Wednesday, December 30, 2020
FlashPoint : Hope Is Not Lost! Featuring Attorney Sidney Powell
Saturday, December 26, 2020
The end of this video is very moving because it shows people in other parts of the world marching in support of Trump. America is the last place in the world where people can truly be free. People in other countries look to America as a source of hope. When they march in support of Trump, they are crying out for their own freedoms. And we will be doing the same with Biden.
Monday, December 21, 2020
Candace Owens defends covid vaccine skeptics with a personal story
You have the right to take any vaccine, and you also have the right to refuse one. I would refuse, because I keep reading things like this.
OOPS! China Brags About Deals With Biden Family
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Saturday, December 19, 2020
By Danelle Carvell
What a day I had today, venturing out into the land of masked sheeple. I'm glad I can still go to Indian Trail Market without being questioned. The employees there live by faith and don't wear masks. They even have scriptural brochures at the checkout encouraging others to cast away their fears about a virus.
But the fear is alive and well from what I've seen today. I'm grateful that I can still go to certain local stores without a mask hassle. The last time I went grocery shopping with my husband in Harrisburg, a lady asked us if we forgot our masks within seconds of getting in the door. I looked at her and said, "We don't wear masks," and kept walking.
I saw a few people at the Dollar General who weren't sucking back their own carbon dioxide, but not many. Most people at the Giant had them on... including my ex-boss who fired me from the library this summer for not wearing a mask. I finally ran into her in the Giant parking lot in Halifax. I wish that I had smiled and wished her a Merry Christmas, but I wouldn't have understood her response. That black mask was pretty snug around her face.
When the guy at the checkout asked me if I had my Giant card, I said, "My driver card?" I couldn't understand him. It really sounded like he said driver card. That's part of the plan I guess, to frustrate us and make communication difficult.We certainly aren't wearing that mask because it actually works. If that were true, there wouldn't have been a line of people waiting outside in the cold at the liquor store in Halifax.
They tell us that the mask protects us and then they confirm that it doesn't by making us stay 6-feet apart and allowing only a certain number of people in the store at a time. I couldn't resist making a comment as I walked past the masked line up. "So Ridiculous!"
I will admit that I have put on the mask when I absolutely must to get what I want and need, such as an appointment with my doctor or a bottle of Southern Comfort. I keep a mask in my purse and I rarely wash it just like everyone else. It probably has as much bacteria on it as the bottom of my handbag.
I've seen people drop the mask on the ground and then strap it back on, blow their nose and then lift it back over their nose, touch anything and everything and then touch the mask, contaminating it with bacteria that lays near their face all day long. I even saw the terrible case of acne one woman developed from mask wearing, which is probably now why she really wants to wear one.
We have a better chance of dying in a car accident than we do of dying from covid. The virus has a survival rate percentage in the high nineties. Frontline doctors and nurses are admitting that many people are actually dying from health conditions they had prior to covid.
Health care workers are speaking out and telling us that in some cases, the cause of death is listed as covid when the patient didn't even have covid. This is done for financial reasons (more funding to the hospital) and to hike the numbers, making the virus seem worse so the scare can live on. Doctors and nurses are also speaking out against masks and telling us they are more harmful than beneficial
The thing I don't understand is why are people so determined to mask up when no one can produce any evidence that it actually works? They defend the mask as if it's an iron-clad guarantee of staying healthy. Yet 85% of people who get the virus are strict mask wearers. And the pores of the most protective mask are 3 to 5 times larger than the size of the microscopic virus. Doesn't that make it clear that the virus can slip right through a mask just like a mosquito slips through a chain-link fence?
A friend of mine said she's at the point where she doesn't want to go out anymore. My husband fears he might flip out on someone if they question him about a mask or they freak out because he got too close. That happened to his sister in a checkout line. Some woman screamed at her because she was standing too close. I've been called heartless and hateful just because I want the right to breathe freely. It's a sick world right now. And the bigger sickness isn't covid. It's ignorance and stupidity.
I tell myself to feel empathy for people who fear dying so much that they are willing to bully people so they can feel protected. They really need Jesus. Death is not the worst thing in the world. The worst thing in the world is getting to your next home and realizing that it's not a place you want to be for eternity.
The truth is that we are all going to die. And no mask will stop the destiny God has for you. He created you and he gets to decide when you check out. Some day we will look back on all this and know that is true.
Some day we will all realize that living by faith is the only way to live. What's been happening since March isn't life, it's prison, it's suffocation, isolation, anger and fear. The real virus is the horror we created by trying to keep everyone safe.
