Sunday, July 13, 2008


There are friends who pretend to be friends, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. The book of Proverbs is my favorite book in the bible because it is so easy to understand and so full of plain simple truth that can be easily applied to our lives. The opening sentence above is one of those truths.

When I was younger, I had many friends who pretended to be my friends. Just having someone to hang out with was enough for me. Or maybe I just wasn't good at knowing how to spot a true friend. Today, I can tell within minutes of meeting someone whether she's someone I'd want to be friends with.

It seems the older we get the more we want to simplify our lives. And spending time in false friendships is a complicated waste of time. It's not about thinking yourself better than others, it's about wanting to spend time with people who will enrich your life, not bring stress. Having friends that don't have your best interests at heart can't enrich your life. They are not trustworthy. They're not willing to sacrifice anything for you. And they're not dependable.

When I was less selective about my friends, they brought me more stress than joy. Now I have friends who stick closer than a brother and a more peaceful, content life. The importance of the friends we share our lives with can't be denied. Friends who pretend to be friends leave us feeling empty and dissatisfied. But those cherished friends who stick closer than a brother are so uplifting and so good for the soul. Once we find them, we hang on to them and appreciate everything they bring to our lives.

I thank God for my friends and for the discernment He's given me to know a true friend. What a gift it is to have people who will look out for you with genuine caring and nothing phony or pretend.

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