Friday, August 31, 2012


"What we have here is another example of our government being out of control. The Patriot Act, hastily passed forty-five days after 9/11 in the name of national security, has turned various departments of the government into cancers. Their only purpose in life is to grow in their ability to monitor and control the lives of every American...Big Brother is monitoring everything we do. If you send a birthday wish to Grandma, you might was well CC the folks at Homeland Security."

Aug 27, 2012
Big Brother Stocks Up on Ammo
from Rapture Ready 
The recent purchase of ammunition by several federal agencies has triggered a stir in the blogosphere that monitors government activity. First, the Department of Homeland Security ordered 450 million rounds of ammunition, then the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) submitted an order for 46,000 rounds, and the Social Security Administration placed an order for 174,000 rounds.
The Department of Homeland Security has made other big purchases of ammo. According to Major General Jerry Curry, USA (Ret.), earlier this year, the DHS ordered 750 million rounds of hollow-point ammunition. It then turned around and ordered an additional 750 million rounds of miscellaneous bullets, including some that are capable of penetrating walls.
Hollow points are designed to expand as they strike human flesh, causing maximum damage. Since these types of bullets are banned by the Hague Convention of 1899, Declaration III, the only logical target they can be used against is the citizenry of the United States.
There doesn't seem to be any plausible reason for this huge order of ammunition. It can’t be just for training; there aren’t that many weapons in the U.S. to fire it. In the war in Iraq, our military forces used about 70 million rounds per year. Right now, the DHS has enough ammunition to empty five rounds into the body of every living American citizen.
I'm amazed that no one in Congress is asking why the weather people would need to be so well armed. I had no idea it was so dangerous at the Social Security Administration. Since the folks at the U.S. Post Office face the greater threat from barking dogs, I'm surprised they haven't asked for an allotment of tactical nuclear warheads.
What we have here is another example of our government being out of control. The Patriot Act, hastily passed forty-five days after 9/11 in the name of national security, has turned various departments of the government into cancers. Their only purpose in life is to grow in their ability to monitor and control the lives of every American.
“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” That observation from Greek philosopher Plato is as profound today as it was when he first made it over 2,400 years ago.
Governments serve a vital purpose, but they need to be kept in check. The lessons from the rise of despotic governments are much like the plots of numerous science fiction movies in which computers take over the world: If you don't have a firm grasp of the government's "off" switch, the government will come looking for your "off" switch.
I'm constantly seeing in alternative news media examples of people who've had their civil rights trampled on by the government. One of the most wild reports is the plight of Brandon Raub, a 26-year-old former Marine, pro-liberty activist, and Virginia resident. He was seized by the FBI and Secret Service agents over posts privately made via a Facebook game Raub was playing with his siblings. The goon squad couldn't think of anything to charge Raub with, so they had him committed to a mental hospital. A few days later, a judge ordered him released after a public outcry. The treatment of Raub was a travesty of justice, but the true outrage was the revelation that Big Brother is monitoring everything we do. If you send a birthday wish to Grandma, you might was well CC the folks at Homeland Security.
The government seems to have totally lost sight of the original cause of the September 11 attacks. The trial for the five men charged in planning the murders of 2,976 people has been on hold for nearly a decade. Last week, the defense said it does not expect the "trial of the century" to start until 2016--fifteen years after the attacks. It will actually take less time to grow the trees used to print the legal documents in this trial.
A growing number of people realizes that America is turning into a Big Brother state. Lubbock County Judge Tom Head is warning that Mr. Obama winning a second term would lead to a revolt by the American people and possible invasion of United Nations troops. “He’s going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the U.S. to the United Nations," the judge told a Fox News affiliate. “I’m thinking worst-case scenario,” Judge Head explained. “Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war maybe…we’re not just talking a few riots or demonstrations.”
I doubt there are enough liberty-loving people in this country to stop a tyrannical grab for power. A huge factor in the lack of support is the number people who receive aid from Uncle Sam. Right now, there more than 110 million people in this nation are on some form of welfare. Most of these people don't care if chains are being placed on their hands and feet, just as long as their mouths can still reach the government teat.
The declining state of America reminds me of a recent journey I made to the JFK Airport after visiting New York City. After spending a few days on Manhattan Island, I left by taking the subway all the way to the airport. As I progressed towards JFK, the quality of the neighborhood steadily declined. At one point, there wasn't a building to be found that wasn't marred with graffiti. Even though my sense of danger was telling me I was headed in the wrong direct, my map told me I was headed in the right direction.
If America reaches a point where it is no longer the home of the free, we can rest assured that there is place where there is liberty. I will gladly take the kingdom of Heaven over the earthly kingdom we have now.
"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away" (Revelation 21:4).

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