Tuesday, February 15, 2011


An Evening with David Jeremiah, live from Washington, DC was broadcast this past Sunday night.  I took notes so I could share his insight about the challenging days we live in.  First he explained why America is in the mess that it's in, and then he presented four things that we need to do in order to stay afloat while our nation circles the drain.
                           How Did We Get In This Mess? 
 Social Security
 Social Security is an unsustainable program that now functions as an unfunded entitlement program. The money that comes in from social security is used for other government payouts, so it's not really what it claims to be.
 War and National Defense
Although defending our nation is important, it has been a drain on our economy.  In 2008, 41.5% of the world's war expenses were attributed to the US.  It costs 1 million dollars per soldier per year for deployment to Afghanistan.
Growth of Big Government
Our government doesn't produce anything, yet it is our nation's largest employer.  One in five people works for the government.  
National and Private Debt
Americans have been living beyond their means for decades.  Our national debt is 14 trillion dollars.  Our social security debt is 17.5 trillion.  Our medicare debt is 89.3 trillion.  That's a total of 120 trillion dollars.  On top of that, the debt we owe to China is 798.9 million.  And the debt we owe to Japan is 746.5 million.  The Bible tells us that the borrower is servant to the lender. 

Jeremiah said that there is no way to avoid inflation now.  The Federal Reserve continues to create money out of thin air with nothing to back it. Every country that has tried this experienced massive hyperinflation.  The price of everything will continue to creep up.  We're not in a cycle that will soon recover, no matter what economy experts say.  Hyperinflation will continue. There's no way to avoid it.

                                    What ShouldWe Do?

Keep Your Head In The Game
People say the news is so bad they don't watch it.  They don't want to know what's happening.  The Bible doesn't give us permission to stick our heads in the sand because the bad news depresses us.  Jesus scolded the Sadducees in Matthew 16:3 for not being able to discern the signs of the times.  We are to be men and women who watch and study.   
Keep Your House In Order
Find out what's going on in your house.  If you don't know the truth about where you are, how will you know what to do?  Take a personal inventory of your debt and start now to minimize it.  When you're paying ten dollars for a loaf of bread will you be able to pay your debts?
Keep Your Heart In Your Faith
Jeremiah said people tend to stop praying and going to church when they experience difficult times.  They quit reading their Bibles at a time when they need it most.  They might even drop out of a bible study or other ministries they're involved in.  But there's never a day so dark that we can't be involved in the ministry to which God called us.  Now is a time for great ministry in America.  People are searching for answers.  The darker the night, the brighter the light.  What are you doing for God during these dark days?
Keep Your Hope In God
We were never meant to put our hope in our financial statements.  We need to remember that this world is not our home.  We're simply passing through.  When things seem hopeless, maybe the reason is to remember where our hope should be in the first place.  True faith believes in God even when we don't know what He's up to.  Jeremiah said that if you've accepted Christ as your savior, then the ultimate issue in your life has already been decided.  Where you will spend eternity is already decided.  What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?  Keep your eyes on where you're going.  God has a wonderful plan for your life if your heart is right with Him.  Every problem and pleasure on Earth will pass.  Eternity is forever.

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