Women are hard on themselves. They put other women on pedestals and think they don't come close to the talent that she has, the beauty that she has, the amazing abilities that she has. They think she has it all together. Compared to her, they fall short.
Why can't I do that? Why can't I be like her? Why doesn't God bless me with such talent?
It's hard to attend a gathering of women and not feel the tension in the air. Women compare. They watch. Their eyes go up and down. They long to be fabulous, like her. But what they don't realize is that they are fabulous, just in a different way than she is.
Why doesn't a mother who takes care of her family think she's doing something worthwhile? Why isn't it enough? Why does she need to be more? Because the voices of our culture tell her that if she wants to be somebody, she must forget what's at home and make her mark on the world. Those voices need to be silenced. Yet every time someone asks her, "What do you do?" she hears faint whispers that she's not enough. So she strives to be more. She needs to prove herself.
Perhaps there is a calling in her heart to do more, but maybe it's not the right season. Why is it so hard for her to focus on being a wife and mother and be satisfied with that? Why does she compare herself to others and feel she doesn't measure up?
Because she doesn't realize she's an artist. Everything she does at home requires strength, creativity, and talent. But who notices her efforts? God does. But because the world isn't praising her, she feels insignificant. So she vows to do more. She wants to be amazing beyond her home. She wants to be seen as fabulous in the world.
I wrote a speech about finding our identity in Christ instead of seeking acceptance in today's culture. It's titled, Worldy Woman, Godly Woman: Which One Are You? Whether you're a career woman or a stay-at-home mom, you'll be inspired to find your security in the only One who can make you feel secure.
I'll be sharing this speech on Saturday May 21 at Grace Community Church, Herndon, PA, below Line Mountain High School. If you'll be in the area on that day, please plan to attend. Call Dianne Smeltz at 570-758-8404 and make reservations by Saturday, May 14.
And if you can't attend, please check out the blog below called Chatting At the Sky: A Place For Your Soul to Breathe. Here you'll be convinced that you are an artist and what you do has purpose, importance and meaning. It's time to stop comparing and see yourself as fabulous. Because you are in so many ways.
This blog is a place to chat from a Christian perspective about a variety of topics.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Many people who call themselves Christians know little or nothing about what Christ said. Many Christians who are supposed to be filled with the blessed hope of the rapture of the church refuse to believe that event may be near (the bible calls them scoffers). The book of Hebrews says that the hope we have is an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast.
Why would anyone who calls himself a Christian want to crush another Christian's hope? Yet this happens every day when Christians refuse to see the warnings Jesus gave us about the last days. They say everything is the same as it always was and they refuse to see the signs Jesus warned about, signs that are increasing in both frequency and intensity, just like labor pains before a baby is born.
Not believing doesn't make anything untrue. Truth will come to pass no matter what a scoffer believes. Christ predicted there would be scoffers in the last days. What's amazing is that many of these scoffers call themselves Christians. And they crush the hope of other Christians who take the Bible literally.
As In The Days Of Noah
From Now The End Begins blog
What does it mean to say we are in the “days of Noah?” This phrase means one thing to you, and something else to others. The truth is, it means many things. One large portion of comparing today to the days of Noah is the old phrase, “eat drink and be merry.” Try for a moment to name one other person in the Bible story that was preparing along with Noah for that flood……..got one? You can’t name any person outside of Noah’s family that took his warnings seriously.
They were all going about their lives, not concerned in the least of the coming flood. Noah continuously warned the people, and they continuously ignored. Maybe in your own life you’ve experienced the deaf ears your warnings fall on. Those without faith in God do not take these warnings seriously…nor the people God uses to warn them. Does this sound familiar? Recent? This leads to the next point about Noah. Scoffers.
Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
This world has pushed God out of everything. He is not allowed in schools, courts, TV, books, radio…In the days of Noah, the book of Genesis tells us, “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.” Again, sound familiar? Abortion kills approximately 3000 babies PER DAY. The institution of marriage is under attack. Violence is extremely high. Pornography is one of the highest money makers of any entertainment field. Pedophiles are luring children in on the internet so much that TV shows showcase it on a weekly basis….this could go on, but you probably get the point. We are a wicked world, and each day, we make the wrong things into totally acceptable behavior. Tolerance is starting to really mean allowance. To speak against Biblically unacceptable behavior means you are filled with hate. This is exactly what God saw during the days of Noah.
Why would anyone who calls himself a Christian want to crush another Christian's hope? Yet this happens every day when Christians refuse to see the warnings Jesus gave us about the last days. They say everything is the same as it always was and they refuse to see the signs Jesus warned about, signs that are increasing in both frequency and intensity, just like labor pains before a baby is born.
Not believing doesn't make anything untrue. Truth will come to pass no matter what a scoffer believes. Christ predicted there would be scoffers in the last days. What's amazing is that many of these scoffers call themselves Christians. And they crush the hope of other Christians who take the Bible literally.
As In The Days Of Noah
From Now The End Begins blog
What does it mean to say we are in the “days of Noah?” This phrase means one thing to you, and something else to others. The truth is, it means many things. One large portion of comparing today to the days of Noah is the old phrase, “eat drink and be merry.” Try for a moment to name one other person in the Bible story that was preparing along with Noah for that flood……..got one? You can’t name any person outside of Noah’s family that took his warnings seriously.
They were all going about their lives, not concerned in the least of the coming flood. Noah continuously warned the people, and they continuously ignored. Maybe in your own life you’ve experienced the deaf ears your warnings fall on. Those without faith in God do not take these warnings seriously…nor the people God uses to warn them. Does this sound familiar? Recent? This leads to the next point about Noah. Scoffers.
Noah trusted God, and knew the flood was coming. People, get ready, it’s about to rain.When Noah did warn others, they “scoffed” at him. They made fun of him, made him the butt of their jokes and did nothing to prepare themselves for the coming disaster. They went about their lives, laughing at Noah the whole time. This is why only Noah and his family were saved. For Christians, we are the “Noah’s family” in our current scenario…but the coming rapture is no disaster. It will be horrendous, however, for those left behind. This leads to another point in describing the current days of Noah, the state of the world.
Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
This world has pushed God out of everything. He is not allowed in schools, courts, TV, books, radio…In the days of Noah, the book of Genesis tells us, “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.” Again, sound familiar? Abortion kills approximately 3000 babies PER DAY. The institution of marriage is under attack. Violence is extremely high. Pornography is one of the highest money makers of any entertainment field. Pedophiles are luring children in on the internet so much that TV shows showcase it on a weekly basis….this could go on, but you probably get the point. We are a wicked world, and each day, we make the wrong things into totally acceptable behavior. Tolerance is starting to really mean allowance. To speak against Biblically unacceptable behavior means you are filled with hate. This is exactly what God saw during the days of Noah.
Happy Easter! And congratulations to Kim Hawkins of San Antonio Texas for winning the Easter Giveaway. She'll be receiving my print Summer Harvest. Kim said her favorite flower is a daisy.
My tulips opened up today and with the warm weather, I'm feeling like the gloomy cold winter is finally behind us. I spent the day with my family yesterday and enjoyed chatting with the women in our family, My mom, my sister, my sister-in-law and my brother's girlfriend who just got engaged, so she'll be my sister-in-law some day. We decided that we need to have these chats more often.
"This is what women did years ago," my sister said. And I replied that this is what's missing from many women's lives. They have no connection to other women and no one to talk to about their lives and daily struggles. Many women are isolated and living without the safety net of a circle of friends and family. I"m grateful that I have caring women in my family. They've helped me and encouraged me in so many ways.
Women need to talk and they need to do it face to face. Without that real physical connection to other women, I feel like something is missing from my life. There's an emptiness. No amount of chatting on facebook can fill the void. I believe God created women to need each other. It's too bad that women aren't more sociable and supportive of one another as a whole. Maybe we need to start up quilting parties again.
