Wednesday, May 18, 2011
I heard a sermon recently about being faithful in the little things. The speaker said that when we're faithful in the little things, even when we think no one notices, God notices. He sees our determination and eventually he will bless us with bigger and better things to be faithful in.
There are so many little ways we can be faithful. Did you ever buy something in the grocery store and then change your mind about it? Have you ever tucked a bag of cookies in the bread aisle? That's what I'm talking about. No one saw you do it, but you knew that you should have put those cookies back where you got them.
Every day, we do little things here and there that bring disorder to our lives. We are lazy when we should be ambitious. Sometimes I get so tired of standing at the kitchen sink and tackling yet another round of dishes, I just walk away. Some members of my family have a habit of dropping dirty clothes and wet towels on the floor. The paper clutter of mail, magazines, newspapers, artwork, school papers and everything else becomes a small mountain to sift through after only a few days.
These are the little things God wants us to be faithful with. My husband is the organized one in the family. He always reminds us that Heaven is an organized place. I've come a long way, but I have a long way to go. I'm still trying to become a better listener (another little thing). I'm still trying to build patience, speak encouraging words, keep my car organized, improve my memory, use my time well, be a focused reader, and a disciplined eater.
When we fail to be victorious in these little things, they can become big issues and make our lives miserable. All God asks is that we make an effort. If he sees us making an effort, he will bless us. Be faithful in the little things and watch your blessings grow.
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