If you have any of these problems, you need probiotics daily:
fatigue and low energy
fungal or yeast infection
unexplained weight gain
frequent urination
joint pain
skin problems
blurry vision
brain fog
acid reflux
poor immune function
This list is from the book Tox-Sick by Suzanne Somers. She says that a healthy GI tract is vital to our health. When you heal you gut, the rest of your organs will heal too, including the liver. And when your gut is working well, it's much easier to stay thin.
Dietary fats are most important to gut health. They offer protection for the intestinal wall that keeps the immune system working and aids in eliminating toxins. Without dietary fats, the toxins are free to roam in our bloodstream doing damage throughout the body, Somers says.
Things we don't think about contribute to a damaged gut, such as chlorinated water, over-the-counter and prescription drugs, antibiotics, birth control pills, radiation and chemotherapy, environmental pollutants, food additives, alcohol, tobacco smoke and stress. All of these things kill the good bacteria in the gut.
Probiotics are needed because few of us can avoid the unhealthy additives in our food and the chemicals used in food processing that kill our beneficial bacteria in the gut. This healthy bacteria produce essential vitamins and hormones. A diet of healthy fats, low or no sugar, low or no carbs and a daily probiotic will greatly contribute to healing your gut.
I take Young Living's Life 9 probiotic daily. I know that a good quality probiotic is important, so I don't trust the five dollar gummies at WalMart. Gut health is vital to our overall health and poor gut health can also affect your mood. A good quality probiotic is essenital. Don't go for the cheapest. Do your research and invest in quality. Otherwise you are just wasting your effort and your money.
This blog is a place to chat from a Christian perspective about a variety of topics.
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Monday, March 26, 2018
Probiotics are the most important supplement you can take, even more important than a multivitamin, says Suzanne Somers in her book, Tox-Sick.
Health begins and ends in the GI tract. If your gut is inflamed, you can't be healthy. A toxic digestive system will have you fatigued, more prone to disease, and will affect every part of your body--bones, joints, organs, glands, skin, hormones, and even your brain, Somers says.
The entire length of the digestive (GI) tract is coated with a bacterial layer (a mucus). If this bacterial lining gets damaged, you lose the natural barrier that protects against harmful invaders such as undigested food, toxins, and parasites. And 65% of your immune system is in your intestines' bacterial lining. It's like a guard that protects your health and that guard can only protect when it's not damaged.
How does the stomach and intestinal lining get damaged? A poor diet of processed, high sugar, nonorganic foods, pharmaceutical drugs (especially antibiotics and birth control pills), chlorinated water, and the toxins we're exposed to through personal care products and home cleaners all contribute to digestive tract damage by eating away at the protective lining in your gut.
This is why a chemical-free lifestyle is so important. It's why I encourage people to ditch all their toxic cleaners for one bottle of Thieves cleaner, which cleans everything in your home without chemicals. The Thieves premium starter kit gives you every cleaner you need in your home from safe laundry detergent to hand sanitizer. You can find it at the Young Living website or talk to a Young Living representative.
OK, back to the importance of probiotics. Our gut lining also gets shredded from toxic mold exposure, which often resides in the intestines, sinuses, organs and brain. Often the first indicators of Lyme or mold damage are food allergies and food intolerances.
An equal balance of good and bad pathogens are needed for a healthy GI tract. The good gut flora in a good quality probiotic will neutralize toxic substances like nitrates, antibiotics, heavy metals, carcinogens and other poisons.
A damaged gut wall allows viruses, yeast, fungus, bacteria, parasites and toxic substances to leak out and invade the blood stream. This is leaky gut syndrome, which attacks organs and causes bloating, constipation, intestinal pain, brain diseases, autoimmune diseases, eczema, rosacea, and other problems.
I take Young Living's Life 9, a high potency probiotic that promotes natural digestive balance, supports a healthy immune system, and contains nine probiotic strains with 17 billion active cultures. Don't buy the five dollar probiotic gummies at Walmart. Do your research and invest in a good quality probiotic.
