Sunday, July 3, 2011


The Bible says that we suffer for lack of knowledge.  One example of that statement is the lack of knowledge I had about colloidal silver, until recently.  Every member of my family has benefited from colloidal silver this year.  First, I was cured of a bad case of ringworm that I believe I got from our cat.  I suffered for almost a year from this itchy ailment, believing that all I could do was apply anti-fungal cream because that's what my doctor told me.  I spent over a hundred dollars on those creams, but it wouldn't kill the fungus.  When the round red ring on my right leg began to grow, I knew it was time to bring out the big guns.

I first read about colloidal silver in a booklet at my chiropractor's office.  Seeing that there were several booklets laying around, I stuck one in my purse with the intention of returning it on my next visit.  (I did).  I read the entire booklet and took notes on it.  I was thrilled to discover that ringworm was one of the many skin ailments that can be cured with colloidal silver.  I ordered a bottle of 500 parts per million colloidal silver and applied 1/8 teaspoon undiluted to my ringworm with a Q-tip.  Within two days, the annoying itchy red round rash on my leg disappeared.  I was thrilled but also angry that I had suffered for so long when I could have been healed in two days.

Years ago, all doctors used colloidal silver, but few would recommend it today, because when antibiotics were discovered, colloidal silver was shoved aside and considered a "quack" drug.  Why would something that works so well be shoved aside when antibiotcs came on the scene?  Think about it, who needs antibiotics if we can cure ourselves of these ailments at home with silver?  We wouldn't need to pay for a doctor visit, we wouldn't need to stop at the pharmacy  and pay for a prescription ( that may not even cure us) and the drug companies wouldn't make money on their wonderful antibiotics.  No wonder colloidal silver is such a well-kept secret.  Kind of like the cures for cancer that are out there that no one knows about because cancer is a money maker for doctors, hospitals, pharmacies and drug manufacturers.

The second person in my family to benefit from colloidal silver was my husband.  He claims that he's had jock itch since high school and couldn't get rid of it.  That's thirty years of an itchy crotch.  Oh gosh, I hope he doesn't kill me for writing this.  Anyway, he sprayed undiluted colloidal silver in the designated area and within days he was cured of his annoying ailment.  Like ringworm, jock itch is caused by a fungus.  The presence of colloidal silver near a fungus disables its oxygen-metabolism enzyme (its chemical lung) and within a few minutes the fungus suffocates and dies. 

Then there's the third person in our family to benefit from colloidal silver.  My daughter had an earache recently and was cured overnight after I put several drops of diluted silver in her ear.  This also made me a little angry because I remembered all the trips to the doctor that I made with both my children when they were screaming from the pain of an earache.  Both my son and daughter grew up on antibiotics.  Their earaches were constant.  It seemed we always had a bottle of thick pink liquid amoxicillin in our refrigerator.  The money we spent on those drugs and the hassle of running to the doctor and then the pharmacy...all that could have been avoided if I had known about colloidal silver.

The Bible is so true.  We really do suffer for lack of knowledge.  How many other natural remedies are out there that we could benefit from if we only knew about them?  Why do we blindly trust doctors and believe they have all the answers when doctors make money from our being sick?   Do some research on colloidal silver.  You'll be amazed at all the ailments it can cure, perhaps something that you're suffering from.  But keep silver out of children's reach, and be careful about the concentration that you use.  You can't drink 500 parts per million colloidal silver.  It has to be diluted with water. 

Below is an interesting blog about home remedies.  Jill also talks about her experience with colloidal silver and other remedies she has discovered.  To order the silver I use, look under Home and Health Links at the right side of my page and click on the herbal healer website.

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