I don't get itFriday, December 18, 2020
The Supreme Court caved for fear of riots if the projected outcome of a Biden victory is overturned. If any good has come of this entire year, it is the opening of people's eyes to the evil that's destroying America and the grim future our children have if it is not stopped. Listen to Matt's breakdown of the election fraud as he exposes the players and their intentions.
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Nurses across the country are refusing the Covid vaccine. Most people dying have underlying conditions and that's why they are in the hospital. Covid is not really the cause of their deaths. Those in the front lines see the truth and they are skeptical about this rushed vaccine. Watch the five minute video below.
🇩🇪 We're Moving our Family of Six to Germany! 🇩🇪 The Story of Our Grand ...
My husband bit into one yesterday for the first time and made quite a fuss about them. He's a cookie monster. I skipped melting white and milk chocolate then drizzling it on top, but that would make this cookie look more festive. Although it is quite delicious without that.
The recipe asks for orange zest, but I didn't have oranges, so I used 10 drops of orange essential oil. I think it gave the cookies better flavor than the zest would have. It's great to have orange, lemon and lime oils on hand for recipes when you don't have citrus fruits in your fridge.
Just make sure the oil is safe to ingest. Not all of them are. Young Living's vitality line is the one I trust for oils taken internally.
This year has made me realize how much more I need to appreciate and enjoy the people in my life that I like to be around. I need to reach out more and visit more and communicate more instead of living every day in my own little bubble as time marches on.
Have yourself a Merry little Christmas with the people you love to be around.
Monday, December 7, 2020
We should all be angry about the hypocrites among us who tell us to stay home, wear masks, and stop living while they do whatever they want, as if the rules don't apply to them. Why should we trust these people? Why should we listen to anything they say? They are frauds. They are disgusting, and they need to be knocked off their privileged pedestals.
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Monday, November 30, 2020
If you believe that a mask protects you or others from a virus, you are only assuming because you have no proof. Here's the truth about your mask assumptions explained by Dr. Lee Merritt.
In his first interview since receiving a full pardon from President Trump, General Michael Flynn outlined the legal path to victory laid out before President Trump.
Friday, November 27, 2020
People are fed up with unconstitutional mandates that suffocate their abilities to make a living. They've been pushed to the brink and it's starting to show. People are snapping.
What happened in Buffalo, New York must wake people up and inspire them into a fight mode. The freedom fire must begin to emerge to save our way of life in America...for today and generations to come.
For today's situation update from click the link below.
Thursday, November 26, 2020
The past four years in a five-minute nutshell describes this very informative video.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Watch this medical expert explain the truth about COVID in under five minutes. We are looking at a scam of staggering proportions. This isn't about a virus, it's about control. There is nothing that can be done to contain this virus. Masks are useless. Social distancing is useless. And a positive test result does not mean a clinical infection. The possibility of dying from COVID if you are 65 or older is 1 in 300,000. We destroyed our economy and destroyed people's businesses and livelihoods for nothing more than a bad flu season.
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Trump knows he won and Biden is scared
Here's an honest update on the election fraud and how Trump's fight is progressing. You are being brainwashed by a biased media to believe in a Biden victory. You need to know what sources of information you can trust. The truth is that Trump is winning and Biden is running scared.
Friday, November 20, 2020
A Powerful Four Minutes explains all you need to know about the election fraud.
How the 2020 election was stolen from Trump explained in four minutes. Very powerful ending. Keep the Faith!
Steve Shultz: "Prophetic Word: I Am Releasing the Whistle Blowers"
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Friday, November 13, 2020
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Why Hate a Man Who Does so Much Good?
By Danelle Carvell
Democrats and the biased media spew constant assaults and accusations at our president. He’s criticized for talking tough, being proud, and interruptive. No other president has been this hated and disrespected, yet people want him to remain dignified and humble.
People complain about Trump’s tweets and the ‘locker room’ comment he made about women. They don’t like the “arrogant” way he talks. But I look at the man’s actions and question whether he is making America a better place. That is what affects my life and the lives of those I love. Below are some of the things he cares about and actions he took to improve our lives.
Violent crime has fallen every year since Trump took office, the leader of Isis is dead and most of Isis territory has been dismantled. Law enforcement and victims have new tools to fight sex trafficking, resulting in 1,588 criminals being arrested. Trump has rebuilt US military readiness by reversing the massive budget cuts that had weakened our military under President Obama.
