Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Lately I've been wondering why Germany and Denmark are the biggest audience of my blog.  I assume that it's the women of Germany and Denmark that are reading, so I also began to wonder what life is like for women in those countries and why they would be interested in what an American girl thinks.

While searching for answers, I came across an article written in Life Magazine in 1957.  The article opens with this paragraph:  "To people of all lands, the American woman is the world's most fascinating creature.  They have never seen anything like her.  And they look at her with every shade of emotion, from love to horror."

The above comment agrees with something my husband shared recently.  He also read an article that claimed women in other countries are very interested in the lives of American women.  When he told me this I didn't think much of it, but suddenly I'm intrigued.  Why is the American woman a fascinating creature to the rest of the world, and what shade of emotion do foreign women feel when they learn about our lives?

Perhaps the best way to answer that question is to learn what life is like for women in other countries. Now I'm the one who's fascinated by the women of Denmark after doing some research about what life is like for women there.  The last link below is a blog written by a woman who lives in Denmark.  The second link is a video with great photos of Denmark.  And the first link is an article about why women in Denmark are so happy.

I think I want to move to Denmark.  American women should be fascinated by their lives, not the other way around.  The only thing I don't like is their attitude about marriage.  Many women don't think it's necessary.  Check out the links below and discover what a day in the life of a Denmark woman is like.  I think that maybe all women are fascinated by other women's lives.  It's just neat to see how other people live.

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