Monday, November 29, 2010


I'm so excited! I just whipped up my very first batch of homemade toothpaste and I'm thrilled with the results.  This was not a time consuming project.  I added all the ingredients and had them mixed in one minute.  I've been reading bad things about fluoride, so I've been looking for a fluoride-free toothpaste.  Not so easy to find, and the brand I did find costs about four dollars a tube.  So I checked out one of my favorite sources for homemade everything and discovered two recipes at Passionate Homemaking.  There's a link to this site under Home and Health Links on the right side of my page.

I decided that I wanted baking soda in my toothpaste, so I made a combination of the two recipes suggested on the Passionate Homemaking website.  Here's my recipe:

                                               Nell's Homemade Toothpaste

1/2 Tbsp. Dr. Bronners castile liquid soap (or any natural castile liquid soap)
   5 Tbsp coconut oil
   2 Tbsp baking soda
   2 packets of stevia
   1 Tbsp of water (less or more depending on the consistency you want.  I added very little water).

I stored my toothpaste in a small glass jelly jar.  You can also water this down enough to store it in a new soap dispenser bottle and then you can pump it directly onto your toothbrush.  It may sound strange to make toothpaste out of soap, but Dr. Bronners soap is made with natural ingredients and organic oils.  No health hazards to worry about, unlike the store-bought toothpaste that contains not only toxic fluoride, but also might contain sodium lauryl sulfate, which is considered unsafe by some experts.  I used the orange oil soap.  It also comes in peppermint and other varieties. I found Dr. Bronners soap while out shopping one day, but it's also available at Amazon.

The coconut oil I found at Wal Mart.  It's called Lou Ana and I found it on the top shelf in the cooking oil section.  I also bought the stevia at Wal Mart.  It comes in a box of 100 packets and it's made by Spring Valley.  You can find it in the vitamin section.  Stevia is an all natural herb that is a safe substitute for sugar.

I just love homemade recipes.  It makes me feel self-sufficient when I don't have to depend on already-made store-bought products.  Anything I can make myself is just more satisfying to use.  The reason I want to avoid fluoride is because it's toxic.  And although we might not ingest much since we spit out toothpaste, I still feel better knowing the fluoride isn't in there.

Did you know fluoride is banned from drinking water in nine countries?  Yet in this country we hand out fluoride pills to children in school.  I'm not sure if they still do this.  I opted out of the school's fluoride program years ago, but I remember taking those little white pills myself in grade school.  Kids would put them in their mouths and then spit them out when the teacher wasn't looking.  Although they probably didn't realize that they were doing themselves a favor. They just hated the taste.

If you're not convinced that fluoride is worth your concern, I posted a video below that you might find interesting.

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