Sunday, January 23, 2011


By Jim Carvell
Contributing Writer

A few years ago I began feeling the need to inform and warn people of the times and seasons we're living in.  This feeling I believe comes from the Holy Spirit.  I ask God to lead and show me the truth about the days we live in.  And I spend hours searching independent news sources, studying from Christian teachers and scholars, and of course studying the Holy Bible.

These days, within Christian circles, there exists a wide range of beliefs and opinions about last days prophecy.  Did you know that roughly 1/3 or 10,000 verses of the Holy Bible deals with prophecy.  Has God warned and prepared us for his plans about future events?  I believe He has.

I try to keep an open mind to different opinions, knowing that only one can be the truth of any given prophecy.  God makes no mistakes.  As the Apostle Paul said in 2 Tim 2:7...."for the Lord will give you understanding in everything."  One prophecy that is understood in various ways is Matthew 24...Jesus' very own prophecy that He gave of the signs of His coming and the end of the age (Greek "aion"-meaning completion).

In verses 4 through 8 of Matthew 24, Jesus gave us distinct signs to look for such as the deception of false Christs (Messiah, savior, leader) who mislead many  into false doctrines, religions, occults; wars and rumors of wars, nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom, famines, and earthquakes in various places.  But in verse 8 he said these signs were only the beginning of birth pangs.  I challenge anyone to watch and read any news source for one week and see if all these signs are not present and increasing in occurrences and severity. 

Then Jesus gives us a picture of the future tribulations, events, instructions for those living in Judea at that time, conditions of the world, great signs and wonders that will mislead many (verse 9-28).  Jesus tells us in verse 29 that immediately after the tribulations of those days, the sun and moon will be darkened and stars will be falling from the sky.  Then, they who remain will see the son of man (Jesus) coming on the clouds of the sky (verse 30).

But much of the differing opinions among Christian scholars and believers starts with verse 32, the parable of the fig tree and what or whom the tree represents.  I believe the fig was used as an example of when new leaves sprout, we know summer is near (Luke 21 used fig tree and all trees).  Jesus went on to explain in verse 33..."you too, when you see (leaves sprout) all these things (signs contained in this prophecy) recognize that He (Jesus) is near, at the door.  I see the beginnings of many of these signs increasing every day.  I wonder if Jesus has the door cracked open now, maybe one foot out, ready to return.

Another difference in opinions is with verse 37..."For the coming of the son of man will be just like the days of Noah."  If we go back to Genesis:6, God gave us an account of life in those days.  It wasn't peaceful.  God was grieved in His heart.  Children were being born (nephilim or giants) to the daughters of men and the sons of God.  I believe this was children born to human women and angels of God.   Strange? Yes.

Decide for yourself, but many early church teachings express this view.  The wickedness was great.  Thoughts of evil were on men's minds continually, so much that God decided to blot out man, whom he created.  But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.  Then Matthew 24:38 says that before the flood, they were eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day Noah and his family entered the ark.  They did not understand until the flood came and took them all away.  So will the coming of the son of man be.

Who is they?  I believe they are all the unrighteous (unsaved).  Noah and his three sons were already married.  They found mercy and grace in God's eyes.  They were obedient to God, preparing for the coming judgment on earth, and Noah was preaching and warning of the coming rains (judgment).

This is exactly where we are today.  The fig tree's signs are budding and increasing as birth pains do.  Unbelievers don't understand and are even mocking and persecuting those who believe in Christ Jesus, just as they mocked  Noah.  The whole world is in financial turmoil, setting up a one world government.  Man has evil on his mind continually.  Immoral and wicked deeds are happening with scientists trying to mix human DNA with animals (transhumanism).

I believe we are in the beginnings of the birth pains prior to entering the last seven years of the age.  We need to prepare as Noah did for the time we're living in by lowering our debts, stocking up on extra food and medical supplies and warning those who don't understand, just as Noah warned others.  If you're unsure how to prepare, pray for God's guidance. 

But there is great hope..."For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son (Jesus) that whosoever believes in Him (Jesus) shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).  No being can stop God's plans for mankind and you can't destroy God's truth by not believing it.  So why not be a part of His plans for all eternity?  God loves you.  Seek Him.

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