Thursday, June 28, 2012


 Our supreme court has just approved Obama's health care disaster.

"Today’s ruling is important because it is the first time in history that the federal government has required that citizens enter into contract with private corporations to buy a product or service. It also represents one of the most egregious violations of the Constitution in American history."

 The majority of our supreme court justices, the highest law in the land, have no respect for our constitution. Beginning next year if you don't have health coverage, the IRS will be on your back. Obama thinks this is a victory. 

Destroying this country is Obama's goal. And he keeps driving nails in the coffin. What will it take for Americans to wake up and see that we have a muslim president who is determined to destroy our nation? He pretends to stand for Israel, yet he backs the muslim brotherhood. He claims to be a Christian but his actions are the exact opposite of what a Christian would do. Anyone who votes for this man a second time is a fool. Unfortunately we won't get much better with Romney. Please pray for our nation. We're no longer circling the drain, we are headed down fast.  - Danelle

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