Tuesday, August 9, 2011


The way women dress, the way they speak and the way they think is the subject of my latest speech.  So when I came across the below article, I was inspired to blog about modesty.  My daughter and I disagree about what's modest and what isn't.  I would guess that many mothers are having conversations with their daughters about the way they dress.  Celebrities are paving the way to making it okay to dress scantily.  Everywhere I look  I see exposed cleavage and lots of leg.  And the attitudes of the women who dress that way is, "If you don't like it, don't look."

I don't agree with the way my own daughter dresses at times and that makes it hard for me to speak about the subject.  I can't tie her down and dress her myself.  Modesty has to come from the heart.  So I pray that she will have a desire for modesty.  The thing that women don't realize is how they cheapen themselves when they put their bodies on display.  They become objects instead of people.  Objects to be lusted after.

When I was in my twenties I dressed a little on the scanty side.  I wore short skirts and heels quite often.  I dressed that way because I wanted attention and I wanted to feel pretty.  Looking back, I see that all it got me was attention from men of lesser character.  The good guys aren't attracted to women who show a lot of skin.  The good guys want women of purity and virtue..women who look like they have self-respect and high standards.  If she dresses scantily, men assume she gets around.  Of course, some men like women who get around, but they only like them for a night.  What I didn't realize in my twenties is that if I want a guy who'll love me forever, I need to dress like a girl who deserves that kind of love.

"A beautiful woman lacking discretion and modesty is like a fine gold ring in a pig's snout."  According to Proverbs, that's how God feels about women who dress scantily.  I wish someone would have told me in my twenties that I hurt myself when I dress like a show girl.  I downgrade myself from a person to an object.  That's why I always feel sorry for girls who show so much skin.  I've been there and I know what they're trying to do and I feel saddened that they don't have more respect for themselves.  They're hurting themselves and they're making every man's struggle for purity more difficult.  For another interesting reason to dress modestly, click on the link below. 


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