Friday, January 25, 2013


A great history lesson about the planned destruction of America, how our monetary system was put under control of private international bankers, and how our foreign and domestic policies are controlled by the wealthy elite.  

The first step toward a one-world government was the creation of the United Nations. America must be brought down along with the value of the US dollar in order to usher in a one-world government and a one-world currency. This is why you see Obama side-stepping congress and going to the UN for approval of his decisions. 

Most people are unaware of the planned destruction of America and how it all lines up with Bible prophecy.  - Danelle 

"This plan has been spoken of out in the open; it is fully documented and has been written about in books and articles for over 100 years. It was never a secret! In order for anyone, including political leaders, media, and Christian leaders not to have known about it, they would have to have gone out of their way to willfully close their eyes. If someone tells you they love you and care for you and say they are Christians, is it not their most minimal duty to be faithful Watchmen?" -Paul McGuire

Watch this video and read the comments underneath for a better understanding of what's happening to America. 

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