Monday, October 22, 2012


I recently posted some information about Halloween. If you scroll down you can find the article and videos. After reading about the satanic origin of Halloween, I feel uneasy about it. But I haven't yet forbid my daughter from participating in all Halloween activities. Although this is the year that we said it's time for her to stop getting dressed up and going trick or treating, she is participating in Halloween parades this week.

What is a parent to do when the school band is in the Halloween parade and your daughter is in the school band?

What is a parent to do when the dance class your daughter just joined is performing in front of the judges at the Halloween parade? 

What's a parent to do when the school club your daughter has been a part of for years is preparing a float for the Halloween parade and club members are expected to be on the float?

These may seem like trivial problems, but to a teenage girl they aren't trivial. She worked hard at these activities and of course she wants to take part in the accolades. If we forbid her from taking part in these events, then we discourage the very activities that we have encouraged her to do in the first place.

What I really wish is that we would stop using the word Halloween and start calling the parade a Fall Parade. I wish we would stop glamorizing witches and vampires and all the satanic symbols that we relate to Halloween. I wish that these events wouldn't take place at the end of October as the satanic customs did (and still do in the occult world.)

Some people are thinking right now, Oh just relax. What's the big deal. It's all just harmless fun. But I can't relax about a Holiday that has satanic origins. To participate in these things is to accept them as being okay.
So I'm having a hard time with this. The link below is another example of the things I read that make me uneasy about Halloween.

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