Saturday, September 17, 2011


God amazes me.  I've been asking Him to help me write this article I'm working on about the lies of our culture.  Today he led me to a wonderful blog entry about one of those lies.  Lie number 2:  It's all about me.   This blog entry is the most popular entry on her site.  You can click the link below to read it.  I was brought to tears when I read about the boy who no one noticed.  Not even his teachers made an effort to make him feel noticed.  They didn't even respond to him when he spoke.

I totally know what this girl is saying when she talks about school cliques.  Looking back, I too wish someone had slapped me on the face and told me how selfish I was.  Life was all about me in high school.  All about how I looked, all about being popular and hanging out with my group of friends.  I made no effort to get to know the less popular kids..  I just walked right by them like everyone else did.  I missed so many opportunities to make a lonely kid feel special.  I missed so many opportunities to get over myself and do something for someone else.

But you know those opportunities are still there.  I'm not in high school anymore, but I can still make someone's day by noticing them.  I can say something encouraging to a total stranger.  I can look for that person that's having a hard time fitting in and  talk to him instead of clinging to my comfort zone of familiar friends.  I can send a card to someone who needs their spirits lifted.  Opportunities are everywhere and I'm going to start praying that God will make me more aware of people who feel like no one notices them.  Bringing a smile to others is so much more satisfying than being wrapped up in myself and what's going on in my life.  I want to take an interest in someone else's life.  I wasn't put on this earth to be selfish.  I was put here to help others.  It's time to start living that truth.  Life is not all about me.

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