Billions of dollars have been secured for the building of a wall at our southern border to keep our nation secure and gain control over an immigration crisis that jeopardizes the well-being of all Americans. And our aging infrastructure is now a priority, giving us safer roads and bridges.
Our children’s minds are safer because Trump has implemented a Pro-American lesson plan for students and put an end to the disastrous Common Core initiative. Trump’s numerous executive orders have increasingly restricted government funding for abortions. He was the first president ever to attend the pro-life March for Life in Washington, DC this year. Biden is not pro-life.
Trump cares about veterans. He issued an executive order that will better provide veterans access to mental health treatment as they transition to civilian life. More than 4,000 VA employees were removed, demoted and suspended for poor performance. Our president also created a VA hotline to help veterans and staffed it with veterans and their family members.
And perhaps the most important decision affecting our country’s security, Trump has appointed judges who are committed to interpreting our Constitution and laws according to their original meanings. Democrats want liberal judges who change our laws to give the Constitution a modern twist that suits their own agenda.
Under President Trump and prior to Covid, manufacturing jobs were growing at the fastest rate in more than 30 years. More than seven million jobs were created, the stock market reached record highs, median household income hit the highest level ever recorded, and we had the lowest unemployment rate ever recorded.
Trump’s 2017 tax cuts gave a tremendous boost to the economy. A record number of regulations that hurt small businesses were eliminated. He negotiated new trade agreements with Mexico, Canada and China that will increase both jobs and money coming into our country. He secured 250 billion in new trade and investment deals in China and 12 billion in Vietnam. He also made a deal with the European Union to increase US energy exports to Europe.
Trump signed several executive orders that forced changes aimed at reducing prescription drug prices. On his watch, the FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. He allowed drug imports from Canada so prescription prices would go down.
Trump removed the US from the Paris Climate Accord, which would have brought massive increases to US energy prices, resulting in more than 206,000 jobs lost by 2040. He increased America’s energy production and independence by approving two major pipelines and granting access to an uninhabited region in Alaska. He also granted permits for mining of oil, gas and coal on federal lands. His push to expand domestic energy production led the US to pass both Saudi Arabia and Russia as the world’s top oil producer.
After George Floyd was murdered, Trump announced that the destruction of federal statues and monuments would mean fines of up to $10,000, and the attacks on federal property stopped. Trump also protected a US courthouse in Portland from rioter’s threats by sending in federal officers. An additional 1,000 federal agents were sent to nine cities during the riots, resulting in the arrest of 1,485 violent crime suspects.
Trump negotiated a historic agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, which will help establish peaceful relations between Israel and other Arab countries in the Middle East. He moved the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, respecting Israel’s sovereignty. All nations who bless Israel will be blessed by God according to Genesis 12:1-3. Trump also pulled out of Obama’s disastrous Iran nuclear deal, ending Iran’s ability to build a nuclear bomb within the next few years.
Trump secured the release of 19 people from foreign captivity, including 16 Americans. He ended the gag order on pharmacists that prevented them from sharing money-saving information. Dying Americans now have access to experimental medications because of Trump’s ‘Right to Try’ law.
Trump has expanded educational freedom by appointing advocates and increasing funding for school choice, resulting in better options for parents and students. He issued an executive order that prevents conservative college students and faculty from having their views either censored or punished.
Trump works to defend religious freedom on all fronts. He signed an executive order meant to protect people of faith around the world. He also overturned the Obamacare HHS regulation that forced faith-based organizations to offer abortion aid through their health care plans.
I believe this is the most important election I will see in my lifetime. The futures of my children and grandchildren are at stake. Trump is the wall that stands between us and the liberal left’s destructive agenda that includes taking our guns, defunding police, killing babies before and after birth, higher taxes, open borders, unconstitutional mandates such as face masks and forced vaccines, and giving your hard-earned money to illegal immigrants. Without this good man, our freedoms will be taken, we will have no peace, no prosperity, and no one at the helm concerned about our safety.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
More observations on the wearing of the slave mask and how it is dividing us, as well as alienating us from others by making communication difficult. The mask is also making people less likely to want to go out, especially when it's hot and they don't want the hassle of wearing a mask. Businesses are suffering because of it and that is part of the plan.
David Knight gives an overview on what's happening across the country amid the mask mandates. From children being denied access to amusement parks to 'snitch on your neighbor' policies, and even people being killed over the mask debate, this is not going away.
