Saturday, May 28, 2011


Where do these Christians get the idea that there's going to be a rapture?  From the word of God in The Holy Bible:

John 14:2-3  In my father's house are many mansions...I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to myself; that where I am, there you may be also.

1 Thess 4:16-18 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Therefore comfort one another with these words.

Revelation 1:7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

1 Thess 2:19 For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming? 

Rev. 3:10 Because you have kept my word of patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial which is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell upon the earth.

Luke 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Tonight I drove home in what looked like a war zone.  A sign on the door told me my meeting in Millersburg was canceled due to tornado warnings.  Never in my life have my plans been canceled due to tornado warnings and never in my life have I driven through such an explosion of tree limbs, mud, rocks, and debris scattered for miles.        -Danelle


Is This Extreme Weather God’s Final Warning to America About Our Treatment of Israel?

by Dr. John McTernan & Geoffrey Grider


As America Has Done To Israel

Since April we have had floods and fires in Texas…then it was hurricanes across the upper Midwest. After that Alabama was hit with a massive tornado. Then unprecedented flooding in the Mississippi, wiping out whole towns and this years food crop. Joplin, MO, destroyed by tornado, and about to be hit again tonight. Twisters killing and injuring scores in Oklahoma just an hour before this writing. Add to that 15% national unemployment, $15 TRILLION dollar debt, and a third war we cannot afford to fight in Libya. In case you haven’t noticed, America is falling apart. In fact…
The destruction coming to America is now catastrophic!
The media caught the destructive tornadoes and Obama wanting to divide Israel together as front page headlines. As so often in the past, the destruction hitting America is front page along with what America is doing to Israel. I have documented this many times, going back to 1938, in the book As America Has Done to Israel.

Please visit John McTernan’s INSIGHTS, and see it for yourself. Obama bullies Israel to divide the land, and the land of America is destroyed! One would think after this happened so many times that someone in Washington would wake up, but then again the vast majority of the church is sleeping through all of this. If the church is sleeping, how can we think more of the politicians!
Remember what Genesis 12:3 says, and it is still on FULL effect today
“Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Genesis 12:1-3
People, it is not a “coincidence” that as Obama demands Israel retreat back to pre-1967 borders, and works to divide God’s land of Israel with the Palestinians, that these disasters are coming upon us. God is merciful, and He is warning us. This is not a game. If we do not treat Israel as God would have us treat her, then the reason for America’s existence ceases to exist. When Obama treats Israel as he does, he is bringing the Genesis 12 curse down upon our nation.
Think about that as you watch week after week of natural and financial disasters decimate this country.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Our past lives are filled with good and bad memories. Sometimes those memories become a part of our present. When we carry regrets, anger, or resentment about painful things that have happened, the past never goes away. It follows us into the future, making us even more miserable than we were back then when it first happened.

The key to avoiding resentment about past hurts is to refuse to let those hurts fester in the first place. Today I received two emails from a woman who might have had good intentions, but her words hurt. Twice she pointed out something I had done wrong. They were totally innocent mistakes that weren't earth-shattering, but it was the way she worded her email that hurt me. Her words were blunt and right to the point. So lacking in compassion and kindness. She simply told me I screwed up twice and then signed her name.

My first reaction was to think of something clever to write back. I was always good at clever comebacks. But that was before I knew how wrong it is to sass back. Within about a minute of reading both emails, I realized that the best thing to do is simply say nothing. I laid my hurt at the feet of Jesus and walked away from it.

Whenever I find myself thinking about painful experiences, I catch myself from falling too deeply into those reflections. I'm getting very good at training my mind to think about positive past experiences. I know how much influence our thought lives have on our present lives. The things we think about affect us more than we realize. Dwelling on bad past experiences can make us bitter, depressed, tired, even sick. And it's something we choose to do to ourselves, we don't have to entertain hurtful thoughts. We do have control over what we think about.

One of my favorite strategies for disciplining my thought life is to pay back every bad thought with a good memory. This forces me to remember the joyful moments I've had. Doing this on a regular basis can renew my mind by giving me more energy and a positive outlook. Those negative thoughts never stop trying to creep in, but I have an army of good thoughts to attack them at every turn.

I can think about those summer days spent swinging on my grandma's blue chair swing under the apple tree or catching lightning bugs in the back yard as the day cools down and becomes night. I can remember that Halloween parade and the smell of cardboard as I walked along with nothing but a small peephole to look through. My mom had painted a clock on a tall, skinny box instead of buying me a costume. I can be thankful for the good moments of my childhood.

I can recall the days I spent in the mulberry bush and that dark purple sweetness on my tongue, coming home with grape-stained hands and no desire for dinner. I can think about the friends I had and the fun of growing up in town: watching the ferris wheel go up before the July carnival, camping out in a tent on a warm summer night, playing kickball with a yard full of neighbor kids, and ice skating at the pond with the smell and the warmth of a burning tire.

"Whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things." Those wise words can be found in the book of Philippians in The Bible. The things we meditate on can be any pleasant thought-- past, present or future. When you find yourself rehashing someone's hurtful words and what you'd really like to say back, think about the garden you want to plant this summer. Don't waste your mental energy on life-draining garbage thoughts. You know what they say, "Garbage in, garbage out."

The truth is that bad things happen to all of us and we can always find someone who had it much worse than we did. By dwelling on our bad experiences, we carry them with us forever and we never escape them. It's a choice that we make. We choose not to forgive. And we choose not to let go of the resentment. And the ugly past stays with us because we keep it alive every day in our minds.

Some people call it seeing the glass as "half full" instead of "half empty." I call it renewing my mind. It's a challenge, but disciplining your thought life is worth the effort. The payoff is peace, more energy, and a happier attitude and outlook.

Friday, May 20, 2011


There's nothing like discovering a good book to inspire a topic to write about. The Millersburg Historical Society's basement book sale once again supplied me with a treasure I can't put down. Living A Purpose Full Life is the title and it's just what I need to write about since I'm speaking on this subject tomorrow at my former church.

The book explores a woman's inner longing to find a life of meaning and purpose. Motherhood isn't enough to fulfill us: "Denise is at home with three children and enjoys the comings and goings of a mom's life. But in the quiet moments, as she rocks her crying toddler she wonders if the latchkey kids down the street (are okay). She thinks about the bag lady who was digging scraps out of the dumpster at the fast-food restaurant and wonders where she sleeps."

Women are searching for meaning in the midst of their busy lives. And although motherhood is certainly meaningful, women still long to be a light in the world beyond their homes and families.
Getting out of the house and going to work doesn't always bring the satisfaction they're looking for, which might explain why increasing numbers of women are leaving the work force. The primary reason women quit their jobs is a lack of satisfaction with the job itself. When a women doesn't feel she's doing something meaningful and making people's lives better, she'll feel like something is missing.

This sense of emptiness can affect even women who are busy being full-time moms. It also affects career women who have reached great levels of achievement: "Focusing on achievement alone isn't cutting it anymore. Women who have pushed through the glass ceiling of corporate management wonder, Why isn't this as wonderful as I thought it would be?"

For a job to be full of purpose and meaning, it has to align with our values and beliefs. For many women, that's not the case, especially if they believe they should be at home with their children instead of driving to work every day.

So what is the answer to all this? From what I've read so far, one sentence can sum it all up: "Meaning in life is not found in fulfilling divine purposes, but in a relationship with God." God created us to be in relationship with Him, and these longings we have to live lives of purpose flow from our primary reason for know and love God. "This relationship with God then feeds our purposes in life...The more fully we come to know God, the more clear His purposes become to us."

If you're feeling empty and wondering, "Has my life counted for anything? What is all this for?" The emptiness you feel could be the void that God created in all of our lives, a void that was meant for Him to fill.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


