Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Dr. Mark Hyman: Everything You're Eating Is Toxic, and Big Pharma Likes ...

Big Food companies are poisoning Americans and Big Pharma is among those who profit from this. This video is a deeper dive into my last You Tube video, titled "The Crap in our Food." Scroll down a few posts to find it.

Tucker Carlson interviews Dr. Mark Hyman, who explains the relationship between toxic food and the alarming rise in obesity and chronic diseases in the past 30 years. Much of what we eat is not actually food, it is harmful chemicals, toxic additives and genetically manipulated organisms. How long can we keep this up before our bodies break down?

Monday, November 25, 2024


Get a jumpstart on the new year by watching this video. She does a great job of explaining prayer and all the ways that we can influence the lives of others as well as our own lives. There is power in our words. The Bible says that life and death are in the power of the tongue. 

We have the privilege of coming boldly before the throne of grace. But we can't have any root of bitterness when we pray. God will not listen to the prayers of an angry person. We often forget to thank God and praise Him for his goodness when we pray. 

God is doing a new thing in the lives of His people. We are in a season of restoration and healing. We should be praying and interceding like never before. 

Saturday, November 23, 2024

The CRAP in our FOOD

The chemicals and toxic additives used in food production have been making Americans sick for decades, especially children. This video explores the dark secrets of industrialized food companies and how they favor profits over human health. The Make America Healthy Again movement is long overdue. 

Three cheers for the appointment of RFK jr. as secretary of Health and Human Services. This man is taking on a giant. But it is a giant that needs to be slayed before our children die from chronic health conditions related to their poisonous diets. 

Friday, November 22, 2024


Speaking truth can cause a lot of problems. Truth and light exposes darkness, and that can be offensive to those living in darkness. Truth can be shocking. But when you speak truth and do it God's way, it can be the first step toward healing. 

Every type of abuse has a dark spirit behind it. So when you speak truth, you will often be attacked, especially if that truth makes someone look bad. When we turn a blind eye to an ongoing sin or try to cover it up, we become complicit in that sin. 

God is exposing darkness in this season. People are being called out, and hopefully they will be healed and restored. When darkness is allowed to have its way within the church, it is dangerous. 

Many people aren't willing to stir up the hornet's nest and speak truth. Relationships can be broken by truth. Division and strife can break out. But these things often must happen before any positive change can set in. 

This video is an excellent look at the importance of truth in a dark world. 

Monday, November 18, 2024


Trump's second term will be a four-year dynasty for America. And this will continue for four more years after that, as good Christian men and women stand at the helm of government. God is guiding Trump in his cabinet picks.

We are entering Glory days, a time for miracles, a time for righteous people to be in positions of power and righteous people to carry the world's wealth. More of God's goodness is on the way to you and your family. This is not a time to fear or worry if you are living righteously.

The fake news and the women on The View are among those in fear and worry. God is bringing them to dust. CNN is collapsing. Joy Behar will have joyless days ahead if she doesn't repent. Whoopi is already being judged for what comes out of her mouth. And the defeated Kamala is reaping the fallout of her greed for money and power as she is left with a mountain of debt. 

The wicked ones are having a meltdown. This is what happens when you defy God. You always lose in the end. 

Traitors Are Setting Traps For Trump (video link)


The snakes in government are being exposed

Three-letter agencies are scrambling to cover their tracks. The Deep State's global control is crumbling. The monsterous machine enslaving this nation is not giving up the fight. They are setting up traps for the president-elect, collaborating to pull off an impeachment of Trump once he takes office. 

Trump has snakes around him that he doesn't know yet are snakes. Someone will try to plant something against him before inauguration day. They are trying to catch him in something impeachable. These spies are recording his private conversations and manipulating data with AI technology. 

Wicked people are hiding behind masks of deception. But God sees it all and they will not get what they want. Their house of cards is coming down. Traitors are being exposed.

Julie Green is the one to follow right now as our nation is being delivered out of the hands of the wicked. She truly is hearing from God, and you are about to witness the second great Exodus. God delivered the Israelites from slavery, and He is about to deliver America from corrupt people who want to destroy this great nation. This is God's nation, and He will not be mocked. 

Click on the link below for today's prophecy:

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Kids and Adults Wonder, "Why Am I Here?"

God has a purpose and plan for your life. There's a reason why you are here. Your earthly life is a training ground for your eternal life. Understanding the purpose of your life now is very beneficial to you. 

Do you sense that your life has a greater purpose than what you are experiencing? Do you get a nagging feeling that there must be something more than this temporary earthly life? That is God tugging at your heart. 

God's essential characteristic is love. He created us and gives us purpose in life because He loves us. God is offering you a chance to prepare now to have a meaningful, joyful life forever. If you are not interested in eternal happiness, there is only one other option. 

Saturday, November 16, 2024

This Trump Speech Is Going Viral & This Is Why!

