Tuesday, May 7, 2013


"Tim Tebow is being passed around like a bad penny, because the open confession of his Christian faith makes the establishment uncomfortable. They don’t care if he could carry them all the way to the Super Bowl. They reject him because the light in him stings their darkened souls."

May 6, 2013
Pray Boy No, Gay Boy Yes 
from the Rapture Ready blog
It is absolutely stunning how quickly the moral foundation of our nation has been eroding away. Sometimes I have to wonder if the prophet Isaiah was being prophetic about our timeframe when he wrote, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20)
A week ago, two people in the sports world made news. One was a football player who was rejected because of his strong Christian confession and the other was a gay basketball player who was praised for simply declaring his sexual preference.
The football star was Tim Tebow, who has gotten under the skin of the liberal media and other atheist groups, making himself the “poster boy” for Christianity. Tebow accomplished this task by praying on the field after a win, putting Bible verses on his eye black during games, and starring in an anti-abortion ad during the Super Bowl.
I knew when Tebow moved from Colorado to the New York Jets it would end in disaster. The left-coast press did everything they could to attack him. I remember a bunch of Salem witches casting spells on Tim Tebow to ensure he would lose the big game.
The New York Jets couldn’t have hated Tim Tebow more. They dumped him on the first Monday after the NFL draft, knowing that other teams’ rosters would be filled. The chance Tebow will find another job in the league is bleak. Their action would make sense if Tebow had an arrest record or showed up late for meetings or cost the Jets the playoffs with a bad interception. The Jets barely using him in a waste of a season─he appeared in just 77 offensive plays.
What makes the hatred of Tebow all the more hard to understand is how good he has been for the business side of football. The public has had an overwhelmingly positive view of a God-fearing quarterback. In one poll, Tebow was voted the favorite active pro-athlete. He has generated huge ratings. When he played for the Broncos, one game had the highest-rated NFL wildcard game since 1988. Tebow’s famous eighty-yard touchdown pass on the first play of overtime resulted in a record 9,420 tweets per second. According to Twitter, it was the most frenzied response for any sporting event.
Tim Tebow is being passed around like a bad penny, because the open confession of his Christian faith makes the establishment uncomfortable. They don’t care if he could carry them all the way to the Super Bowl. They reject him because the light in him stings their darkened souls.
The same day Tebow was being sunned, Jason Collins became the first-ever openly gay man in a major American team sport. In a first-person article posted on the Sports Illustrated website, Collins said, “I’m a 34-year-old NBA center. I’m black. And I’m gay.” Collins was predictably showered with praise:
The head of the NBA said he was proud of Collins.
Former president Bill Clinton congratulated him.
President Obama called to congratulate him.
First lady Michelle Obama tweeted her support for Collins. “So proud of you, Jason Collins! This is a huge step forward for our country. We’ve got your back!”
There were a few people who chose to rain on Collins’ coming out parade. Ben Shapiro, editor-at-large for Breitbart.com got flack for saying: “So Jason Collins is a hero because he’s gay? Our standard for heroism has dropped quite a bit since Normandy.”
ESPN’s Chris Broussard had pro-gay groups asking for his head when he said homosexuality constitutes “open rebellion to God.” During a Monday episode of “Outside the Lines” he said:
Personally, I don’t believe that you can live an openly homosexual lifestyle, or an openly premarital sex between heterosexuals ... if you’re openly living that kind of lifestyle, then the Bible says you know them by their fruits. It says that’s a sin and if you’re openly living in unrepentant sin, whatever it may be, not just homosexuality, [but] adultery, fornication, premarital sex, whatever it may be, I believe that’s walking in open rebellion to God and to Jesus Christ. So I would not characterize that person as a Christian, because I don’t think the Bible would characterize him as a Christian.
There is no doubt in my mind that we have reached the point where sin produces a type illogical insanity. Anyone who thinks someone who has sex with his same gender is preferred over someone who prays on the field needs to be fitted with one of those white jackets that buckles in the back.
If you are someone who realizes how wicked the world is getting, there is still hope for you. Society may be doomed to suffer God’s wrath, but you can escape by seeking the grace that can only come from the blood of Jesus.
“Come now, let us reason together,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool” (Isaiah 1:18-19).

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