Tuesday, June 7, 2011


When you take on a ministry, you expect negative responses.  People tell me I watch too much TV and I'm getting sucked into the doom and gloom that I read on the internet.  People tell me my posts are too negative and I need to find a balance. 

But what they see as negative, I see as bible prophecy coming to life.  It's exciting to me.  The so called "doom and gloom" doesn't upset me or depress me because Jesus told us that these things would happen. And the fact that they are happening means we're closer than ever to redemption.

Cry if you want to about the things that I post, I choose to celebrate.
 "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up and lift your heads for your redemption draweth nigh."   -Luke 21:28 

2011 Proving To Be A Key Year Prophetically (Dispensational Caucus)
RaptureAlert ^ | March 24, 2011 | Michael Mickey

Posted on Saturday, April 09, 2011 3:37:58 PM by GiovannaNicoletta
Matthew 24:7: For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

A World at War

Presently the United States is largely engaged militarily on three fronts, in Afghanistan, Iraq and most recently Libya but there are many other areas of the world where military conflicts are ongoing as well. Consider the following map I found on Wikipedia:

The areas shaded dark blue represent regions where major wars resulting in 1,000+ deaths per year are occurring. The areas shaded light blue are smaller-scale armed conflicts presently ongoing. Some of the conflicts on the map above are "nation against nation" conflicts. Israel's ongoing conflicts with Arab nations and the Korean conflict (North versus South) are examples. In contrast, other conflicts capturing headlines in the news of our world today can be uniquely identified as "kingdom against kingdom" conflicts.

Kingdom Against Kingdom

A host of African and Middle Eastern nations have been warring against themselves recently, citizen against citizen, citizen against government and vice versa. In light of Christ's prophecy, the spike in civil unrest and warfare we're presently witnessing in these areas is profound and noteworthy, many of the nations currently in turmoil holding key positions in bible prophecies yet to be fulfilled.

Among the nations currently experiencing civil uprisings and war-like "kingdom against kingdom" conditions are: Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.


Did you know that of the 100 crop species that provide 90 percent of the world's food, over 70 are pollinated by bees? That's the case according to the United Nations Environment Program's executive director Achim Steiner.

Bearing the above in mind, the United Nations is reportedly alarmed by a sudden and ongoing drop in global bee populations and with good cause.

Honey bee populations in recent years have reportedly dropped 10 to 30% in Europe, 30 % in the United States, and up to 85% in the Middle East.

In bible prophecy we're told that food is going to be scarce in the Tribulation Period to come (Revelation 6:5-6). Combine global human population continuing to soar with dramatic declines in honey bee populations and you have a near perfect recipe for prophetic fulfillment to occur, potentially in the near future.


In recent years we have been steadily warned by the global health community that potential exists for a global flu pandemic to occur that could cost millions of lives. The fear has been largely based on the possibility that the deadly bird flu (H1N1) virus would morph into a form transmissible from human to human with catastrophic results. Now scientists in separate studies are expressing concern that the H2N2 or Asian influenza virus, which claimed 1 to 4 million lives upon surfacing in 1957, could "come roaring back." As such, scientists are encouraging a pre-emptive vaccination program be developed as soon as possible.

Not only does potential for a global flu pandemic still exist, many drug-resistant "super bugs" have emerged and been discovered by the global medical community in recent years. It's no coincidence in my humble opinion. In light of bible prophecy and what science is forewarning us may be waiting in the wings for us, we can expect that trend to continue.

Christ's prophetic words ring more relevant all the time, don't they?


Given what we have witnessed in recent years where earthquakes are concerned, the recent 9.0 Japan earthquake and subsequent tsunami still fresh in our minds, there is little doubt that we are witnessing the birth pains of the end times where earthquake activity is concerned.

Like travail upon a woman with child (1st Thessalonians 5:3), we know that all of the events foretold in bible prophecy, including "great earthquakes in divers places", are going to increase, both in frequency and duration. The Japan earthquake is a perfect example for us to consider in light of recent news.

With the Japanese people facing a potential nuclear disaster of epic proportions along with trying to rebuild, it is being reported that a different segment of the fault line responsible for the recent quake has had stress loaded onto it closer to Tokyo. While that doesn't mean Tokyo will be hit by a major earthquake soon, potential exists. Should Tokyo be hit by a major quake it would be devastating to the area's 39 million residents, many of whom are currently under great stress because radiation leaking from the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant's reactors is being found in the area's food supply and drinking water. Even as the Japanese people bravely rise to meet the challenges before them, there has to be increased concern they're going to be hit again. It seems to be but a matter of time.

Of additional interest in light of bible prophecy, the Japan quake and subsequent tsunami is reportedly going to be the world's most expensive natural disaster in history.

When these things begin to happen

Luke 21:28: And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

Christians, while it is natural for us to be concerned by all of the troubling things going on in the world around us, let's not forget that there is hope - a blessed hope that soon we will see Jesus Christ coming to take us home. Albeit somewhat hard to believe at times because we're all so spiritually and emotionally drained, our redemption is drawing nigh! We can be certain of this because the things prophesied by Christ to be taking place in the last days aren't just occurring here and there on our calendars anymore. They're occurring frequently, simultaneously and documentably so keep looking up! Jesus Christ is Lord and He is coming soon!

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