But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified; for these things must first come to pass; but the end (does not follow immediately)...Nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. And great earthquakes shall be in diverse places, and famines, and pestilences, and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. Luke 21:9-11
In the early morning of January 28, 2011, a mysterious event was captured in Jerusalem by a number of video devices. It happened where some consider to be the absolute center of the globe: the Temple Mount. Two young Israeli men sent their video to Earthfiles.com, which describes the content of the video as follows:
"24 seconds into the video, a white aerial light descends quickly toward the horizon on the Dome of the Rock area in the Old City...a circle of translucent light zooms toward the white aerial object...immediately the original white object zips straight up at terrific speed. Camera pans up to four red lights pulsating on and off in a large shifting pattern from triangle to diamond."
Two thousand years ago, anyone who witnessed the above event would immediately report having seen an angel over the Temple.
According to an article in Prophecy In The News magazine, "Such aerial activities were universally seen as visions of something supernatural, perhaps divine...The historian Flavius Josephus reported that at the time of the Roman siege of the Temple, a number of supernatural events were seen over the Temple Mount."
"...so great a light shone around the altar and the holy house, that it appeared to be bright as day-time...for half an hour...This light...was interpreted by the sacred scribes as to portend those events that followed immediately upon it." [Wars of the Jews, VI., v.3]
What immediately followed was the Roman destruction of the Temple.
"Why would an angel swoop down over the Temple Mount, hover just above it, flash a brilliant light, then rocket upward to meet four other similar angels which had been hovering there?" asks Gary Stearman in his article, "An Angel Over the Temple Mount."
If you believe the Bible, fiery chariots are angelic activity. UFOs are not aliens from outer space. "Biblically speaking, chariots of fire, angels, demons and the activities of the Lord in the heavens describe every unidentified appearance of lights and spheres and discs in the modern era," says Stearman. "The manifestations of mysterious lights and ships in the sky are perfectly explained as the comings and goings of celestial beings, involved in their ancient battles in the heavens."
What was that angel doing there on the 28th of January? Is this another example of the great signs from heaven that Jesus speaks about in the book of Luke? Signs that will precede the rapture of the church? Watch the video below and decide for yourself. If the video is not found directly below this, click on Biblical Truth under the labels category at the bottom right side of this blog.
That video is too wild!