50 Things Every American Should Know About The Collapse Of The Economy
 From The Economic Collapse Blog

Right now, we are witnessing a truly historic collapse of the economy, and yet most Americans do not understand what is going on.  One of the biggest reasons why the American people do not understand what is happening to the economy is because our politicians and the mainstream media are not telling the truth.  Barack Obama and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke keep repeating the phrase "economic recovery" over and over, and this is really confusing for most Americans because things sure don't seem to be getting much better where they live.  There are millions upon millions of Americans that are sitting at home on their couches right now wondering why they lost their jobs and why nobody will hire them.  Millions of others are wondering why the only jobs they can get are jobs that a high school student could do.  Families all across America are wondering why it seems like their wages never go up but the price of food and the price of gas continue to skyrocket.  We are facing some very serious long-term economic problems in this country, and we need to educate the American people about why the collapse of the economy is happening.  If the American people don't understand why they are losing their jobs, why they are losing their homes and why they are drowning in debt then they are going to keep on doing all of the same things that they have been doing.  They will also keep sending the same idiot politicians back to Washington to represent us.  There are some fundamental things about the economy that every American should know.  The American people need to be shocked out of their entertainment-induced stupor long enough to understand what is really going on and what needs to be done to solve our nightmarish economic problems.  If we do not wake up enough Americans in time, the economic collapse that is coming could tear this nation to shreds.
The U.S. economy was once the greatest economic machine in modern world history.  It was truly a wonder to behold.  It worked so well that entire generations of Americans came to believe that America would enjoy boundless prosperity indefinitely.
But sadly, prosperity is not guaranteed for any nation.  Over the past several decades, some very alarming long-term economic trends have developed that are absolutely destroying the economy.  If dramatic changes are not made soon, a complete and total economic collapse will be unavoidable.
Unfortunately, the American people will never agree to fundamental changes to our economic and financial systems unless they are fully educated about what is causing our problems.  We have turned our backs on the principles of our forefathers and the principles of those that founded this nation.  We have rejected the ancient wisdom that was handed down to us.
It has been said that those that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind.
We are about to experience the consequences of decades of really bad decisions.
Hopefully we can get the American people to wake up.
The following are 50 things that every American should know about the collapse of the economy....
#1 Do you remember how much was made of the "Misery Index" during the presidency of Jimmy Carter?  At that time, the "Misery Index" was constantly making headlines in newspapers all across the country.  Well, according to John Williams of Shadow Government Statistics, if we calculated unemployment and inflation the same way that we did back during the Carter administration, then the Misery Index today would actually be higher than at any point during the presidency of Jimmy Carter.
#2 According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, an average of about 5 million Americans were being hired every single month during 2006.  Today, an average of about 3.5 million Americans are being hired every single month.
#3 According to the Wall Street Journal, there are 5.5 million Americans that are currently unemployed and yet are not receiving unemployment benefits.
#4 All over America, state and local governments are selling off buildings just to pay the bills.  Investors can now buy up government-owned power plants, prisons and municipal buildings from coast to coast.  For example, the mayor of Newark, New Jersey recently sold off 16 government buildings (including the police and fire headquarters) just to pay some bills.
#5 When Americans think of "government debt", most of them only think of the federal government, but it is not just the federal government that has a massive debt problem.  State and local government debt has reached an all-time high of 22 percent of U.S. GDP.
#6 If you can believe it, one out of every seven Americans has at least 10 credit cards.
#7 Credit card usage in the United States is on the increase once again.  During the month of March, revolving consumer credit jumped 2.9%.  Sadly, it looks like Americans have not learned their lessons about the dangers of credit card debt.
#8 Last year, Social Security ran a deficit for the first time since 1983, and the "Social Security deficits" in future years are projected to be absolutely horrific.
#9 The U.S. government now says that the Medicare trust fund will run out five years faster than they were projecting just last year.
#10 Right now we are watching what could potentially be the worst Mississippi River flood ever recorded play out right in front of our eyes.  One agricultural economist at Mississippi State University believes that this disaster could do 2 billion dollars of damage just to farms alone.
#11 The "tornadoes of 2011" that we just saw in the southeast United States are being called the worst natural disaster that the U.S. has seen since Hurricane Katrina.  It has been estimated that up to 25 percent of all of the poultry houses in Alabama were either significantly damaged or destroyed.  It is also believed that millions of birds were killed.
#12 The economic effects of the BP oil spill just seem to go on and on and on.  The number of very sick fish in the Gulf of Mexico is really starting to alarm scientists.  The following is how one local newspaper recently described the situation....
Scientists are alarmed by the discovery of unusual numbers of fish in the Gulf of Mexico and inland waterways with skin lesions, fin rot, spots, liver blood clots and other health problems.
#13 The number of "low income jobs" in the U.S. has risen steadily over the past 30 years and they now account for 41 percent of all jobs in the United States.
#14 All over America, hospitals that care for the poor and needy are so overwhelmed and are so broke that they are being forced to shut down.  Recently, a local newspaper in Florida ran an article about two prominent charity hospitals in Illinois that have served the poor for more than 100 years but are now asking for permission to shut down....
Two charity hospitals in Illinois are facing a life-or-death decision. There's not much left of either of them - one in Chicago's south suburbs, the other in impoverished East St. Louis - aside from emergency rooms crowded with patients seeking free care. Now they would like the state's permission to shut down.
#15 The U.S. dollar is in such bad shape that now even Steve Forbes is predicting that the U.S. is "likely" to go back to a gold standard within the next five years.
