Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Is Facebook envy making you miserable?

Here's an interesting article about how Facebook affects some people. I can understand why people might become envious and depressed at seeing the achievements and good fortune of their friends on Facebook, but if you really are a friend, shouldn't you be happy for that person who went on vacation, or that person who got so many birthday wishes? 

On the other hand, Facebook can promote a narcissistic, all about me, platform where we can all have our 15 minutes of fame. Maybe it gives us a taste of celebrity when so many people "like" us. I've even heard people brag about how many friends they have.

I think it all comes down to having the right perspective about Facebook. If you see it as some kind of lifeline that you couldn't live without, then maybe you need to get out more. If you get depressed because your Facebook friends seem to have happier lives, then maybe you need to pin your self worth to something more meaningful than physical attractiveness, vacations, and birthday wishes.
 Is Facebook envy making you miserable?

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