Tuesday, August 23, 2011


My daughter was putting a puzzle together today when the table began to shake.  I was busy in the kitchen and didn't notice.  The dog barked.  Then the phone rang.  "Did you feel that too?" she said to her dad on the other line. "I thought I was going crazy."   She had just experienced her first earthquake and her dad called from work to share what had happened.  He felt it too.

I've been on this earth for 49 years and I never had a day like today.  My son sent an email asking if the earth shook here.  Then my sister called and told me about her experience when the quake hit and how it sounded like things were falling down inside the walls of her house.  People in California would probably call us "sissy," but we don't get quakes that we can feel on this side of the continent.  Today we got one.  And it proves what I've been saying all along.  Earthquakes are intensifying. 

But stubborn people will continue to brush these things off as no big deal.  They'll say things like, "People are paranoid."  They'll refuse to believe that the unusual events of our time have anything to do with God or the last days that Jesus spoke of in the Bible.  These people are called scoffers and Jesus even warned us about them. He said that in the last days, there will be scoffers asking where is the promise of His return, for everything is the same as it's always been. 

A scoffer will say, "We've always had earthquakes."  And now I can say, "Yes, but we haven't always had them in Halifax, Pennsylvania.  Wake up America.  This is not business as usual and you had better prepare.  Get your house in order and get your heart in order.  God is shaking things up to warn you because He is a merciful God.  He's giving you time to decide where you want to spend eternity... time to get your heart right with God.  Eternity is forever, it's a long time to regret your own stubborness.  -Danelle 

"Americans, too, are being shaken. We face arguably the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Nearly half of all Americans believe we are heading towards another Great Depression. Unemployment is over 9%. Housing foreclosures are skyhigh. People have lost enormous sums of money due to depressed housing prices and stock market volatility. 

The federal government is trying to spend our way to prosperity but is making things worse. Our annual federal budget deficit topped $1.3 trillion last year. This year, it looks like the feds will spend more than $1.5 trillion beyond what they are taking in in revenue. Our debt is skyrocketing. The U.S. is now on the verge of financial default, and hampered further by political ineptitude in Washington that threatens to compound an already precarious situation.

What if these events are not all random? What if the God of the Bible is allowing these to happen to shake us, to wake us, to get our attention, that we might turn to Him and ask Him to have mercy on us and help us?....

Bible prophecy is clear: the Lord shakes individuals and nations that we might let go of all of the flawed political, philosophical, intellectual and religions notions that we cling to that won’t give us true peace, that don’t give us real hope, that can’t bring us any security, that can’t provide forgiveness from our sins much less eternal life for our souls. The God of the Bible wants to shake us loose of such things that we might turn to Him, and to the life He offers through faith in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord isn’t letting us be shaken because He hates us. He’s letting us be shaken precisely because He loves us and wants us to repent and turn to Him and call out to Him, as individuals, as families, and as nations. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26)
-Joel Rosenberg


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