Tuesday, March 1, 2011


By Danelle Carvell

Anything that reminds me of my childhood is a treasure in my home.  My latest find is a coin bank I got on a trip to Walt Disney World, Florida in the seventies.  It's an orange bird with an orange for a head.  I think I remember the orange bird cartoon character in orange juice commercials in the seventies.  When I saw the familiar coin bank last Saturday at Roller Mills Antiques in Lewisburg, I knew I couldn't leave without it.  It reminds me of the road trip my family took to Florida in the seventies. 

Imagine four kids in the back of a van traveling from Pennsylvania to Florida.  Now that's a memory maker.  We wore out an eight-track of John Denver on that trip.  That's why I posted my favorite of his songs yesterday.  I guess that trip was on my mind since finding my orange bird bank.  By the time we got to Florida I knew the words to every song on that eight-track...Calypso, Grandma's Feather Bed, Thank God I'm A Country Boy, Rocky Mountain High.  On the way home we belted out the words to Take Me Home Country Roads

I love the way music, toys, games, and other things we had as kids bring back all those great memories.  I guess that's one reason people love antiques.  Antiques are memories.  They're reminders of a different era when life seemed richer and less rushed.  Whenever I see a dish my mom or grandma used or a set of salt and pepper shakers like the ones back home, I want them displayed in my home.  My absolute most exciting antique find was an exact replica of my grandma's cookie jar.  I found that at Roller Mills in Lewisburg also and I felt such joy when it caught my eye on the shelf just before leaving the place.  I snatched that cookie jar so quick and held it close like a baby.

Our childhood memories should be treasured, but even more, we should treasure today.  Treasure the people who are in our lives now.  Treasure the life we live at this moment in time.  I appreciate the past, but I don't long for it.  The important stuff is now.  Today's treasures are the greatest gifts...my daughter's smile, my son's laughter, my husband's humor and his comforting hugs.  These are the real treasures in my life... the things I must make an even greater effort to cherish.


  1. What great times we had together when we were kids. When we weren't fighting over who got to write in the peanut butter jar first, we were enjoying life outdoors. We didn't need cell phones. Our lives were more peaceful, less hurried, less stressed. I'm so glad to have you for a sister. I can't imagine my life without you. Can't wait to see your new Roller Mills treasure.
    love Sis

  2. We sure had some great times as a family. Miles on the road with the camper behind us and you would yell KOA and we would pull in for the night. Get a fire going and make mountain pies and smoores. I'll never forget that big blue tent and dad's mountain stew, and all the dirty wash when we got back home. I am so proud of you four, Dee and her pee pee maws, shy Danelle hanging on my leg and when I went to church she would say "Momie duming ohm doon", Eric with his little car and Ed drinking his goo goosh. And oh the hours playing Monopoly and Life. There were also bad time but we all hung on to our faith and are stronger because of them. Please write a journal fo all the things you remember as a child. ;There is so much I have forgotten, would love to read more of them.
