Sunday, April 28, 2013


"This is a long read , but I believe this is absolutely true.. I feel and receive the same urgency and download from the Spirit every day myself... for seven years I have been tracking  world events through a Biblical world view, but most people just do not grasp the full scope of the unfolding prophetic events unfolding in plain view with speed every day...
The Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5: concerning the coming of the Lord.... But of the times and seasons brethren, you have no need that I write to you.   He said,  But you brethren , are not in darkness, that that day  (the day of the Lord) should over take you as a thief.  Why  You are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.  So  Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober . Because For God has not appointed us to wrath (His wrath), But to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ...           

Even if just half of what is unfolding comes true.... PRAY ----- PRAY ----- PRAY. 
                                                                         REPENT --- REPENT --- REPENT
                                                                         SEEK ---- SEEK --- SEEK
                                                                          PREPARE ---- PREPARE ---- PREPARE
I understand this information is of a difficult nature... But does that make it any less true......."
- Jim Carvell


By Paul McGuire

(article below)

                      (article below)
Go Into All The World by Paul McGuire
Go Into All The World by Paul McGuire

By Paul McGuire

I wrote the article below entitled, "2013:  A Terrifying Vision for America,"  January 1, 2013 as a prophetic warning to America.  I do not write such articles lightly or for the purpose of sensationalism.  These articles are written after an enormous amounts of research and more importantly, after seeking the face of the Lord.

Four months before 2013, the Lord has placed a deep burden on my spirit concerning America.  It is something like an electrical charge of great intensity that contains a burden for the future of our nation.  I have walked with the Lord for over 35 years and I have never experienced the weight of what I am sensing now.

At times it seems almost too much to bear, but I know I must be obedient to the Lord to carry this message in my spirit and deliver it as He instructs me.  The Holy Spirit lives inside me and He is the Spirit of all Truth.  I do not ask you to accept what I say at face value.  I ask you to seek the Lord and allow Him to speak to you and to see if the Spirit of God bears witness to what I am saying.  I recognize that by saying that, I open myself to criticism to those whose walk with the Lord, does not allow them mature spiritual discernment.  Unfortunately, that is the position a great deal of the church is in, in America right now.

In addition, I do not write these words out of some sense of delusion about who I am in Christ.  I would emphatically add that all experience and revelation is to be placed under the Word of God.  There are a lot of people running around out there who believe that God has called them to say certain things, but the Spirit of God inside me does not bear witness to their walk or their words.  Many times what they are saying is in direct contradiction to the Word of God.  I have a track record of making reliable statements.  When the Y2K panic was out there, I said it would be a non-event and it was.  At the same time, I wrote and spoke about the World Trade Towers, Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda, WMD's, Saddam Hussein, Iraq, terrorist attacks and other subjects before 9 11.

I do not give myself grand titles and I do not equate myself on the level of a Jeremiah, Joel or Ezekiel.  You can debate theologically about whether or not the role of the Watchman in ancient Israel is valid today, especially in the church, which is not Israel.  However, to whatever degree, God has called me in the role of a Watchman.

Finally, I have spent over three decades doing intensive research on numerous subject areas that I write about.  I usually proceed from skepticism and demand legitimate proof from reliable sources.  Having said all that, I would like you to read the article below that was published on January 1, 2013.  Since the publication of that article, I would suggest to you that there is an ever-greater sense of urgency.

I am communicating to you in the most sober terms that I can, that our nation and world is in great danger.  I want to be clear in communicating that I am not referring that this danger is coming from one political leader or another.  It is a danger that transcends political parties and political leaders.  If your mind is focused on the fact that a particular political leader or party is the source of danger or the problem, you are greatly deluded.

The primary cause of the danger we are in is not related to the sin of certain groups of individuals outside of the church.  The Bible very clearly say's, "Judgment begins in the house of the Lord."  A portal, if you will has been opened in the invisible realm or spiritual world that has allowed the potential of unprecedented destruction to come into our nation.  To put it in simplest terms, the energy that opened that portal is directly connected to the church choosing to disobey God's Word in the most fundamental sense. 

Even the most cursory review of the Old Testament teaches us the lesson that there is a great cycle.  Often when God's people enjoy great blessing they turn from the Lord and His Word to follow false gods.  The central issue is that the people of God stop worshipping the true God and start worshipping false gods like Baal and listening to false teachers.  Sexual immorality and other sins, no matter how evil are a result of this idolatrous worship and a deliberate turning from the Word of God.  The reality is that much of the church in America is in truth worshipping the false gods of Baal, perhaps under different names, but it is idolatrous worship.


The political, financial, cultural and media elite gather at the Bohemian Grove to worship the god Molech.   In the Old Testament, the children of Israel began to worship Molech through orgies and offering their children to be burned alive in the white hot metal hands of the statue.  Supposedly, at Bohemian Grove everything is done with dolls.  But, why do the most powerful men in our nation bow down to Molech?  Why does the church in America worship the god of Baal?