Health begins and ends in the GI tract. If your gut is inflamed, you can't be healthy. A toxic digestive system will have you fatigued, more prone to disease, and will affect every part of your body--bones, joints, organs, glands, skin, hormones, and even your brain, Somers says.
The entire length of the digestive (GI) tract is coated with a bacterial layer (a mucus). If this bacterial lining gets damaged, you lose the natural barrier that protects against harmful invaders such as undigested food, toxins, and parasites. And 65% of your immune system is in your intestines' bacterial lining. It's like a guard that protects your health and that guard can only protect when it's not damaged.
How does the stomach and intestinal lining get damaged? A poor diet of processed, high sugar, nonorganic foods, pharmaceutical drugs (especially antibiotics and birth control pills), chlorinated water, and the toxins we're exposed to through personal care products and home cleaners all contribute to digestive tract damage by eating away at the protective lining in your gut.
This is why a chemical-free lifestyle is so important. It's why I encourage people to ditch all their toxic cleaners for one bottle of Thieves cleaner, which cleans everything in your home without chemicals. The Thieves premium starter kit gives you every cleaner you need in your home from safe laundry detergent to hand sanitizer. You can find it at the Young Living website or talk to a Young Living representative.
OK, back to the importance of probiotics. Our gut lining also gets shredded from toxic mold exposure, which often resides in the intestines, sinuses, organs and brain. Often the first indicators of Lyme or mold damage are food allergies and food intolerances.
An equal balance of good and bad pathogens are needed for a healthy GI tract. The good gut flora in a good quality probiotic will neutralize toxic substances like nitrates, antibiotics, heavy metals, carcinogens and other poisons.
A damaged gut wall allows viruses, yeast, fungus, bacteria, parasites and toxic substances to leak out and invade the blood stream. This is leaky gut syndrome, which attacks organs and causes bloating, constipation, intestinal pain, brain diseases, autoimmune diseases, eczema, rosacea, and other problems.
I take Young Living's Life 9, a high potency probiotic that promotes natural digestive balance, supports a healthy immune system, and contains nine probiotic strains with 17 billion active cultures. Don't buy the five dollar probiotic gummies at Walmart. Do your research and invest in a good quality probiotic.
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Dr. Mercola Interviews Martin Pall on EMFs
Another great video that explains the damaging effects of EMF's, something we are all exposed to.
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Friday, March 23, 2018
EMF's from wireless devices, cell phones, blue tooth, cordless phones, microwave ovens, computers, laptops, tablets and Wi-Fi have severe biological impacts on your health, says Suzanne Somers in her book Tox-Sick. These devices are emitting harmful "rads" every time you use them.
Electric and magnetic field frequencies may impact Alzheimer's and have effects on the spinal cord, MS, the immune system, and cancer, including brain cancer. EMF's also affect red and white blood cells, sleep, insomnia, fertility, fetal development, and asthma. They also promote obesity, diabetes... and the list goes on, writes Somers about Toxic Threat # 6 from her book.
EMF's can alter human biochemistry, resulting in symptoms unique to our generation. One big source of this "electro-smog" comes from the smart meter installed outside your home by your electric company.
We had a new meter installed this past summer. I heard of neighbors refusing the meters because they knew about the health hazards, but soon the police showed up at their door. Smart meters are on 24/7, 365 days a year. "And in addition to the frequencies they emit, officials had to boost the cell tower's power capacities to be able to read the meters," Somers says.
"An EMF grid covers your entire home once a smart meter is installed, emitting electromagnetic frequencies and radiation all through your home and body nonstop and with no escape," she adds.
EMF's are now being revealed as biological hazards. You can even receive the EMF's radiating from your neighbors' smart meters and get a double dose. Somers suggests refusing smart meters and educating your neighbors about the dangers, but I'm not sure refusal is possible after hearing about my neighbor's run-in with police when he tried.