#16 Most Americans don't realize how much the U.S. dollar has been devalued over the years.  An item that cost $20.00 in 1970 would cost you $115.93 today.  An item that cost $20.00 in 1913 would cost you $454.36 today.
#17 Over the past 12 months the average price of gasoline in the United States has gone up by about 30%.
#18 U.S. oil companies will bring in about $200 billion in pre-tax profits this year.  They will also receive about $4.4 billion in specialized tax breaks from the U.S. government.
#19 It is being projected that for the first time ever, the OPEC nations are going to bring in over a trillion dollars from exporting oil this year.  Their biggest customer is the United States.
#20 According to the Pentagon, there are minerals worth over a trillion dollars under the ground in Afghanistan.  Now, J.P. Morgan is starting to tap those riches with the help of the U.S. military.
#21 Speaking of J.P. Morgan, most Americans don't realize that they are actually the largest processor of food stamp benefits in the United States.  In fact, the more Americans that go on food stamps the more money that J.P. Morgan makes.
#22 When 2007 began, there were about 26 million Americans on food stamps.  Today, there are over 44 million on food stamps, and one out of every four American children is on food stamps.
#23 Back in 1965, only one out of every 50 Americans was on Medicaid.  Today, one out of every 6 Americans is on Medicaid.
#24 Only 66.8% of American men had a job last year.  That was the lowest level that has ever been recorded in all of U.S. history.
#25 The financial system is more vulnerable today than it was back in 2008 before the financial panic. Today, the world financial system has been turned into a giant financial casino where bets are made on just about anything you can possibly imagine, and the major Wall Street banks make a ton of money from this betting system.  The system is largely unregulated (the new "Wall Street reform" law has only changed this slightly) and it is totally dominated by the big international banks. The danger from derivatives is so great that Warren Buffet once called them "financial weapons of mass destruction". It is estimated that the "derivatives bubble" is somewhere in the neighborhood of a quadrillion dollars, and once it pops there isn't going to be enough money in the entire world to bail everyone out.
#26 Between December 2000 and December 2010, the United States ran a total trade deficit of 6.1 trillion dollars with the rest of the world, and the U.S. has had a negative trade balance every single year since 1976.
#27 The United States has lost an average of 50,000 manufacturing jobs per month since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, and the U.S. trade deficit with China is now 27 times larger than it was back in 1990.
#28 In 2010, the number one U.S. export to China was "scrap and trash".
#29 All over the United States, many of our once great manufacturing cities are being transformed into hellholes.  In the city of Detroit today, there are over 33,000 abandoned houses, 70 schools are being permanently closed down, the mayor wants to bulldoze one-fourth of the city and you can literally buy a house for one dollar in the worst areas.
#30 During the first three months of this year, less new homes were sold in the U.S. than in any three month period ever recorded.
#31 New home sales in the United States are now down 80% from the peak in July 2005.
#32 America's real estate crisis just seems to get worse and worse.  U.S. home prices have now fallen a whopping 33% from where they were at during the peak of the housing bubble.
#33 According to a new report from the AFL-CIO, the average CEO made 343 times more money than the average American did last year.
#34 The European debt crisis could cause a global financial collapse like the one that we saw in 2008 at any time.  The world economy is incredibly interconnected today, and the United States would not be immune.  A recent IMF report stated the following about the growing sovereign debt crisis in Europe....
Strong policy responses have successfully contained the sovereign debt and financial-sector troubles in the euro area periphery so far. But contagion to the core euro area and then onward to emerging Europe remains a tangible risk.
#35 According to one study, the 50 U.S. state governments are collectively 3.2 trillion dollars short of what they need to meet their pension obligations.
#36 A different study has shown that individual Americans are $6.6 trillion short of what they need to retire comfortably.
#37 The cost of college tuition in the United States has gone up by over 900 percent since 1978.
#38 According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, health care costs accounted for just 9.5% of all personal consumption back in 1980.  Today they account for approximately 16.3%.
#39 One study found that approximately 41 percent of working age Americans either have medical bill problems or are currently paying off medical debt.
#40 The combined debt of the major GSEs (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Sallie Mae) has increased from 3.2 trillion in 2008 to 6.4 trillion in 2011.  Thanks to our politicians, U.S. taxpayers are standing behind that debt.
#41 The U.S. government is over 14 trillion dollars in debt and the budget deficit for this year is projected to be about 1.5 trillion dollars.  However, if the U.S. government was forced to use GAAP accounting principles (like all publicly-traded corporations must), the U.S. government budget deficit would be somewhere in the neighborhood of $4 trillion to $5 trillion each and every year.
#42 Most Americans don't understand that the Federal Reserve and the debt-based monetary system that it runs are at the very heart of our economic problems.  All of this debt is absolutely crushing us.  The U.S. government spent over 413 billion dollars on interest on the national debt during fiscal 2010, and it is being projected that the U.S. government will be shelling out 900 billion dollars just in interest on the national debt by the year 2019.
#43 Standard & Poor’s has altered its outlook on U.S. government debt from "stable" to "negative" and is warning that the U.S. could soon lose its AAA rating.
#44 In 1980, government transfer payments accounted for just 11.7% of all income.  Today, government transfer payments account for 18.4% of all income.
#45 U.S. households are now receiving more income from the U.S. government than they are paying to the government in taxes.
#46 59 percent of all Americans now receive money from the federal government in one form or another.
#47 According to Gallup, 41 percent of Americans believed that the economy was "getting better" at this time last year.  Today, that number is at just 27 percent.
#48 The wealthiest 1% of all Americans now own more than a third of all the wealth in the United States.
#49 The poorest 50% of all Americans collectively own just 2.5% of all the wealth in the United States.
#50 The percentage of millionaires in Congress is more than 50 times higher than the percentage of millionaires in the general population.
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I heard a sermon recently about being faithful in the little things. The speaker said that when we're faithful in the little things, even when we think no one notices, God notices. He sees our determination and eventually he will bless us with bigger and better things to be faithful in.