You must watch this video if you have not seen it. This is an answer to prayer. God stepped in to save us from this insanity. Things in our nation have become very dark and demonic. I want to cheer when I listen to President Trump declare war on the woke agenda. Our children actually have a future now. Praise God!

Prophet Kim Clement prophesied in 2007 that Trump will become a trumpet. If you don't believe in prophets, this is the video that will convict your heart and change your mind. God is real, and you had better get on His side while you still have time. 

God is using Donald Trump right now. The tables have turned.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

They're Not Going Down Without A Fight (VIDEO link)


Not everyone is as excited as I am about Trump's win. 

We need to prepare for a coming attack on our country. Foreign enemies are about to invade and attack America, according to prophet Julie Green. This is nothing to laugh at. Her prophecies are always accurate. 

The current establishment is putting on a show, acting like they are accepting the election results. The swamp rats in the capitol want to stay in power, and they are willing to take drastic measures. They are petrified of losing power and money. 

These deep state lunatics weren't expecting a Trump victory, and they are on a war path to stop him from taking office. God is delivering us from the hands of the wicked, but the wicked are not going down without a fight. 

Shocking resignations are coming in our government. Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi will be ousted. The old guard is being removed. Those who want to destroy America from within will drop like flies. 

These traitors have allowed foreign nations into our government to demolish it from within. They want America to collapse so they can usher in their one-world government, one-world religion, and a one-world currency. This has been their plan all along. 

Their great reset is what they desperately want. But God is crushing their plan. And we must play a part in that crushing. Click on the link below to watch today's powerful prophecy from Julie Green, and be sure to watch her tomorrow for greater details on this topic.

Monday, November 11, 2024

The Power of Tongues

Every Christian should understand the gift of praying in tongues. This is not demonic or jibberish. It is the most powerful way a Christian can pray. This video explains the gift and the amazing advantages of using it. Praying in tongues strengthens every other spiritual gift you have been given. 

Your prayer in tongues reaches the throne of God immediately. A Christian who fails to use this incredible gift is not reaching the full potential of her faith. She is not tapping-in to something very powerful that could bring a desired breakthrough. 

Sunday, November 10, 2024

What Many People do not know about Demons | Derek Prince

Demons are real people with individual personalities. They are disembodied spirits of a preademic race that perished under the judgement of God in the book of Genesis. They desperately crave to occupy a body. Only through a body can they exercise their ungodly lusts. We are surrounded by an invisible host of persons without bodies desperately craving to occupy bodies. 

We must understand the spiritual realm so we don't suffer because we lack this knowledge. 

Saturday, November 9, 2024

10 Signs You Are a GOOD person

Jesus was the ultimate example of goodness. The Bible tells us that we will know a tree by its fruit. A good tree produces good fruit. This video explores some qualities that good people have and put into action. They are chosen by God to make the world a better place. 

Friday, November 8, 2024

Unprecedented Victories: A Political Shift Will Bring Explosive Changes (VIDEO)


We are about to see what freedom really is. 

A political shift has taken place. Good Americans voted and with God's help, they saved this nation. Our children and grandchildren have a hopeful future now.

We will continue to see unprecedented victories in the coming days, weeks and years. We are stepping out from under the control of the wicked. America is about to become the nation it was always meant to be with no interference from deep state lunatics who want to destroy our country. 

A spiritual shift is also happening right now. We will witness miracles and breakthroughs. This is our great exodus. When the Israelites broke free from slavery under Pharaoh , God healed them all. If you are a believer, pray healing words over yourself and believe that He is still a God who heals. 

The wicked are squirming right now. They will try attack after attack, but every one of them will be removed from power. Read the book of Exodus. We are watching a modern-day exodus take place in our lifetime. You are living in one of the most exciting times in history. You were chosen to be alive and see this and to pray into everything you are seeing. 

Build up your faith. Don't live by what you see and feel. God is still a healer. He's still a provider and deliverer. Every victory you are longing for will come through Him. Fear and anxiety come from the enemy. Speaking God's word is the way to fight negative emotions. The cure for fear and anxiety is not in a bottle. 

Spend time with God and your life will change. Trust in His answer to your prayers. Keep trusting until the answer comes. 

Get ready for the joy that will be poured out as truth floods this earth to destroy the lies that have been holding you back. Things are about to change economically and financially. The changes will be explosive and will greatly affect you in positive ways. Everyone will know that it was God who stepped in to save America.

Watch the video at the link below:

Monday, November 4, 2024


An amazing prophecy from Carolyn Dennis will set your heart at ease about the upcoming election. The prophecy begins at the 7-minute mark if you want to skip ahead on this video. Up until then, she talks about a dream she had that God told her to ignore. 

Trump will win the election by a landslide, and that will lead to a complete end to all government corruption. The military will need to be called in as these wicked leaders fight to keep their positions and their power. The vote tomorrow will be massive for Trump. Get ready to celebrate.

Sunday, November 3, 2024