Monday, March 26, 2018


Probiotics are the most important supplement you can take, even more important than a multivitamin, says Suzanne Somers in her book, Tox-Sick.


Health begins and ends in the GI tract. If your gut is inflamed, you can't be healthy. A toxic digestive system will have you fatigued, more prone to disease, and will affect every part of your body--bones, joints, organs, glands, skin, hormones, and even your brain, Somers says.

The entire length of the digestive (GI) tract is coated with a bacterial layer (a mucus). If this bacterial lining gets damaged, you lose the natural barrier that protects against harmful invaders such as undigested food, toxins, and parasites. And 65% of your immune system is in your intestines' bacterial lining. It's like a guard that protects your health and that guard can only protect when it's not damaged. 

How does the stomach and intestinal lining get damaged? A poor diet of processed, high sugar, nonorganic foods, pharmaceutical drugs (especially antibiotics and birth control pills), chlorinated water, and the toxins we're exposed to through personal care products and home cleaners all contribute to digestive tract damage by eating away at the protective lining in your gut.

This is why a chemical-free lifestyle is so important. It's why I encourage people to ditch all their toxic cleaners for one bottle of Thieves cleaner, which cleans everything in your home without chemicals. The Thieves premium starter kit gives you every cleaner you need in your home from safe laundry detergent to hand sanitizer. You can find it at the Young Living website or talk to a Young Living representative.   

OK, back to the importance of probiotics. Our gut lining also gets shredded from toxic mold exposure, which often resides in the intestines, sinuses, organs and brain. Often the first indicators of Lyme or mold damage are food allergies and food intolerances. 

An equal balance of good and bad pathogens are needed for a healthy GI tract. The good gut flora in a good quality probiotic will neutralize toxic substances like nitrates, antibiotics, heavy metals, carcinogens and other poisons.

A damaged gut wall allows viruses, yeast, fungus, bacteria, parasites and toxic substances to leak out and invade the blood stream. This is leaky gut syndrome, which attacks organs and causes bloating, constipation, intestinal pain, brain diseases, autoimmune diseases, eczema, rosacea, and other problems.

I take Young Living's Life 9, a high potency probiotic that promotes natural digestive balance, supports a healthy immune system, and contains nine probiotic strains with 17 billion active cultures. Don't buy the five dollar probiotic gummies at Walmart. Do your research and invest in a good quality probiotic. 

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