Monday, August 29, 2011


 The link below contains an article that questions "why is all this stuff happening to America?"  It's a great article because it mentions every natural disaster we've had this year, and it makes you realize how big the list really is.  At the end of the article, the writer encourages people to send in their theories about what's going on.  Here's my theory:  God is angry at a sinful nation and he's shaking things up to get our attention.  It's more than a theory because all these disasters were predicted to happen in the Bible. (Matthew 24:7).  That same Bible says these catastrophic events will increase in frequency and intensity as we draw closer to the end of the age.

But who reads the Bible these days.  Who has the time?  And who really believes in God?  Who bothers to worship or pray?  The answers to those questions is precisely why all this stuff is happening.  This is what God must do to wake up stubborn people.  One day his patience will run out and our fate will be sealed.  The one's who are laughing now will be crying.  And the ones who accepted the warning and turned to Christ will leave this crumbling, perishing earth for an everlasting life with our creator.  Which side will you be on when the chance to switch sides is gone forever?  That day will come like a thief in the night..quickly and unexpected (Matthew 24:37).  Perhaps before you hit the snooze button tomorrow morning.

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