There are so many little ways we can be faithful. Did you ever buy something in the grocery store and then change your mind about it? Have you ever tucked a bag of cookies in the bread aisle? That's what I'm talking about. No one saw you do it, but you knew that you should have put those cookies back where you got them.

Every day, we do little things here and there that bring disorder to our lives. We are lazy when we should be ambitious. Sometimes I get so tired of standing at the kitchen sink and tackling yet another round of dishes, I just walk away. Some members of my family have a habit of dropping dirty clothes and wet towels on the floor. The paper clutter of mail, magazines, newspapers, artwork, school papers and everything else becomes a small mountain to sift through after only a few days.

These are the little things God wants us to be faithful with. My husband is the organized one in the family. He always reminds us that Heaven is an organized place. I've come a long way, but I have a long way to go.  I'm still trying to become a better listener (another little thing). I'm still trying to build patience, speak encouraging words, keep my car organized, improve my memory, use my time well, be a focused reader, and a disciplined eater.

When we fail to be victorious in these little things, they can become big issues and make our lives miserable. All God asks is that we make an effort. If he sees us making an effort, he will bless us. Be faithful in the little things and watch your blessings grow.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


May 14, 2011

The Shaking of the Nations

We come, as we so often do, to the reminder that “only one life, twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” Meanwhile, the days hasten on for the return of Christ. All the signs are happening just as the Bible said. Even now the Antichrist may be alive somewhere on planet earth. All across the globe the nations are beginning to shake. The first days of dawn are streaking the eastern skies. Somewhere in heaven Gabriel is warming up his trumpet. And in Israel scientists report the birth of the first red heifer in 2000 years.

What fantastic days these are. Remember what Jesus said. “When all these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:28). Let us not be afraid, not even a little bit. Fear not, child of God, for the plan of the ages is in the hand of Almighty God. Build your life on those things that will last forever and you will never be disappointed.

One final word and I am done. Jesus is coming again. Do you know him? No question is more important for time or for eternity. Recently I saw a bumper stick with a fascinating play on words:
Know Jesus? Know life.
No Jesus? No life.

How true. If you know Jesus, you also know life for he came to provide “life more abundantly” (John 10:10). But if you don’t know Jesus, you don’t even know what life itself is all about. Run to the cross, embrace the dying form of the Son of God. Rest all your hopes on Jesus. Believe that he died and rose from the dead and you will be saved. Look to Jesus and no matter what happens around you, your future will be secure.

Friday, May 13, 2011


I was pushing my grocery cart to the parking lot at Wal Mart when I realized that I forgot where I parked.  I ended up making a giant circle and when I finally spotted my car, I was pushing the cart back toward the store instead of away from it. As I unloaded my groceries, I noticed an old man with a huge smile on his face walking toward me and looking straight at me.  His smile was so jolly, he was almost laughing. Then finally he spoke and I realized what had him so amused: "And here I thought only us old guys took the scenic route," he said. "I guess I wasn't supposed to see that," he added with a chuckle.

I drove home feeling amused by his comment. The things we do really are entertaining at times. It's great to be organized and sharp minded, but sometimes it's just more fun to take the scenic route through life. Have you ever taken a wrong turn on a road trip and discovered something amazing that you would have missed if you had followed your directions perfectly? That's what I'm talking about. It's these chance surprises that make life more adventurous and full of discoveries. And if we live life with a strict set of rules, we miss out on some great scenery.

I'm not talking about moral or ethical rules.  I'm talking about the self-imposed rules we create for ourselves and our children.  These rules cause us to make decisions that prevent fun and discovery. I know people who do everything according to a rigid set of rules, and I find myself not wanting to be around them.  Everything I do and say comes under their scrutiny.  I can't live up to their orderly expectations.

I'd like to think that even God takes the scenic route sometimes. Life isn't all about rules. Sometimes it's about the reasons behind the things we do. But when we're rigid and rule-minded, we miss the reasons and we miss the chance to discover beautiful details about people, places, and things.

If a husband insists on a perfectly ordered home every day, he might overlook when his wife doesn't feel well and that's why the house is a mess. He makes his ridiculous rule more important than his wife.  Another example is someone who makes it a rule never to accept charity or any kind of help.  That pride deprives others of both the satisfaction of helping, and the blessing they'll get in return.  Think of the friendships that don't have a chance to bloom because of stubborn pride.

Taking the scenic route is sometimes the best road to take. If I had been rule-minded and sharp that day at Wal Mart, I would have taken note of where I parked. But I would have missed out on a happy moment of seeing an old man laugh and being the reason for his amusement. Some of life's best moments happen when we toss our rigid rules, reject our strict standards and instead take the scenic route.   