In one community, the police have issued $42,000 in fines to people not wearing masks. He believes the mask is preparing us for the forced vaccines that are coming. I agree. It's an experiment to see who will comply.
If you think that Black Lives Matter is a legit movement to improve the lives of Black Americans,
you are ignoring the evidence.
Monday, July 13, 2020
Sunday, June 28, 2020
The United Nations wants the US in quarantine. This is how it's playing out.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Why should I put my own health at risk because you are afraid of getting sick? Stay at home if you are so concerned about getting sick. Just stay home with your fear. The rest of us want to live freely.
click on the link below
The new wold order continues to execute the plan. Keep your eye on for all the videos that are being banned on social media. That is where the truth is. Click on the link below.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Come in at 29 minutes on this video to get to the point. Alex is known for going off in different directions. Click the link below.
Do Masks Even Work? Can You Be Forced To Wear One? Dr. Kaufman Weighs In
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Friday, May 15, 2020
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Watch this video to see how some masks are made..left to lay on a dirty floor and then you put it on your face. Masks are a false sense of security. Some experts even call them, "dangerous." Listen to David Knight at the link below.
As a parent, you should want to understand the vaccine injections you allow your children to receive.
Tucker Carlson exposes the coup against Trump. Obama used federal law enforcement to hurt his political rivals. We the people are taking back control of our country. Watch the video at the link below.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Risk is a part of life. I don't want my life to be dictated by fear. Quarantine is for sick people, not healthy people. If you are afraid of getting a virus, then wear two masks and turn the outer mask inside out so I don't have to be afraid with you. Stay at home with your fear. I want to be free. I shouldn't be forced to wear a mask anymore than I should be forced to stay off the road for fear that I might crash or kill someone. This is insanity.
If I want to take the Bible literally and believe that God has not given me a spirit of fear, it is my right to do so. Who are you to tell me that I can't? Would Jesus force me to wear a mask? "Fear not for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you in my righteous hand," the Bible says.
The government thinks it has a job to protect us. Since when is the government protecting us from anything? Hundreds of thousands of people die each year from adverse reactions to FDA-approved prescription drugs. The FDA allows toxic ingredients in our food and skin care products that are banned in other countries. Read a label and Google what you see. You might get the feeling that they want you dead.
Do some research on the side effects of aspartame as you are enjoying your poisoned yogurt. No one is protecting you from aspartame even though it's been proven to kill lab rats. The government has a website where you can report adverse reactions that your children might have to vaccines- But don't bother with a lawsuit if your child is damaged. Big Pharma has been granted immunity from law suits. Why do you think that is? Because they know they would go bankrupt by paying out money for all the damage they are doing.
Here's another example. Roundup weed killer has been proven to cause cancer and lymphoma, but no one is asking you to wear a mask when you spray it. Yes, our government is so protective of us. Aren't we lucky?
I resist the face mask because I believe it is a first step toward future tyranny such as forced vaccines. If we happily wear a mask, will we happily line up for a rushed vaccine that's loaded with thimerisol, formaldehyde, mercury and animal cells. Do some research on what's in vaccines. Dr Eric Z. and Dr Mercola can help you with that.
The face mask is not a law; it is not an ordinance. It is a proclamation, says Richard Proctor, PhD. "We have a right to do with ourselves what we want to do. That's what the constitution was written about. That's what the Revolutionary war was about. It was about the opportunity to live freely in liberty with your own lifestyle, your own way. We have every right to push back against a state government that violates the constitution.
I have a running list of doctors who are speaking out against face masks. First of all, a face mask reduces the amount of oxygen coming in. Your body goes into a chronic state of stress while wearing a mask. When your body is stressed and you're not getting enough oxygen, it creates other issues says Dr. Raschid Buttar.
When you wear a face mask, you are increasing the viral activation and the viral load. So many doctors are telling us that face masks actually destroy our immune systems. So again, we are doing the opposite of what we should be doing.
We develop an immune response daily to virus and bacteria. As I shelter in place, my immune system drops. Keep me isolated for months and it drops more. Doctors are warning that when we reopen, there will be a huge amount of illness that's going to be rampant because of the weak immune systems we are creating by wearing masks, sheltering in place and killing our good bacterial flora with lysol and hand sanitizer.
Dr Eric Z, Dr Judy A. Mikovits, Dr Raschid Buttar, and Dr Shiva are on the list of doctors that are speaking out against face masks. Do some research and learn what they have to say.
