Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Do you know someone who has all the luck. Fortunate things happen to this person all the time. She easily falls into unexpected cash. She can snag one of those bingo baskets without buying extra playing sheets. Her business ventures succeed. Her health is good. Her family is thriving. Her entire journey in life seems to be paved with golden opportunities, exciting adventures, and unexpected gifts and favors. She gets all the breaks. She's just plain lucky.
But if that person is living according to God's word, then we can't call it luck, because it's actually blessing. The Bible is filled with scripture about how God blesses those who seek Him and how God rewards those who live according to His laws and His ways. I call it living under the umbrella of God's protection and blessing.
For example, there is a blessing mentioned in the bible for those who treat their parents with respect.
"Honor your mother and father...that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on earth." Ephesians 6:1-3
Are you enjoying your life? Are things going well with you. Are you respecting your parents? Do you talk to them harshly and without love? Are you taking their support for granted? Do you care for them and do things to show that you care? If your life isn't going so great right now, that simple promise in the Bible could be the answer to your problems. God's promises should not be taken lightly and if he promises to bless those who respect their parents, then that automatically means He will not bless those who don't.
This is an example of how knowing God's word and living according to scripture will bring great rewards and blessings to you. And according to Deuteronomy 28, those who do not obey his commands and statutes will be overtaken with a whole list of curses. It's a shame that people don't realize how much control they actually have over their lives. They can bring blessings or curses upon themselves just by how they choose to live and how they treat others.
Lying brings curses into our lives. So does swearing and using profanity without regret. Seeking revenge has a curse attached to it. Being a bully will bring curses upon you. The list is endless. In fact, anything we do that is not in line with how God says we should live will invite unpleasant trials to overtake us. God is telling us in his word that we will reap what we sow. This spiritual law of getting back exactly what you give has been in place since the beginning of time and we can see evidence of its truth everywhere we look.
So maybe that person with all the luck isn't so lucky after all. Maybe what you see are the blessings that come to the person who knows the Bible and lives by it.
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