Sunday, July 24, 2011


"...Oh ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?"  - Matthew 16:3

Mother Nature is making her best effort to get our attention, and we are literally losing the ground under our feet, says the below article.  I would rephrase that and say, God is trying to get our attention.  This article isn't written from a Christian perspective, so I don't agree with all the commentary, but I believe the facts are accurate. Our earth is changing rapidly and so are its people.

Losing the ground under our feet is a reference to the sinkholes that are appearing worldwide, almost on a daily basis and definitely on a weekly basis.  The closest one I found was in Allentown, PA.   The link below offers a partial list of sinkholes reported in May, June and July this year as well as some interesting photos.

A huge storm recently took place on the sun, and the moon appears to have rotated. The shadows that represent craters on the moon are out of place.  According to the Inuits of Arctic Canada, the rising and setting of the sun as well as the positions of the stars are all out of place.  The Inuits live very close to nature.  They watch the sky and they notice changes.  They believe there has been a major pole shift and the axis of the earth has changed. Their beliefs have been proven to be true.  Watch the video.  The sun is now hitting Earth at a different angle, making the rays more intense.  I never sunburned so easily as I do now.  That's proof to me.

The Bible tells us that there will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars in the last days. "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring."  - Luke 21: 25

Today my family and I went to Harrisburg and we noticed something strange.  Traffic lights that normally go from yellow to red to green were blinking red.  This reminded me of the below article that claims experiments are going on with our electrical grid and it is playing havoc with traffic lights, security systems and computers.  Even clocks and programmable coffee makers are running up to 20 minutes fast.  And these strange happenings are worldwide.  In Italy, digital clocks were mysteriously skipping ahead 15-20 minutes every day.  Even electronic engineers couldn't explain it.

Another electrical phenomenon that's on the increase is the sudden  exploding of electrical transformers which often causes major fires.  The article below gives a partial list of transformer explosions in 2010 and a video of one that took place in Fort Worth Texas in May. With all this unexplained weirdness, it would be wise to prepare for the possibility of completely losing electricity in the near future. 

Perhaps the ultimate in unexplained weirdness has been our weather this year.  This has been the deadliest tornado season in 50 years.  NOAA officials say the number of tornado deaths in 2011 has shot up to levels not seen in modern weather forecasting.  The Joplin Missouri tornado left a bizarre curse on the injured, who are being infected by a rare and potentially fatal fungal infection caused by soil and plant flying debris penetrating the skin. 

This year has produced the most extreme Spring on record for precipitation in the US.  Record rains were reported in the Ohio River Valley and freak hail storms occurred in Texas and in states from the Carolinas into New England.  The hail damaged 40 planes at Denver International Airport.  While half of the US was under water with extreme flooding, other states were suffering severe drought and fires.  Texas reported its worst drought in more than a century with 213 counties designated natural disaster areas.

Other countries are experiencing the same freaky weather.  During summer in China, while most of the country was sweltering in heat, a certain section of highway was covered in snow.  During a drought in Great Britain, snow also came for an unexpected visit to Wales. The worst drought in 60 years ravaged Africa and the hottest spring since 1900 was reported in France. 

Freaky behavior is also on the rise.  There's been an alarming increase in incidents of madness during the past couple months- including murder, mayhem, impulsive nudity and high strangeness. All around the world, a sharp increase in unstable and impulsive behavior is being reported as the link below confirms.

The below article states, "Whatever is happening around us has intensified to the point that a day hardly goes by without a major disaster or crisis happening somewhere,"   Intensified.  That is the key word. No one can deny that the signs Jesus spoke of in the book of Luke are intensifying.  Just like a woman's labor pains intensify just before her baby is born, so shall these signs intensify before we see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory (Luke 21:27).

And if these signs are intensifying, it means they will get worse as time passes. Watch therefore and pray always that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of man. (Luke 21: 36)

Connecting the Dots: Cosmic Changes, Planetary Instability and Extreme Weather -- Earth Changes -- ""

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