Friday, October 12, 2012


Lately I've been coming across interesting articles about how our thoughts and words have the power to heal or make us sick. Our bodies actually become more acidic when we speak or think negatively. For example, cancer is proven to be more prevalent in those who have suppressed anger. Cancer thrives when your body is in an acid state. This came from the book Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About by Kevin Trudeau.

Lately I've been trying to keep my mind clear of stressful situations and negative thoughts. I've been trying to speak more positively about others and about my life. When I continue to be led to articles on the same subject I always consider that it could be God who's leading me to those articles. Perhaps he thinks I need to change my thinking and be more careful with my words. 

We can control what we dwell on in our minds and we can control what we say. And there's a great payoff for those who learn to speak and think positively. The payoff is peace and healing. Who doesn't want that?   - Danelle

 "Think for a moment how your words could be affecting your life right now.
How do you talk about yourself, your present circumstances, and your future? When you talk with your friends, what kinds of things are you talking about?
I encourage you to form a habit of speaking positive words of faith every day. Words like, "I love my life and I have a great future. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. And something good is going to happen to me today."
Even when you're struggling to believe it, say it anyway. Our words have the power to change our mind and our attitude and shape our future." -Joyce Meyer

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