Wednesday, February 8, 2012


"The global elite will not rest until they have revoked the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence. Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Obama – these are the corrupted minions of globalists who fear the Rights of Man the same as vampires fear sunlight. They will further the destruction of liberty, not impede it and stop the solemn march to slavery and ultimately the destruction of civilization...

The very idea that the people have the right to abolish government scares the he** out of the ruling elite. The Second Amendment is under persistent attack not because guns are a danger to school children, but because guns and people well trained in their proper use are often required to resist and overthrow government tyranny...

Obama’s task is to undermine due process and the separation of powers. From the NDAA to Obamacare and violating the will of Congress and the American people through signing statements and waging illegal wars without declaration or congressional consultation, Obama has amplified and expanded what George Bush and Bill Clinton before him began."

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