It's mid afternoon and all I accomplished so far today is prayer.  Unfolded laundry awaits.  Dirty dishes nag me every time I walk by them.  The carpet needs a sweeping.  I need to catch up.  I feel forever behind on my list of things that need done.  Get it done!  That constant voice rings in my head.

I look around and see everything that needs attention.  Every moment I could be busy with something.  When I finish one task, another is waiting.  But today I refuse.  I refuse to feel guilty.  I refuse to be part of the "Get it Done" mentality.  I'm spending the day with my Lord.  Not because I'm lazy, but because I need to be filled with His comfort and peace.  There's a longing in my heart today.  Staying busy can't satisfy it.

Perhaps our busyness has become a way to ignore how much we need God.  He created us to need Him, but we stuff that longing down deep under a pile of responsibility.  We hope that staying busy will bring satisfaction.  We tell ourselves that when we finish our tasks we will feel more comfortable.  We'll have peace as soon as we get it done.

We've replaced God with busyness.  And our tasks are never complete.  There is no peace when staying busy is your God.  The list keeps growing.  There is no rest.  We never feel like we've arrived.  We're forever trying to get there.  Always in a state of longing, reaching, wanting.  But the peace never comes.  The comfort eludes us.  We feel like it's never enough.  I'm never enough.

Busyness breeds feelings of inadequacy.  I look around my home and see dust, dishes, dog hair, and laundry.  I should be more on top of things.  But perhaps today God is telling me to forget these things.  Maybe I feel this way because I need a fresh filling of something more powerful than housework.  I can't ignore the emptiness in my soul or try to fill it with my checked off list of chores.  Today God is the only one on my list.  He's more satisfying than an empty kitchen sink, more comforting than clean carpet.

The world tells me to get it done and if I fall behind, then I'm a loser.  God tells me to seek Him and He will give me peace and all the desires of my heart.  I never feel guilty in His presence.  I'm always enough.  I don't have to perform to win His approval.  It's just me, without my list of accomplishments.  Only me, nothing else.  I can finally rest.  I guess I needed that today.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Some interesting health information from John McTernan's Insights.  You may not agree with his opinions, but I find some of his comments fascinating and worth looking into.  I'm definitely looking into the connection between allergies and a lack of vitamin D.  To fully access his blog, click on his link at the right side of my page under "World Events and Prophecy." 