I remember sitting under the quilt frame as a child and listening to the conversations of the older women. Those women were my mother, my grandmother, as well as relatives and friends of the family. There was a comfort in that room when those women got together. It seemed like the most natural thing in the world to do. Yet how many women today actually schedule time to have a good conversation and enjoy each other's company?
As I sat around that table yesterday, sharing the joys and sorrows of life with the women in my family, I felt so grateful to be blessed with their company. I thanked God for the gift of them.
My tulips opened up today and with the warm weather, I'm feeling like the gloomy cold winter is finally behind us. I spent the day with my family yesterday and enjoyed chatting with the women in our family, My mom, my sister, my sister-in-law and my brother's girlfriend who just got engaged, so she'll be my sister-in-law some day. We decided that we need to have these chats more often.
"This is what women did years ago," my sister said. And I replied that this is what's missing from many women's lives. They have no connection to other women and no one to talk to about their lives and daily struggles. Many women are isolated and living without the safety net of a circle of friends and family. I"m grateful that I have caring women in my family. They've helped me and encouraged me in so many ways.
Women need to talk and they need to do it face to face. Without that real physical connection to other women, I feel like something is missing from my life. There's an emptiness. No amount of chatting on facebook can fill the void. I believe God created women to need each other. It's too bad that women aren't more sociable and supportive of one another as a whole. Maybe we need to start up quilting parties again.
I remember sitting under the quilt frame as a child and listening to the conversations of the older women. Those women were my mother, my grandmother, as well as relatives and friends of the family. There was a comfort in that room when those women got together. It seemed like the most natural thing in the world to do. Yet how many women today actually schedule time to have a good conversation and enjoy each other's company?
As I sat around that table yesterday, sharing the joys and sorrows of life with the women in my family, I felt so grateful to be blessed with their company. I thanked God for the gift of them.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Today as I was organizing paper clutter, I came across an article about toxins in the products we use everyday. Research links five of the most commonly used chemicals in the world to a host of ailments, including cancer, sexual problems, and behavioral issues.
Did you know that plastic with a number 7 on the bottom probably contains Bisphenol A unless it explicitly says otherwise. Bisphenol A poses a potential cancer risk and may disrupt the extremely sensitive chemical signals in your body called the endocrine system.
Avoid shampoos, conditioners, and other personal care products that list "fragrance" as an ingredient. This means the product contains Phthalates, chemicals that soften plastic. They also disrupt reproductive development and are considered endocrine disruptors.
Did you know that overheating nonstick cookware releases a toxic gas? This is why I got a headache when I used Teflon coated pans or grills. I've since thrown them out. Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA, also called C8) is used to make Teflon nonstick and stain or water-repellent products. PFOA causes cancer and developmental problems.
Formaldehyde is used in the manufacture of pressed wood products. It is a known human carcinogen, causing cancers of the respiratory or gastrointestinal tract. Buying furniture free of formaldehyde eliminates much of the exposure you face from this checmical.
Then we have PBDE's a group of chemicals used as flame retardants. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers may damage your liver and kidneys and affect your brain and behavior. Look for products made without PBDE flame retardants.
Below is the second article I came across today about toxins. Someone must be trying to tell me something. Or maybe it's you that needs to start reading labels. This stuff could be making you or someone you know sick. Read on.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Feminism's legacy: 'Heartache, STDs, abortion'
'It turns out human nature cannot be repealed by judicial fiat'
Posted: March 08, 2011
9:12 pm Eastern
By Anita Crane
© 2011 WorldNetDaily
So wrote Suzanne Venker and her aunt, Phyllis Schlafly, in "The Flipside of Feminism" What Conservative Women Know – and Men Can't Say."
And if that doesn’t elicit feminist fury or bewilderment, what will? But it's more reason for feminists and non-feminists to read this new title published by WND Books.