On page 43 of her book, Tox-Sick, Somers talks about a possible way to filter EMF's and reduce exposure. You can read about it in the book, Paramagnetism: Rediscovering Nature's Secret Force of Growth. Also there are devices that you can wear or insert between your cell phone and its case that protect you from electromagnetic radiation. We just ordered several of these devices. They are called "energy dots." But there are other options as well.
In 2011, after smart meters were installed in Southern California, a pattern of symptoms emerged: migraines, insomnia, heart-palpitations, shortness of breath as well as itching skin and rashes. EMF's can drive your heart out of rhythm and cause you to go into atrial fibrillation, plus they are very toxic and destroy DNA.
Dr. Stephen Sinatra says that he writes letters all the time telling patients to get the smart meters out of their homes because they're having heart problems. Experts now think that EMF's can open up the blood-brain barrier.
So now we have a new toxin to deal with, as if the chemicals in our food, air, and products aren't enough. We don't know anything about the long-term effects of EMF's, but according to the problems that they are already causing, the news can't be good. Going off the grid is starting to look sweet.
Electric and magnetic field frequencies may impact Alzheimer's and have effects on the spinal cord, MS, the immune system, and cancer, including brain cancer. EMF's also affect red and white blood cells, sleep, insomnia, fertility, fetal development, and asthma. They also promote obesity, diabetes... and the list goes on, writes Somers about Toxic Threat # 6 from her book.
EMF's can alter human biochemistry, resulting in symptoms unique to our generation. One big source of this "electro-smog" comes from the smart meter installed outside your home by your electric company.
We had a new meter installed this past summer. I heard of neighbors refusing the meters because they knew about the health hazards, but soon the police showed up at their door. Smart meters are on 24/7, 365 days a year. "And in addition to the frequencies they emit, officials had to boost the cell tower's power capacities to be able to read the meters," Somers says.
"An EMF grid covers your entire home once a smart meter is installed, emitting electromagnetic frequencies and radiation all through your home and body nonstop and with no escape," she adds.
EMF's are now being revealed as biological hazards. You can even receive the EMF's radiating from your neighbors' smart meters and get a double dose. Somers suggests refusing smart meters and educating your neighbors about the dangers, but I'm not sure refusal is possible after hearing about my neighbor's run-in with police when he tried.
On page 43 of her book, Tox-Sick, Somers talks about a possible way to filter EMF's and reduce exposure. You can read about it in the book, Paramagnetism: Rediscovering Nature's Secret Force of Growth. Also there are devices that you can wear or insert between your cell phone and its case that protect you from electromagnetic radiation. We just ordered several of these devices. They are called "energy dots." But there are other options as well.
In 2011, after smart meters were installed in Southern California, a pattern of symptoms emerged: migraines, insomnia, heart-palpitations, shortness of breath as well as itching skin and rashes. EMF's can drive your heart out of rhythm and cause you to go into atrial fibrillation, plus they are very toxic and destroy DNA.
Dr. Stephen Sinatra says that he writes letters all the time telling patients to get the smart meters out of their homes because they're having heart problems. Experts now think that EMF's can open up the blood-brain barrier.
So now we have a new toxin to deal with, as if the chemicals in our food, air, and products aren't enough. We don't know anything about the long-term effects of EMF's, but according to the problems that they are already causing, the news can't be good. Going off the grid is starting to look sweet.
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
A ritual for cleansing a diseased home from mold and mildew using equal parts Cedarwood and Hyssop is described in the book of Leviticus. Mold was a problem even in biblical times. Today, toxic black mold can become such an unhealthy invader that people must leave their homes.
In her book, Tox-Sick Suzanne Somers points out 6 toxic threats that we need to take seriously if we want to be healthy. Threat number 3 is Toxic Black Mold. She learned first hand how this home invader can destroy health. She and her family got very sick from a mold infestation. She was even misdiagnosed with cancer, when in fact her body was suffering from mold.
