Thursday, October 6, 2011


My day was filled with so many good things.  I just got back from the pregnancy center where I volunteer once a week.  Some nights we have no clients scheduled to come in, so we get a chance to chat about life, God, and the amazing ways that God works in our lives and the lives of others. We got to talking about the Bible, and  I shared with three other women how I often let my bible fall open to a random page in hope that it will hold a special verse that God chose just for me, a verse that will be perfect for whatever problem or concern I'm facing at that moment.  Today I did my little Bible trick and after several tries I came across a verse that brought tears to my eyes.  It was as if God was speaking directly to me about the very thing I had on my mind.  The verse was basically telling me that God will continue to prosper me and my children. 

"Do you really think God honors such a thing?" I asked our client services director.  Would he really honor my Bible trick and let my Bible fall open to a verse that brought me so much encouragement.  "Yes! she said without hesitation.  I believe God honors every attempt we make to seek Him.  And He knows your heart, Danelle.  Whenever we come to Him like little children and ask for Him to reveal himself, He always honors that."  Her answer was so well-worded, I wish I could remember everything she said, but as she spoke, her words were so comforting and I knew what she said was true.  It was as if God himself was sitting beside me and confirming, "Yes, Danelle, that was me.  I did that for you." 

Ever since I've been praying for God to show himself to me every day, I'm having more and more moments like this.  Moments where I'll see something, read something, or hear something that seems to be a message just for me that's coming straight from God.  My daily prayer is, "Please God, let me see you in this day."  Whenever I pray that prayer, I experience a moment in my day that takes my breath away, brings tears to my eyes, or gives me goosebumps.  It's a moment that is so clearly of God because only He knows me so well.   He knows the things that hold special meaning for me, and he uses those things to reveal himself.  Or He uses godly people to reassure me when I'm troubled about something.

The idea of asking God to physically show himself as I go about my day, came to me after reading, "Twelve days out with God," a book that encourages the reader to invite God along when traveling to various places such as a museum, a restaurant, a park and even the mall.  The book showed me that wherever I go, God will be there.  "God desires to become so close to us that he wants us to feel we could almost reach out and touch Him," the book says.  After reading the book, I realized that God is always willing to share himself with me.  He wants to be found.  All I have to do is ask and then keep my eyes open and wait for the moment when I hear Him, see Him, feel His presence.  And if I have doubts that it was Him in that moment, He'll reassure me, saying, "Yes, Danelle, that was me.  I did that for you."

"God is actively involved and interested in every part of our lives, no matter how big or small.  He cares deeply about how we feel and what we do, and he wants to have an on-going relationship with us," the book claims.  But the only way you can know that is true is if you make the effort to discover it for yourself.   The Bible tells us that we will find God when we seek Him with all of our hearts.

I'm planning to say that same prayer tomorrow, "Please God, let me see you in this day."  I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

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