After all, you'll see people you know, people you love – maybe even yourself – in "The Flipside of Feminism," the authors say. "My hope is that any person between the ages of 18 and 50, male or female, who feels as though they've absorbed feminist ideology, will read this book," said Venker, who describes herself first and foremost as a wife and mom, even though she's authored a previous book and numerous articles.
Schlafly, author or editor of 20 books, founder of the Eagle Forum, and Supreme Court attorney most famous for leading the Equal Rights Amendment defeat, hopes that the young will read "Flipside" before they make "too many mistakes. "I want them to understand that everything the feminists are telling us is really a lie," said the widow, and proud mother and grandmother. "Feminism teaches young women to think of themselves as victims of the patriarchy. That's so unfortunate because American women are the most fortunate who have ever lived – we can make anything we want of our lives."
What, then, is this thing that Venker and Schlafly call the "F word"? In brief, feminism is the radical agenda of what they dubbed "the Feminine Left."
"The animus against men is very evident in what they're doing," said Schlafly. "They look upon marriage as a dreary life. Betty Friedan called the housewife 'a parasite who lives in a concentration camp.' Gloria Steinem said you become a 'semi-nonperson' when you get married. A lot of these feminist leaders came out of dysfunctional families and they're projecting their personal problems onto society."
As the authors explain, "feminism is in the air." Liberal or unwitting parents indoctrinate their children at home, teachers push it in school and college, then in college or work, young women are taught to think only of themselves, chasing careers rather than love and family. As a result, many women resort to casual sex, spend long hours at work, and wake up in midlife realizing their lives are empty. Other women marry, concentrate on their careers, and abandon their families with no-fault divorce, they write.
Nevertheless, Schlafly and Venker, who write in a scholarly but fluid, tough-love and maternal way, found that most women want to be married and even more want to have children. "Heartache, broken relationships, failed marriages, sexually-transmitted diseases, abortion, and skyrocketing rates of emotionally wounded children have been the real legacy of feminism. It turns out – no surprise – that human nature cannot be repealed, overturned by judicial fiat, or reshaped by media messages," said Schlafly.
For these authors, the wreckage of feminism isn't just some study. Like many American men, it seems Venker's first husband had taken feminism to heart. "In our chapter on marriage, and in the last chapter with our roadmap, I talk about how geography is an issue for women today," said Venker. "Because so many women go away to school and get degrees so far away from home, their chances of meeting someone from out of state and then staying away are great. It's making motherhood stressful because mothers don't have support and help from their own moms. That's what happened in my case.
"We were living in New York and I wanted to come back to St. Louis, but my husband was a New Yorker and I just couldn't get him to do that," she said. "When I explained to him that family, specifically motherhood, was going to be the focus of my life and I wanted to be near my family, it just didn't work with him because he had absorbed feminist ideology: He was fine with abortion, casual sex and then he wasn't willing to move so that we could have family at the center of our lives."
Heartache isn't the only expense of feminism. Schlafly stressed that because of broken families, especially single mothers, 40 percent of Americans now depend on government for all or part of their living expenses, and that cost to taxpayers is about $1 trillion per year. Considering today's turbulent times and tea party activism, one of the best parts of "Flipside" tells how and why the Equal Rights Amendment failed.
Yes, years after Betty Freidan told Phyllis Schlafly, "I'd like to burn you at the stake," left-wing tactics are just as ugly and violent today. While Venker said that "feminism has sabotaged women's happiness," she wrote the book because she believes it's never too late for women and men to change.
"It's my hope that people get charged – a renewed hopefulness – from having someone open up the door to a completely different way of viewing women in society, marriage, motherhood, work and sex and all things," said Venker. "I hope that women – and men – realize that the [natural] things they're thinking are good and they're tired of having to follow the path set forth by all the feminists they've known, maybe feminist mothers or feminist professors. I hope they use this book to chart a new course."
"The Flipside of Feminism," by Suzanne Venker and Phyllis Schlafly will be available March 15.
Read more: Feminism's legacy: 'Heartache, STDs, abortion' http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=272353#ixzz1GSSv4Sk9
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