Thursday, July 19, 2012


America needs to wake-up..... These people and organizations who are playing games with the Constitution and it's true meaning are out of hand..Church we better wake-up...
Article 1  ( Amendment to the constitution)  states: Congress shall make (no law) respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof  ...
Prohibiting the free exercise thereof  is self explanatory.....  the word respecting seams to be the problem.. the word respect means to hold something in high regard ( meaning the establishment of religion ) the word also means to refrain from interfering with (meaning the establishment of religion )
The phrase( separation of church and state ) is not in the United States Constitution. Everyone by now should know that Thomas Jefferson made this statement in a letter to the Danbury Baptists in 1802. I believe what he was referring to in the word separation is held within the word (respecting), which means to refrain from interfering with, thus establishing  a natural wall of separating State from people, people from State, concerning religious LAWS. 
The big problem with people who reject religion, particularly Christianity, is that this amendment states: Congress (thus representing the whole USA) shall make no LAW. In other words, Congress is to mind its own business regarding religion and not to prohibit the practice of it..or make any laws that would interfere with it.
This amendment says nothing about prohibiting an individual government representative or official from practicing religion openly. This amendment applies to them, as well as any individual American ... We who believe in GOD and Prayer need to pray for these people to have their eyes opened to the use of free exercise thereof... And to stop trying to prohibit religion within our government.

 I do believe we need God more now than at any other time in history, since the establishment of this Constitutional amendment. Click the link below for the article that prompted the above comments which were written by my husband, Jim.

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