Mold is the new mystery disease. The treatment for mold is essentially the same as the treatment for Lyme disease. Both can have devastating effects on health. A faulty air conditioner can be a source of mold spores. Mold disrupts your immune system and causes an inflammatory response. Both mold and Lyme are often misdiagnosed.
Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, and depression are misdiagnosed when instead you may have mold toxicity. The same is true for Lyme disease, which is often misdiagnosed for other ailments.
"Just because you don't see molds in your home doesn't mean you don't have them: they can be hiding, munching away at your drywall, insulation and plywood; these are mold toxin 'happy foods'," says Somers.
"Like little monsters reproducing and wreaking havoc in your body, mold keeps reproducing unless stopped, like mold on your bathroom tile," she adds.
If mold is not cleared from the body once it invades, it can remain in your body indefinitely and cause lifelong problems. Imagine going through life being told you have other ailments and being treated for problems you don't really have, when in fact the real problem is mold.
Vision impairment, unstable temperature, tremors, tics, headaches, muscle aches, difficulty concentrating, brain dysfunction, weight gain, insomnia, unusual pain, are a few of the ways mold toxicity affects people. Some people are misdiagnosed with Parkinson's disease when the problem is actually mold, Somers claims.
Reading her book has made me realize that mold is a serious problem. I recently removed mold from our windows, the shower, and even found some growing on the wall at a spot where a bed was pushed against the wall. I'm constantly sneezing and blowing my nose during winter and I'm sure mold is a culprit.
I use undiluted white vinegar to kill mold. Give the moldy area a good spray and wait 20 minutes. Then I spray the area down with a strong ratio of Thieves household cleaner in a spray bottle. (One ounce Thieves and 14 ounces of water.) I also add essential oils suggested for mold on page 72 of the Quick Reference Guide for Using Essential Oils, which you get free from me as a member of Young Living. wholelifeoils.com/danelle-carvell/
I scrub the area well and sometimes I'll add a soapy homemade cleaner called Triple Threat, which contains castile soap, borax, washing soda and alcohol. Message me for the recipe if you're interested. I have people asking to buy Triple Threat because it works so well as a spot removing cleaner. Sometimes you discover winning recipes when you experiment.
If the problem is Toxic Black Mold, you should get a professional to remove it. You don't want that stuff in your lungs when it gets stirred up. I'll be sharing the other toxic threats from Suzanne's book in future posts, so check back.
In her book, Tox-Sick Suzanne Somers points out 6 toxic threats that we need to take seriously if we want to be healthy. Threat number 3 is Toxic Black Mold. She learned first hand how this home invader can destroy health. She and her family got very sick from a mold infestation. She was even misdiagnosed with cancer, when in fact her body was suffering from mold.
Mold is the new mystery disease. The treatment for mold is essentially the same as the treatment for Lyme disease. Both can have devastating effects on health. A faulty air conditioner can be a source of mold spores. Mold disrupts your immune system and causes an inflammatory response. Both mold and Lyme are often misdiagnosed.
Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, and depression are misdiagnosed when instead you may have mold toxicity. The same is true for Lyme disease, which is often misdiagnosed for other ailments.
"Just because you don't see molds in your home doesn't mean you don't have them: they can be hiding, munching away at your drywall, insulation and plywood; these are mold toxin 'happy foods'," says Somers.
"Like little monsters reproducing and wreaking havoc in your body, mold keeps reproducing unless stopped, like mold on your bathroom tile," she adds.
If mold is not cleared from the body once it invades, it can remain in your body indefinitely and cause lifelong problems. Imagine going through life being told you have other ailments and being treated for problems you don't really have, when in fact the real problem is mold.
Vision impairment, unstable temperature, tremors, tics, headaches, muscle aches, difficulty concentrating, brain dysfunction, weight gain, insomnia, unusual pain, are a few of the ways mold toxicity affects people. Some people are misdiagnosed with Parkinson's disease when the problem is actually mold, Somers claims.