According to Richard Proctor, PhD, the only mask that will do any good are the masks that seal to your face with filtration systems that filter the air both in and out. "These little decorative things people are shoving on their faces are of no value whatsoever," he said. So your homemade mask you made from a T-shirt is as worthless as Nancy Pelosi's political career.
So many decisions being made right now are both idiotic and unconstitutional. "Why would you close the beach?" asks Dr. Judy Mikovitz. "There are sequences in the sand and healing microbes in the salt walter ocean." You would think that someone who really cares if we get sick would want us to be exposed to the healing properties of nature such as sunlight and sand.
When good people stay silent and do nothing, we allow the futures of our children to be destroyed. Think about your children and grand children and the lives they will have if you quietly comply. It's time to be brave.
Civil Disobedience Today or Civil War Tomorrow - Guest Richard Proctor -...
There is no mask law. There is no mask ordinance. It is a proclamation. We have a right to do with ourselves what we want to do. That's what the constitution was written about. That's what the Revolutionary War was about. It was about the opportunity to live freely in liberty with your own lifestyle, your own way. We have the right to push back against a state government that violates the constitution.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Going Rogue - Why Good People Must Not Remain Silent - Stan Deyo in Hour...
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Monday, May 4, 2020
Sunday, May 3, 2020
A "Second Wave" Is Coming . . . And They're Going To Blame It On YOU!!
Come in at 4 minutes to avoid the introductions on this video.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
New Rule: Immunity Booster | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
This video contains some foul language, but still worth a listen.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Here's the link to the banned video everyone is asking about.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Will You Tolerate "THE NEW NORMAL?" John Whitehead
We are being manipulated and the Deep State is enjoying it. This man, a constitutional lawyer, talks about the constitutional nightmare planned for us in "The New Normal." If you don't see the push for global government in all of this, you are blind.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Martin Armstrong – President Has Power to Reopen Country
The devastation economically with this shutdown is unbelievable. This is a deliberate intentional move to harm the economy. Facebook is acting more Stalinistic by deleting posts that reveal the truth. Facebook is suppressing our freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Global Pandemic PLANNED? ID2020, Vaccines & Crypto!
Did someone in Hollywood warn us about the Coronavirus pandemic by making the movie, Contagion? The similarities to the movie are disturbing. But that would mean this pandemic was planned. Could people be that evil? And what would be their motives? Money? Control?
Sunday, April 19, 2020
![]() |
Train up a child in the way that she should go. |
The backlash that I'm getting from my opinions about the coronavirus craziness so far is that I'm being hurtful, selfish, heartless and embarrassing. So I asked my husband what scripture might lead me to an answer about when to stay silent and when to speak up, and how do I know that my opinions line up with God's way of thinking?
Hubby has an undergraduate diploma in Advanced Biblical Studies from Liberty University. He led me to the perfect answer, which was found in this wonderful book, the ESV Study Bible. What I share below is a combination of the exact wording in the Bible and my own paraphrasing, along with my personal opinions. I'm not wasting my time with quotation marks.
On page 2537 there is a section titled, Developing a Framework for Ethical Decision Making. It can help any Christian who is struggling with this same issue. First of all, I do not believe that Jesus calls us to be silent in the face of injustice. Those who use scripture to defend the idea that we need to obey our government no matter what are not considering the many examples in the Bible of people who challenged authority in order to achieve God's purpose-- people such as Esther and Moses.
"Just as man would not surrender everything he owns to a slothful neighbor, a man would not surrender all his rights to a tyrannous government," is stated on page 105 of the book, To Keep or Not to Keep, Why Christians Should Not Give Up Their Guns. Once a government begins taking our rights from us, we are not expected to stand down. And our civil liberties are not subject to change when pandemics and natural disasters strike. Our forefathers did not put any stipulations in the constitution that allow for the surrendering of freedom based on fear.
Many times a government will stray from its purpose and become oppressive. It might even use a pandemic as an excuse to force suffocating restrictions onto people, using a public health crisis as an opportunity to seize power. Moses leading his people out of bondage in Egypt is a clear example of God blessing a people's rebellion against oppressive authority. He would not have parted the Red Sea if he didn't approve of them escaping oppression and seeking freedom.
To say that I'm not willing to give up my freedom for your fear sounds harsh to someone who supports wearing face masks right now. I view the forced face mask as oppression. You view it as "caring for your neighbor." But if I have peace about my convictions, and I understand and obey the teaching of the entire Bible with regard to the situation, then I am on track with the overall goal in making ethical decisions.