   I believe the root of many maladies that people are suffering from can be from sin. For example, the verse I posted about the root of bitterness. I have posted articles about how unforgiveness can affect your heart and immune system. The violation of God's word can lead to serious illness and death. Many people are depressed and suffering from anxiety because of unforgiveness. If you are suffering from depression, check to see if it could be unforgiveness which has developed into a root of bitterness. Many maladies can be cured by getting one's heart right with God.
Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
The word medicine means a cure in Hebrew. Notice how a broken spirit dries up the bones! Both the red and white blood cells are made in the bones! When there is trouble in the spiritual heart, it directly affects the bones and the blood. Remember the life of the flesh is in the blood!
Leviticus 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood:
But in addition to being ineffective, they are far from harmless and are now associated with many serious health problems: 
Diabetes: Your risk for type 2 diabetes is two to three times higher if you take antidepressants, according to one study.
Problems with your immune system: SSRIs cause serotonin to remain in your nerve junctions longer, interfering with immune cell signaling and T cell growth. 
Suicidal thoughts and feelings and violent behavior : Your risk for suicide may be twice as high if you take SSRIs; seven out of twelve school shootings were by children who were either on antidepressants or withdrawing from them. 
Stillbirths: A Canadian study of almost 5,000 mothers found that women on SSRIs were twice as likely to have a stillbirth, and almost twice as likely to have a premature or low birth weight baby; another study showed a 40 percent increased risk for birth defects, such as cleft palate. 
Brittle bones: One study showed women on antidepressants have a 30 percent higher risk of spinal fracture and a 20 percent high risk for all other fractures. 
Stroke: Your risk for stroke may be 45 percent higher if you are on antidepressants, possibly related to how the drugs affect blood clotting 
Death: Overall death rates have been found to be 32 percent higher in women on antidepressants.
Depression is NOT a Chemical Imbalance in Your Brain "As a family physician I have treated many thousands of depressed patients. Depression was actually one of my primary concerns in the mid 80s when I first started practicing, however at that time my primary tool was using antidepressants. I put thousands of people on these drugs and acquired a fair level of experience in this area. Thankfully I learned more and was able to stop using all these drugs. It was my experience that the chemical imbalance was merely a massive marketing gimmick to support the use of expensive and toxic antidepressants. Most of you have probably heard that depression is due to a "chemical imbalance in your brain," which these drugs are designed to correct. Unfortunately for anyone who has ever swallowed this marketing ploy, this is NOT a scientific statement."
   I am posting, for a second time, a study about how much Vitamin D3 is needed to maintain maximum health. The Health and Nutrition section of the blog as been a tremendous help to me. As I posted articles about health, the value and importance of Vitamin D became overwhelming. I had no idea of this until studying to make the posts! This vitamin is the single most important nutritional item for your health.
Markedly Higher Vitamin D Intake Needed to Reduce Cancer Risk  "We found that daily intakes of vitamin D by adults in the range of 4000-8000 IU are needed to maintain blood levels of vitamin D metabolites in the range needed to reduce by about half the risk of several diseases -- breast cancer, colon cancer, multiple sclerosis, and type 1 diabetes,"
Vitamin D Levels Linked With Health of Blood Vessels  "The results add to evidence that lack of vitamin D can lead to impaired vascular health, contributing to high blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular disease. Study participants who increased their vitamin D levels were able to improve vascular health and lower their blood pressure."
Low Vitamin D Levels Linked to Allergies in Kids  "A study of more than 3,000 children shows that low vitamin D levels are associated with increased likelihood that children will develop allergies"
Zinc Reduces the Burden of the Common Cold Zinc does help prevent or lessen the effect of a cold. This mineral helps boost the immune system. 
Music Linked to Depression in Teens  "Teenagers who spend more time listening to music are more likely to suffer from depression than kids who opt to spend their time reading."
**FDA Warns - Do NOT Use This Pain Reliever**  NEVER use this on a child! If you have it at home, throw it away.
"Benzocaine is a local anesthetic commonly used as a topical pain reliever. You can also find it in cough drops, throat sprays, and gels or liquids used for teething and canker sores (cold sores).
However, you need to be careful when using these products, especially on children. The FDA is now sounding the alarm as they continue receiving reports of methemoglobinemia, which is a potentially life threatening side effect of the drug."
Dietary, Lifestyle Changes Can Significantly Reduce Triglycerides "Changes such as substituting healthy, unsaturated dietary fats for saturated ones, engaging in physical activity and losing excess weight can decrease triglycerides by 20 percent to 50 percent,"
Cause of Fatal Inflammation of the Heart Muscle Identified "Scientists ... have found out that inflammations of the heart muscle are caused by attacks of a specific type of immune cells. These immune cells attack the body's own tissue because during their maturation they did not have the chance to develop tolerance against a protein that is only found in the heart muscle." 
Study: Keeping Gums Healthy May Also Keep Lungs Healthy I have often warned to keep your teeth and gums in good health because diseased gums affect the circulatory system. Now there is a connection between diseased gums and lung disorders.
"Gum disease and dental work to correct it have been tied to a host of more serious health problems including heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Now, new research suggests that healthy gums might also mean healthy lungs."
The Truth About Cholesterol
Remember you are responsible for your own health: Act now!
3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Our achievement-oriented culture is a hostile environment for mothers. Working mothers are criticized for putting career before children and stay-at-home mothers are criticized for wasting their talents at home and not having an income.  The hostility worsens when mothers take sides against each other.

I remember the stess I felt working as a teacher's aide. I had less patience because I had spent all day with kids and coming home to my own wasn't something I looked forward to. I was exhausted. My daughter was constantly telling me that I wasn't listening. She had to repeat things because I had zoned out. My brain couldn't take any more in. I had spent most of my day and all of my energy being there for other people's children and had nothing left to give my own. I felt robbed. My daughter was robbed too. All she got was leftovers.

Which is worse? Being a stay-at-home mom who gets no respect in an achievement-oriented culture or being a working mom who can't be everything to everyone? Both choices are stressful. And no matter which role a woman chooses, she deserves respect, especially from other women.

Women should be helping each other, not condemning each other. Working mothers should applaud stay-at-home moms. Many of them are watching their children.  And stay-at-home moms should have compassion for working moms. As mothers, we share a common bond, and for the sake of our children, we should support one another.

When women help each other, they ease one another's daily frustrations.  Whether at home or at work, mothers should stick together because our children need us. Working mothers and stay-at-home mothers have forgotten how much they have in common. Mothers are mothers no matter where they spend their days.  Happy Mothers Day to all moms.  Paycheck or not, you have the most important job in the world.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


She’s perfect. She does everything perfectly. She says just the right thing. She has countless talents and abilities. Her household runs smoothly. She works tirelessly into the night. And her husband and children admire her and praise her. Who can live up to the description of the “ideal” woman in the book of Proverbs? I haven’t met a woman yet who comes close to her. If you’re not familiar with this perfect woman, you might want to read Proverbs 31: 10-31.