Reading her book has made me realize that mold is a serious problem. I recently removed mold from our windows, the shower, and even found some growing on the wall at a spot where a bed was pushed against the wall. I'm constantly sneezing and blowing my nose during winter and I'm sure mold is a culprit.
I use undiluted white vinegar to kill mold. Give the moldy area a good spray and wait 20 minutes. Then I spray the area down with a strong ratio of Thieves household cleaner in a spray bottle. (One ounce Thieves and 14 ounces of water.) I also add essential oils suggested for mold on page 72 of the Quick Reference Guide for Using Essential Oils, which you get free from me as a member of Young Living. wholelifeoils.com/danelle-carvell/
I scrub the area well and sometimes I'll add a soapy homemade cleaner called Triple Threat, which contains castile soap, borax, washing soda and alcohol. Message me for the recipe if you're interested. I have people asking to buy Triple Threat because it works so well as a spot removing cleaner. Sometimes you discover winning recipes when you experiment.
If the problem is Toxic Black Mold, you should get a professional to remove it. You don't want that stuff in your lungs when it gets stirred up. I'll be sharing the other toxic threats from Suzanne's book in future posts, so check back.
Monday, March 19, 2018
Dr. Mercola and Clean Air Purifier Technology Solutions
Dr Mercola explains the importance of good air quality. We're considering a home air purifier. Sharing this in case you are too. wholelifeoils.com/danelle-carvell/
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Thieves® Household Cleaner: Pure for Your Family
The Thieves Premium Starter Kit is the best way to switch out every toxic cleaner in your home for a healthier option. It gets you a membership with Young Living and 25% off everything you order. Keep your membership by ordering 50 PV (usually 50 dollars) within one year. Learn more about the benefits of Young Living in your home at wholelifeoils.com/danelle-carvell/
Thursday, March 15, 2018
"So many people are walking around on severe pharmaceutical drugs for conditions they don't even have, given to them by clueless doctors who are just guessing....when in reality they are suffering from toxic overload." - Suzanne Somers from her book, Tox-Sick.
The public has been deceived about the dangers of our daily exposure to more than 6,000 chemicals in food, food containers, plastics, personal care products, home cleaners, furniture, paint, carpeting, flame retardant clothes...the list goes on. The whole story is brilliantly explained in Trade Secrets, a documentary film produced by Bill Moyers.
The public has been deceived about the dangers of our daily exposure to more than 6,000 chemicals in food, food containers, plastics, personal care products, home cleaners, furniture, paint, carpeting, flame retardant clothes...the list goes on. The whole story is brilliantly explained in Trade Secrets, a documentary film produced by Bill Moyers.
Monday, March 12, 2018
Everyday Toxins: Dryer Sheets and why you should NEVER use them again!
We wash our clothes in toxic chemicals then dry them with dryer sheets loaded with toxic chemicals. We wear clothes everyday. Chemical laundry products are a big source of toxic overload in our bodies.
Sunday, March 11, 2018
6 Signs of Hormonal Imbalance
Hormones play an important role in a woman's life. Most women don't realize how important until their hormones are out of wack and they suffer the consequences of this imbalance. Birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are examples of synthetic hormones produced by drug companies. The problem with synthetic estrogen is that it will always have side effects.
Phytoestrogens come from plant sources and can be used by women who need additional estrogen or seek a hormonal balance. Phytoestrogens are milder than a woman's own estrogen and are easily utilized and metabolized by our bodies.
According to Dr. David Stewart, post menopausal women are not estrogen deficient. The problem is a progesterone deficiency. There are several essential oils that have hormonal benefits--anise, fennel, sage, clary sage, blue tansy, tarragon, cypress, myrtle, and wild tansy are among them.