The second great reality is that the church has rejected the Word of God for the ideas and philosophies of men.  God and His Word are one.  When the church rejects God's Word, it rejects God.  The church is the Bride of Christ.  When the Bride of Christ follows idols and rejects God's Word, the church is committing spiritual adultery.  In the most literal sense, the church is fornicating with false gods and has become a harlot.  When the church becomes unfaithful to God, the church becomes like the Great Harlot, Babylon.

Much of the church in America is in such great deception, that it cannot even recognize that God has placed as a sign of warning on the countenances of certain Christian leaders, the countenance of a harlot.  Much of the church is following false doctrine and is in rebellion from Jesus Christ.  As such, there is little spiritual discernment to the great danger we are in, as there was no spiritual discernment in Nazi, Germany.

I believe God has given us one last window of opportunity to truly repent and seek His face.  I am not suggesting that God will undo Bible prophecy, but I believe God will hear the truly repentant prayers of His Bride, especially in America and the grace and protection of God will be poured out.  If that happens, there can be hope among the people of God and their children.  However, if the church in America along with much of its leadership continues on its present course, we are about to face things that no one would have believed would ever have been possible in America.

I urge you with all my heart to consider my words.  I am not playing games and I am communicating to you what the Lord has put on my heart to say.  It is difficult for any of us to assume the responsibility or the power to change the church at large.  But, we can start with ruthless self-examination.  Ask yourself these questions:

Am I doing everything I can in terms of repentance and seeking the face of the Lord?

Am I partnering with believers, ministries and a church which fully embraces the significance of this hour and is 100% engaged in its solution?

Have I deceived myself and placed myself in partnership or submission to other believers, ministries and churches which are in reality, rebelling from the call of the Spirit and are playing church?  These churches and believers have an outward form of godliness, but in truth their heart is lukewarm towards the Lord.

Am I willing to be convicted by the Spirit of God and change my direction and allegiances?

Do I fully recognize that the choices I now make before God, will fully affect me, my family, my children, those I care about and my nation?

Am I willing to walk away from the group think and risk rejection to truly pick up my Cross and follow God?

Do I personally recognize that I am fully accountable to God for what may soon happen?  Even though I am saved my grace, I will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and give a full account of my action and non-actions?  Do I understand that at the Judgment Seat of Christ all of my real motives will be exposed and that God will hold me accountable?

The window of opportunity is open before us now, as an act of divine grace.  Now is the time we must make the choices and decisions that we have been avoiding.  I believe that it is the will of God to send mercy on America to whatever degree He chooses.  But, God is Holy and operates within His divine law.  Thus, in order to move He requires true repentance and those that will seek His face.  This is the hour.  Make your decision before a Holy God. 

I do not claim to be holier or better than any other man, apart from the grace of God.  However, when I look at the level of danger and the destruction it will bring, I tremble.  I tremble because as I look upon the Evangelical world, I see complete denial.  I see a pervasive hardness of heart and an almost giddiness of spirit.   I see in the face of a number of leaders who should be guarding the flock from the wolves, a completely false sense of optimism and joy.  They appear through human psychological motivation and occult mind control techniques, that are not rooted in the Word of God to have transcended reality!  But, this is evil in its most pure form.  Imagine having such a countenance as the concentration camps were being formed?   Yet, these false shepherds have seduced the people of God through their psychological trickery.

I must tell you I literally weep over what I see and the deep spiritual deception that is confused for the anointing of the Holy Spirit!   When you repent and return to the Word of the Lord, your spiritual vision will be restored and these things will be plainly evident to you.  But, right now the church in America is the Laodician Church, and because it is lukewarm it is spiritually blind.  Yet, Jesus Christ in His mercy extends the eye salve of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to the American church and promises, even in their sin, to restore their vision if they will turn to Him. 


                     By Paul McGuire

                         January 1, 2013  
The Coming Terror and A Power to Change the World.

The year 2013 is going to bring unprecedented social anarchy, riots, food shortages, more mass shootings, political upheaval, economic crisis and a radical transformation of our nation. As the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer said, about thirty years ago,

"An authoritarian government either from the right or left will rise to manage the chaos."

Most of what we are seeing now fits the precise historical patterns of what happen in places like Nazi Germany, where Adolph Hitler murdered over seven million people in concentration camps. The German Jews, as well as the Christians were in such a state of psychological denial, that they repeatedly said, "It can't happen here." When they walking into the gas chambers, they insisted they were just getting a shower.

What is it that prevents people from seeing the obvious either on a personal level or a national level? There are a number of factors in this psychological process. First, self-deception and cognitive dissonance. A mother cannot bear the thought of her little daughter being molested by her husband, so she pretends not to notice the evidence. Finally she disassociates from the reality. 

On a national level, many times the people, especially the youth, have been deliberately dumbed down through social engineering. They simply do not understand the historical patterns and how they repeat themselves. In addition, through social engineering they have been brainwashed into accepting a system of reality, rather than reality itself.

