Friday, December 9, 2011

Preppers Are Now Considered To Be Potential Terrorists?

When the "war on terror" started a decade ago, we were told that we needed to fight the terrorists "over there" so that they would not come over here.
Well, now we are being told that the United States itself is part of the "battleground" and that the "terrorists" might just be our neighbors.
We are being told that if we "see something" that we should "say something" to the government.
In essence, the federal government wants us all to "inform" on one another.
Now that most of the big name terrorists have been removed from the picture, the Obama administration and the mainstream media are really hyping the idea that "homegrown terrorism" is a grave danger.
Just check out these headlines from the past few days....
ABC News: "White House Unveils New Strategy to Fight Homegrown Terrorism"
USA Today: "White House unveils new strategy to combat homegrown terror"
CNN: "Measuring the homegrown terrorist threat to U.S. military"
The entire focus of the "war on terror" has shifted.  According to FBI Director Robert Mueller, "homegrown terrorists" represent as big a threat to American national security as al-Qaeda does at this point.
America is rapidly changing, and not for the better.

Preppers Are Now Considered To Be Potential Terrorists?

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