Sage and clary sage have estrogenic qualities. They stimulate the same receptor sites that estrogens do and they help balance a woman's hormones. They may also stimulate a woman's body to produce her own natural estrogens. For more information about using essential oils for hormone balance, read Dr. John Lee's book, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause.
I took prescription hormone repacement (Jinteli) for two years to help with the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. But I kept searching for a better answer and I found it in essential oils and bio-identical progesterone cream. Young Living's Progessence Plus for added progesterone and Sclaressence for estrogen balance was the answer for me.
Synthetic estrogens are risky, which is why I went off of them. The following sypmtoms can be caused or made made worse by birth control pills and prescription hormone replacement:
acceleration of aging, allergies, breast tenderness, decreased sex drive, depression, fatigue, fibrocystic breasts, foggy thinking, headaches, hypoglycemia, increased risk of strokes, infertility, irritability, memory loss, miscarriage, osteoporosis, premenopausal bone loss, PMS, thyroid dysfunction, uterine cancer, uterine fibroids, water retention, weight gain, gall bladder disease, and a variety of autoimmune disorders such as lupus.
That list is a big risk to take, so it makes sense to try something natural first that has no side effects and see how that works for you before turning to synthetic hormones produced by drug companies.
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Introducing Savvy Minerals by Young Living
A line of chemical-free makeup with no health scares. That's a rare thing. Before Savvy Minerals, my only option was one line of cosmetics at Ulta that strived to avoid harsh chemicals in their products.
At 55, I need makeup to feel better. Most women look better with at least a touch of makeup. But I don't want my health to suffer for the sake of beauty.
I can actually feel the difference between a chemical liquid foundation and a natural one. My skin doesn't feel like I'm wearing a mask, it feels nourished and moisturized with no irritation. And I just feel better knowing that toxic chemicals aren't laying on my skin and being pulled into my blood stream.
Click on the link below and explore the Young Living website as a retail customer if you're not ready to commit to membership. You'll find it just below my photo and bio, and you don't have to purchase anything after signing in. The only way you'll order something is if you give credit card information and hit that final purchase button.
For now, just explore all the toxin-free products for your home. I'm so grateful for companies like Young Living. They care about the health of their customers.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
SUZANNE Speaks: Six TOX-SICK Threats!
Suzanne shares some of the topics from her book Tox-Sick, my next good read.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
When I worked in a daycare, I was in charge of a small room with no ventilation and about 4 young children to care for. On the wall was an air freshening canister that shot out a toxic spray every 15 minutes. Those babies were breathing plastic as they slept. When I finally said something because I couldn't handle the constant headaches, she was nice about it and told me I could turn it off. But I did get the feeling that she thought I was a nut.
This week at work, I had to cover my nose or hold my breath every time I went into the bathroom. I noticed the canister on the wall just like at the daycare. I was told that one of my co-workers had brought a vanilla scented air freshener for the bathroom and that's what I was smelling. I could literally feel the headache coming on within the short time that I was in there. Later I could smell it wafting into my work area as people opened the bathroom door.
I want to put an essential oils diffuser in the bathroom or provide one of my homemade essential oil infused freshening sprays. These subjects are difficult to bring up because whoever brought the vanilla-scented spray could easily be offended, but I really don't want to breathe plastic. I don't want to get a headache every time I go in there.
People who are sensitive to chemicals can tell in an instant if a cleaning product is toxic. I used to get a headache from the toxic floor cleaner at the daycare. I wish there were an easy way to make people understand how bad these chemical- filled products are for their health. And children are affected even more. Nature provided us with wonderfully-scented, pure plant oils and we ignore them and reach for toxic chemicals instead.
A diffuser in your home eliminates the need for toxic air fresheners. And you can easily make freshening sprays for fabric/sheets/carpet with essential oils. I share my recipes with Young Living members who sign up at the link below. A membership with Young Living is the smartest way to have a chemical-free home. All of their products are safe, even for children.
