds much significance to God. Every Hebrew fall feast hits in October in 2024. Things are about to get wild. 

The past three years is known as "the time of sorrows." George Soros could be the mascot for this time of death (Covid), financial hardship, and chaos in America. Our water, food, soil and skies are being poisoned to create death and suffering. The open border is another example of democrats doing anything to destroy America and its people.

In this video, Prophet Janie Sanguin says that in spite of all that, this is the greatest time to be alive because God is about to move. The time is closing in to bring all this evil down. A red sea moment is close at hand. 

Watch for signs and wonders to unfold such as meteor showers and other signs in the sky, great sounds, earthquakes and worldwide volcanic eruptions. These signs are to wake up those who are not seeking God. 

If you are not seeking God, then you are on the side of evil because you only have two choices. Only two paths stand before you. Men who have hardened their hearts with pride and a love for this world will have to decide between good and evil.

This is a time to make sure you are on the right path. God is separating good from evil, and you will choose your own fate. 

Friday, October 11, 2024

These Are the Signs That You Have a Demon

An excellent teaching on the signs that you are being influenced by the demonic realm. There are many ways we can open doors to demons. Even a Christian can commit sins that open doors. Unrepentant habitual sin is dangerous. The Bible warns us to resist the devil, and that includes anything that the devil loves. 

Dabbling in the occult and witchcraft is dangerous. Watching pornography or listening to trashy music is dangerous. Demons can enter our minds by watching horror films. Unforgiveness can cause demonic influence. Adultery is an open door for demons to affect your mind and your actions. Intrusive, persuasive thoughts and constant nightmares or sexual dreams are another sign.

You can even have things in your home that invite demons, such as dreamcatchers, ouija boards, tarot cards, or a statue of Buddha. Anything new age or representative of other religions beside Christianity is an invitation to the demonic realm. 

Sin gives the enemy access to your life, confession closes the door and sets us free. Not every struggle is demonic. Seek the Holy Spirit's guidance in your situation. Deliverance is the only relief from demonic influence. The end of this video offers a prayer that can set you free. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

"These hurricanes are CONTROLLED, we have the proof" Dane Wigington | Re... (VIDEO)

If you don't believe that our government has the ability to create and direct hurricanes, then you need to watch this video. Weather modification has been a thing since the sixties, with patents dating back to the 1800's. Weather is now being used as a weapon.

The fires burning in Wyoming are connected to the storm that hit Ashville, North Carolina, and this video explains how. Hurricane Milton is also being manipulated. Climate engineering is the biggest threat to human life right now, second only to nuclear weapons. You need to understand this. Watch the video. It's not long. 

FLOOD RELIEF UPDATE – Mike Adams gives update on the PALLETS of organic ...

The people of North Carolina still need our prayers. The way our government is handling Hurricane Helene is horrific. The only good thing about all this is the exposure of the level of evil within the current administration. Biden and Harris and many others are guilty of treason. 

In this video, Mike Adams gives an update on what is happening in North Carolina. Please watch so you know what to pray for. Children are wandering around looking for their parents. People have gone without water for days. Samaritan's Purse is a good organization to donate to if you have the means to do so. You must be careful who you give to because there is a lot of fraud going on, and your money may not get to where it belongs. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Lessons From Helene: Our Government is NOT Your Friend!

True stories from victims of Hurricane Helene expose the level of evil in our government. Billions of dollars have been given to illegals, but true Americans in need receive little or no help from the government. Weather modification, land grabs and voter suppression is discussed in this eye-opening video. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Candace Owens + Alex Jones: Who Wanted To Kill Trump? | Candace Ep 27

Alex Jones has been called a conspiracy theorist for more than 20 years. But now we are seeing that the things he has been warning about are actually true. In this hour-long interview, Candace Owens talks with Jones about the attempts to kill Trump and other deep state truths. 

What God said about P Diddy!

The downfall of Diddy is just the beginning. Kamala Harris and other high-ranking officials as well as many Hollywood elites are about to be exposed and judged. These people have sold their souls to the devil and have led many into perversion and idolatry. 

The wicked are being judged. God is separating the dark from the light, and there will be no more fence sitters. It's time to pick a side. Her prophecy begins at the nine minute mark. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Why the Shipping Strike is Really Economic Terrorism

A very good explanation of the US shipping strike and why it is happening. Our enemies are working from within, and they are trying to destroy capitalism and reset our financial system. You need to stay informed and be prepared. This will be a rocky ride. 

Urgent Warning for the US: it has begun

Multiple superstorms have been forming globally. Ports from Maine to Texas have shut down due to a dockworkers strike. Iran is firing missiles into Israel. Ann Vandersteel has said that World War Three has begun. Stay informed. Stay in prayer. Do not let fear take ahold. God has not given us a spirit of fear. 

What Will They Say at Your Funeral?

This video explains the eulogy virtues from the bestselling book, "The Road to Character". What virtues are you known for? If you are a Christian, what virtues should you have as a follower of Christ? Will you be remembered as someone with a strong, moral character?