Friday, October 19, 2012


The video above is a shocking message you won't hear in any nearby church. American Christianity is based more upon a godless culture than it is upon the word of God. This is exactly what my current speech, "Cultural Lies or Biblical Truth" is about. 

We compare our lives to each others' instead of comparing our lives to scripture. Most of what we believe is dictated to us by our culture, not by the word of God. The Bible teaches that "you will know them by their fruit". In other words, you will know Christians by the change in their lives. 

There's no such thing as a carnal Christian. If you are truly saved, you will walk in the way of righteousness. You'll talk differently, You'll dress differently. You will act differently.. Salvation will have made a noticeable difference in your life.

Watch the video above and then test yourself in light of scripture to see if you are truly in the faith. If you said the salvation prayer and are now living like the rest of the world, then there's a chance that you're really not saved at all.

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