Monday, March 5, 2018
ADHD is a FAKE disease invented by Big Pharma to drug children for profit
ADHD is a FAKE disease invented by Big Pharma to drug children for profit: ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is ubiquitous in the American classroom, there's little debate about that. According to CDC statistics from 2012, 11 percent of children between the ages of four and 17 had been diagnosed with ADHD at some point. With over six million kids diag
Sunday, March 4, 2018
Thieves Household Cleaner....more than a game changer
Household cleaners contain chemical hormones that mimic estrogen and wreak havoc on the body. Dr Haggerton explains why you need to ditch all the toxic cleaners in your home and switch to one bottle of Thieves cleaner, a healthy substitute for every cleaner in your home.
An overload of chemicals from toxic home cleaners cause children to go through early puberty. It also can cause weight gain in children. Adults suffer from chemical exposure too, but children in the family will suffer more. Come in at 1:50 to get straight to the good stuff in this video. Learn more about getting the toxicity out of your home at wholelifeoils.com/danelle-carvell/
Saturday, March 3, 2018
Emotional Support with Essential Oils: Why I use them and YOU should too!
Essential oils are tools that help your brain walk through life's stressful situations. Even if you don't acknowledge stress, your body still has to deal with it. Stuffing everything inside and saying nothing doesn't make it go away. I ignored a stressful situation for years and it affected me mentally and physically. I reached a point where I had to confront it for my own peace of mind.
Our brains are constantly analyzing our environment. The nervous system, our emotional center, is the only system in the body that never shuts off. Constant energy flows through the brain , and if our emotions are troubled, that will trickle down and negatively affect every other system in the body. Muscles will tense, sleep can be affected, blood pressure will rise, we just won't feel well physically or mentally.
Essential oils help the body handle stress by supporting the emotional center of the brain and helping the brain process the stress, so that you can work through it. Come in at 4 minutes to get right to the good stuff in this video.
Shortest Essential Oils Class EVER
Learn more at wholelifeoils.com/danelle-carvell/
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Dr. Mercola Interviews Suzanne Somers (Full Interview)
Suzanne Somers is a wealth of knowledge about natural health. After reading her book, Knockout, I almost don't fear cancer. She wrote 26 books and perhaps is best known for her promotion of bio-identical hormones, which I use myself and have become a believer of their benefits.
Suzanne beat breast cancer without chemotherapy and regrew her breasts with her own stomach fat and her own stem cells. I never heard of such a thing before this interview. She also was misdiagnosed with cancer when she actually had a black mold infestation in her body. How many others are misdiagnosed?
Somers confirms my own recent statement that 95% of all cancers are caused by poor diet and a toxic environment. She deeply regrets being talked into radiation because it kills the body's ability to produce hydrochloric acid for life. She takes 3 hydrochloric acid capsules a day to compensate.
This interview covers so many health warnings--the dangers of birth control pills, the drugging of kids with ADD and ADHD, and the importance of taking good-quality supplements. She talks about leaky gut syndrome and well explains what it is. Many cancers and autoimmune diseases originate in the GI tract. Eighty percent of our immune system is in the gut.
We must learn how to read our bodies and keep ourselves in perfect balance, Somers says. That means accepting that we live in a toxic world and educating ourselves, cleaning up our lives and our overloaded livers so we can regain our health. We should be counting chemicals instead of counting calories.
Somers is not anti-pharmaceutical, she simply believes (like I do) that we should look for a natural solution first, because drugs have side effects that will throw something else off and cause a different problem. She warns us of the damage that chemicals do when we clean with them, spray them in the air and slather them on our bodies.
Almost everything she warns about makes me realize how wise I was to join a company that offers chemical-free home products. We are in control of our health, our environment, and our happiness. I guarantee there is something in this interview that will shock you or inspire you to make changes...probably both, and probably many things. Set aside an hour to listen to her wisdom. Then learn more about seeking natural solutions first at wholelifeoils.com/danelle-carvell/
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