I get tired just reading about her. She does it all. There’s no task she can’t manage. To be like her, I would have to learn how to sew, spin wool, upholster furniture, and plant a vineyard. I’d also have to get up before dawn and work far into the night. Does God really expect me to be that perfect…that energetic?

With a sigh of relief, I read the answer to that question in the footnotes of my life application bible: “Do not see her as a model to imitate in every detail; your days are not long enough to do everything she does! See her instead as an inspiration to be all you can be. We can’t be just like her, but we can learn from her industry, integrity, and resourcefulness.”

Okay, I can handle that. She’s an inspiration, not a role model. So what is it about her that can inspire me? As I read this description of the perfect woman, I notice something peculiar. Not once, not even vaguely is her appearance ever mentioned. Her attractiveness comes entirely from her character. In today’s society, where physical appearance means so much, we can truly be inspired by a woman like this.

Isn’t it great to know that our physical appearance has no bearing on our value in God’s eyes. Only when we look to the world for appreciation do we get caught up in the shallow shell of physical appearance. What an inspiration to know a woman who is more concerned with her choice of words than her choice of lipstick.

Another source of inspiration this perfect woman offers is the way she relates to people, especially her husband. Her husband can trust her. She richly satisfies his needs, and she doesn’t hinder him, but helps him all her life.  I know women who thrive on flirting with any man that takes notice. They aren’t helpful to their husbands; they actually make life more difficult for them. And they could care less about satisfying any needs that aren’t their own.

How does a woman make life difficult for her husband? By failing to watch for bargains, she puts a financial burden on him. By living above her means and wanting things they can’t afford, she wears him out with her constant demands. By neglecting her household and being lazy, she makes life difficult for her entire family. To that, I must add that a husband and children are capable of helping with household chores and they should help when a woman works full-time outside the home. No woman should be expected to work two full-time jobs. Raising children and keeping a house is a full-time job in itself.

The perfect woman in the book of Proverbs has an overall helpful attitude toward everyone. She doesn’t see her husband as someone to compete with. She doesn’t see other women as competition. She doesn’t argue with people about trivial matters. She doesn’t take joy in making others look bad. She’s a helpmate to her husband. She helps the poor and has compassion for those less fortunate. She helps anyone in need. She’s a helpful force in her community, and she helps her children by teaching them and encouraging them. She has strength and dignity. Her words are wise and kindness is the rule for everything she says.

What an inspiration! The Proverbs woman has a caring heart, hard-working hands, financial wisdom, reverence for God, and mental foresight. These are the qualities we should be working on. Next time you put on make-up and fluff your hair think about the beauty that has no fear of old age. Inner beauty never fades. The world needs more of that kind of beauty. The perfect woman of Proverbs might not get a magazine cover, but she gets everything else that women want. Her inner beauty attracts all the desires of her heart.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


The scoffer says everything's the same as it's always been.  Everything is business as usual.  There have always been storms.  Yes, there have always been storms, but you can't deny they are increasing in both frequency and intensity.

A record 226 tornadoes recorded over 24 hours last week

Click on the link below to watch an AP video and see what these storms left behind.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Tulips at my front porch
A Happy Crowd awaits as I head to the mailbox
A Special Friend at my feet
More tulips at my front porch

How often do we stop and really see the things God has placed in our lives, things that were meant to bring us joy.  How often do we appreciate the people in our lives?  And do we thank Him for the blessings that surround us.  Gratefulness doesn't come naturally.  It takes practice.  We learn to be grateful through a mindful, daily effort.  It's a decision.  Every day we decide if we will be grumbly or grateful.  Today I chose to be grateful.  And it was a good day.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Today at the supermarket I almost lost my cool.  The woman behind me at the checkout had a little boy with her.  As she unloaded her groceries, she pointed to a spot on the floor and said, "Stand right there!"  The little guy didn't budge.  So she yanked him toward the designated spot and proceeded to lecture him for not following orders.  She babbled for an entire minute, threatening to deny him everything from an afternoon at the park to his favorite candy on the way home.  She was loud about it too.  I think she wanted the whole store to know who's boss.

I believe in discipline, and I've used the "No candy if you don't listen" bribe myself.  But this woman was enjoying this too much, as if yelling at her child made her feel important.  When she finished her lecture, the little fellow had the saddest look on his face, and it took all the restraint I had not to walk over to him and give him a hug.  I hope that mother did give her son a hug when she got home with her groceries.  I hope she held him tight and told him she's having a bad day and she's sorry that she took it out on him.

But more than likely, that didn't happen.  That child will probably see many more days like today.  And he'll spend his life longing for any indication that he's worthy of loving.  The bible says that death and life are in the power of the tongue.  That woman spewed death all over that little boy's spirit.  Children were not put on this earth to be verbal or physical punching bags for their stressed-out parents.  Children are gifts from God.  Nothing makes me more emotional than child abuse.  Those who hurt children will one day see the wrath of God.