Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tim Tebow's 'Wife With a Servant's Heart' Remarks Misunderstood?

What's so terrible about serving others?  Have we become so self-centered that we think serving others means being a doormat?  God created woman and the first place he intended a woman to serve was as a wife. Genesis 2:18 tells us why God created woman: "And the Lord said, It is not good that the man should be alone. I will make him a helper fit for him."

The word "helper" suggests someone who is capable of thinking about her husband's needs. Women who can't do that don't make good wives and they often end up alone.One of the greatest ways for a woman to invest in a lasting marriage is to develop a servant's heart. This is the kind of woman that decent men look for because they know that marriage isn't easy. A man knows that his wife's attitude will either make his life peaceful or it will drive him crazy.

I was selfish in my first marriage and that marriage ended. I take part of the blame for that and I don't try to hide it. I know that I lacked a servant's heart and it hurt my marriage. As a speaker I advise women to get their minds off themselves and start thinking about their husband's needs and their children's needs.  The amazing thing that often happens when they start doing that is that the whole family begins to change. When a man feels respected he's more likely to show love to his wife, which is exactly what she longs for. So a wife invests in her own happiness by serving her husband. 

The words" serve" and "submit" are two words that are hated by feminists. What we need to ask is this: Do feminists have good marriages? Do they really know what they're talking about and can they prove that being selfish is what makes marriage work? I suspect that many feminists are single and many of them aren't happily married because it just doesn't work when a wife is all about herself. It goes against God's plan for her to be a "helper" to her husband and when you go against God's plan, your life becomes a great big mess. I say that from experience. 

Click on the link below for the article that inspired me to write today.
Tim Tebow's 'Wife With a Servant's Heart' Remarks Misunderstood?

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