Finally, the science of mass mind control is used to program the people, through the media, entertainment, legal drugs, pornography, education and entertainment. Aldous Huxley, H.G.Wells and Thomas Pynchon and others wrote about this in their books like, The Shape of Things to Come, Brave New World, and Gravity's Rainbow

The science of mass mind control came from Nimrod and the ancient occult religions of Babylon. They operated both spiritually and scientifically. Today scientific and spiritual mind control are so advanced that the average person does not know that they exist, let alone how advanced they have become. In America today the vast percentage of the population is under scientific mind control, where they have been programmed and live in a trance state.

This is one of the primary reasons that they cannot see the obvious; they have been scientifically brainwashed. In addition to that, they live in denial and cognitive dissonance.
A key element in the science of occult-based mind control (all mind control is occult-based) is trauma-based programming. The mind is controlled through a series of traumatic shocks viewed on television or the Internet, experienced in the sociological environment, or through highly advanced technologies like EMF waves, subliminal programming, silent sound, microchip implants, drugs and mass occult rituals along with occult symbolism.

Recent examples of this would be the Olympic Ceremony in Great Britain, which enacted a Satanic ritual, disguised as entertainment, with blatant Luciferian symbols that go back to Babylon. A large percentage of rock'n'roll concerts and performers perform occult rituals along with mind control. The Illuminati symbolism is blatant if you understand the meaning of the symbols.

Modern rock'n'roll concerts are simply mass occult worship. The ancient occult worship of occult gods like Molech consisted of the use of mind-altering drugs, hypnotic rhythms in the music, and sexual immorality, which were designed to summon their gods or various entities. Everything we just discussed not only programs people through occult-based programming, but acts as a powerful mechanism for mass mind control. Since the fundamental consciousness of people has been altered, they live in hypnotic and trance states, doing what they have been conditioned to do.

In addition, all of this produces spiritual deception through false messiahs and false teachers, which the Apostle Paul warned about when he referred to the Great Delusion and the Apostasy in the last days. According to the Biblical view, the world is quickly heading towards a one world government, a one world economic system, and a one world religion that is headed up by two beasts, the Antichrist and the False Prophet.

It is not an accident that Sir Francis Bacon, a Rosicrucian, planned for America to be the center of a new world order and a "New Atlantis" before America was settled. The Rosicrucian occult movement has its roots in the occult religions of ancient Babylon. The Rosicrucians became the Illuminati and it is the Illuminati who are the Satanic elite who rule the world.

As I have said in numerous articles, the Illuminati pyramid on the back of the U.S. dollar is a template or occult blueprint for what is coming soon. The eagle which is really the occult bird, the Phoenix, is a symbol of the new world order rising from the ashes of chaos. The Illuminati slogan is, "Order Out of Chaos." The rock'n'roll band, Led Zepellin, sang their famous lyrics, 

"Is the new world rising, from the shambles of the old?"

All of the chaos we see in our society is essentially manufactured. It is designed to lead us into the new world order. The dollar is deliberately being devalued in order to bring in a new world currency called the "Phoenix." The occult-based elite hope to do this by 2018.

So the question is after reading this, "What can you do about it?" The person under mind control automatically says, "nothing." But the spirit that God placed in man and the Spirit of God itself says "All things are possible." God knew before the beginning of time about the chaos that is happening now. He downloaded into the human consciousness everything that is needed to overcome the spiritual darkness.

God knew before the beginning of time that you would be here for such a time as this.
That means you came into this world to fulfill a purpose and that purpose is not to be a slave in the occult-pyramid system. In addition you must know that He has given you the opportunity to use His power to overcome evil. When that power is accessed by belief you then become a carrier of an energy force that is more powerful than anything in the Universe.

What is called the First Great Awakening, tapped into that power and transformed America at its birth.

A Third Great Awakening is a release of cosmic energy from another dimension where the Personal God rules. Through belief and turning to Him as the Source, men and women can call down supernatural power from this dimension or invisible realm. In our nation today, it is scientifically possible to release what is called the dunamis, from which we get our word dynamite.

When this all-powerful explosive force is released in the invisible realm, it sends a shockwave of power so strong, that entities called the kosmokratos are overwhelmed. Therefore it is possible to enter 2013, not as a victim, but as a conqueror. The choice is yours.

© 2013 Paul McGuire - All Rights Reserved

That game plan developed in 1939 is being executed now as we see the deliberate devaluing of the dollar and the creation of a new one world currency I describe in my 3-DVD series, Are You Ready for the Coming One World Government? Are You Ready for the Coming One World Economic System? and Are You Ready for the Coming One World Religion? 

The result was that I began to experience what I can only describe as a divine download of information, framed clearly by the Word of God. In addition, I felt compelled to write this down in a book I am now finishing entitled The Future of America in Prophecy, which issues both a warning and solution. In the final analysis, despite the tremendous dangers, I believe there is still a window of hope.

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