Thursday, February 8, 2007


The worst part about being unorganized is the way it makes us feel. When I was a teenager, my bedroom was a mess and I felt like a mess. Since I couldn't organize the place where I spent most of my quiet time, I was a mess in every area of my life. In high school I sometimes went to the wrong classroom because I kept losing my class schedule. It was embarrassing to hear my name over the intercom after a teacher reported me missing. I felt like an airhead.

"When we are disorganized, we don't like ourselves, our jobs, or much else about our worlds," says Gordon McDonald in his book, Ordering Your Private World. That is so true. When I don't organize my time, I feel unproductive and wasteful. When my home and car are a mess, I feel sloppy and lazy. Being undisciplined just makes me feel like a mess. Living that way is depressing, and it affects every part of my life, including my relationships with people and with God. I can't focus on what's important when I'm surrounded by clutter.

I've gotten better at being organized since my high school days. But I still haven't mastered it completely. I can let a sink full of dishes set overnight without it bothering me. I don't want to become obsessed. Then I would have other problems. No one could live with me!

If you've been wanting to bring a sense of order to your life, here are a few tips for getting started. Some of these things might take a lot of work, but I promise it will be worth it. The sense of peace you feel when you come home to an uncluttered refuge is something you need in today's chaotic world. Some of these ideas came from yesterday's Oprah Winfrey show and some came from my own experience.

Organize your clothes If your house is cluttered with clothes, throw every piece of clothing on a pile and separate what you want to keep and what needs to go. Go through one room at a time so you don't feel overwhelmed. Then put the clothes you plan to keep in an organized closet or storage area. This alone will make you feel lighter and more orderly.

Buy a file cabinet I keep files on each family member that contains personal information such as health records, photos, certificates, social security cards, etc. I also have an alphabetical file. My "A" file contains receipts for antiques I've purchased and my "P" file contains product information such as warranty cards and instruction booklets for cameras, alarm clocks, appliances and other purchases.

Write reminders on a calendar Those little appointment cards you get at the dentist don't do any good stuck in your wallet. Post a calendar with plenty of room for daily notes. If your child needs a disposable lunch for a field trip, write it down. If you volunteered to send a snack to school, write it down. Keep school activity and lunch calendars posted so you don't miss picture day and pizza day. When you receive an invitation, write it on the calendar along with the deadline to RSVP.

Carry a notebook or keep one in your car How many times do you receive information away from home that you know you should write down? Phone numbers, addresses, directions, all kinds of information comes at you when you're out in the world. Have a place to record these things and carry several pencils or pens. If you have a cell phone, record the numbers you call most. Voice recorders are great ideas too. Carry a phone and address book. When you record a new entry, transfer it to your address book at home.

Have a special place for things Put your keys in the same place every time you come home. Return the scissors to its special place. Know where to find the glue, tape, a flashlight, everything you need. Organize your refrigerator the same way. Don't waste time searching for things. Know exactly where things are because you return them to their special place each time.

I could give you a much longer list, but once you start organizing your life, it penetrates every area of your home and workplace. You see how much easier life is and how much better you feel, and it makes you want more. Being organized. Try it. You'll like it.

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