Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Someone must be reading this blog despite its often grim headlines.My weekly pageviews have doubled in the past few months. I don't say that to brag, I believe that people are curious about what's happening in the world and how it relates to biblical predictions. 

My husband and I were talking today about how tired we are of sharing these things and warning people about what's headed our way when nothing seems to change. I totally understand why people would see me as the boy who cried wolf. Where's the wolf?

Yet when I really think about it, a lot has changed in our world, even in the past six years. I never paid four dollars for a jar of mayonnaise until this year. Every time I go to the grocery store, the prices keep creeping up. How high will they go?

And when was the last time a 10,000 ton meteor struck earth as it did in Russia? In the days following that event, meteor sightings were reported in Somerset England, Southern Florida and San Francisco. Is another impact like the one in Russia possible elsewhere in the world? 

 Why are huge flocks of birds falling dead from the sky? Why are fish and other ocean creatures dying and washing to shore in record numbers? Why are honey bees dying? What are all these mysterious sounds that are being reported all over the world? What's really behind the sudden push for gun control since Sandy Hook?

 Our health care is now controlled by the government. Who really thinks that's a good thing? We didn't have 7,500 unmanned drones in the skies six years ago capable of executing people. Our government is sending flying robots into other countries to kill people. This is the same government that is now managing our health care. That concerns me. 

And anyone who's not concerned about the economy is delusional. There is simply no way out of the amount of debt we've accumulated. When someone says the economy is recovering, I shake my head and wonder how they could possibly believe that. We can't recover from debt when our government is making no effort to cut spending and get out of debt. The debt keeps rising, and we keep sinking. The Fed keeps printing money and prices keep rising. Where will this magical recovery come from that people fantacize about?  

Then we have all the threats of war that have escalated to the point  of insanity. I can't keep track of who is threatening who. To be honest, I'm tired of keeping track of the news. I can see why people stick their heads in the sand and don't want to hear about it. I'm pretty sick of it myself. 

But God told us in the bible to watch and be ready. We aren't supposed to be caught off guard. He gave us signs to look for that would preceed the coming of Christ (Matthew 24: 3-13 and Luke 21: 25-28).  All of these signs are taking place right now.

Also, Luke 21 verse 34 tells us to "take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with...cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come upon all them that dwell upon the earth. Watch ye therefore and pray always that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass."

 My husband and I both believe that we're called to be a watchman for the times we live in. We wouldn't have such an urgent need to keep track of news and share it with others unless God put that desire there. Because it really is a thankless job. We're not getting paid and we've both received much criticism. Who would continue doing something so mocked and thankless unless it was inspired by God?   

So I guess I'll keep plugging away here on this blog. Noah spent years building the ark, but one day the flood came. And many people were left unaware. I don't know if anyone warned them, but if they were warned, no one took the warnings seriously. And they all were swept away by the rains. I'm sure that every one of them wished they hadn't laughed at Noah. As the flood waters grew higher, they must have had some deep regrets..."If only I had listened. I should have been prepared."

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