To know if my decision is right or wrong I must do four things.
Pray- All decisions must rely on prayer for God's wisdom. I pray for holy spirit-led discernment on what to believe and what to share with others. When I get it wrong, I feel a discomfort in my spirit and I make changes accordingly. When I feel peace about something I know I'm in line with God's way of thinking.
Study the Bible- Search for biblical passages or examples that have relevance for the situation. This is so easy to do with so much information at our fingertips. If you can't find it in the Bible, Google it.
Study the Situation- Gather and access relevant information. A wise decision often can't be made until the facts become more clear, so be patient before jumping to conclusions and shooting your mouth off. (I learned this one the hard way.)
Study the people involved- Try to understand the character, motives and values of the people involved or affected by the decision to be made, including any relevant background, personal habits and characteristics, motivations and relationships as well as special interests that may be influencing the reactions of each relevant party. I often see the same kind of people disagreeing with me. And, at times, their disagreement is the very thing that tells me I'm on the right track.
Wisdom is the skill of combining the above factors so as to rightly apply the Bible's teachings to real people in real-life situations in such a way that one is truly thinking God's thoughts and sharing God's thoughts. If I am praying for wisdom, I have to trust what God is telling me. If I ask for holy spirit-led discernment, then I have to trust the holy spirit, not my friends, not my family.
So if your opinions make people uncomfortable and you are doing the above four things, remember that God will have the final word and the final judgement as to whether you had a heart and cared for your neighbor. You will stand before Him one day and He will not be embarrassed. Instead He will say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Uncle Sam walks the parade in Wellsboro, PA during the Laurel Festival, before the days of social distancing. |
Monday, April 13, 2020
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
I've been trying to entertain myself while being off work for two weeks. Trying a new recipe each day is one of my goals. Yesterday, I discovered a winning recipe for Sloppy Joes, which is a favorite dish in my home. I threw out all my other recipes for Sloppy Joes. Even Hubby was impressed and told me to keep the recipe.Check out page 160 of Valerie's Home Cooking if you're interested. Borrow it from a library if you don't want to buy it. Or get a used copy on Amazon Books.
Today I made a winning chocolate cake so moist that it doesn't need icing. It's called 86 Proof Chocolate Cake. The recipe is from Maida Heatter's cookbook, Happiness is Baking. I used vanilla rum for the booze that it called for. And I used melted coconut oil instead of butter because someone in the family is avoiding dairy products. The only thing to note with this recipe is that removing it from a bundt pan is not easy. I greased the pan generously with coconut oil and it still stuck fast. I would probably put it in a regular cake pan next time. And it was perfectly baked at one hour in a bundt pan. The recipe suggested one hour and fifteen minutes.
86 Proof Chocolate Cake
5 oz unsweetened chocolate
2 C sifted cake flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp.salt
1/4 C instant espresso or coffee powder
boiling water
cold water
1/2 C bourbon, rum, cognac or scotch whiskey
2 sticks unsalted butter at room temp.
1 tsp vanilla
2 C sugar
3 large eggs at room temp.
Preheat oven to 325. Butter a 9-inch bundt pan. Heat chocolate on low until melted. Cool slightly.
Sift dry ingredients, except for coffee and sugar. Dissolve coffee in a bit of boiling water (About 1/2 cup).
Add cold water to make 1 1/2 cups. Add bourbon, whiskey, or rum.
Cream butter. Add vanilla and sugar. Beat. Add eggs one at a time. Add chocolate, beat until smooth on low speed. Alternately add dry ingredients in 3 additions and coffee mixture in two additions very gradually. Beat after each addition. Bake one hour or longer if using a bundt pan. Cake is done when it springs back with a quick finger touch.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Do you know the degrading feeling you get when you do something to help and someone comes along and bashes your efforts? It hurts...a lot. That is what I'm talking about today--the power of validation. What is validation? It is the recognition and acceptance that someone has feelings and thoughts that are true and real to her, regardless of logic or whether it makes sense to someone else.
To validate is to offer acceptance and feedback about the person's reality in a non-judgemental way--to allow someone to share their thoughts and feelings without your judgement. To do that, we have to first let people know that we respect their perception of the situation in that moment.
Deep down, we all want to be validated and made to feel that what we think, say and do is valuable. We want to know that our presence in a room is valuable and worth noticing. If we don't validate people before we correct them, we risk coming across as condescending and being seen as a bully.
I've been reading a book titled, "The Power of Validation." That's why I decided to write this. I have a lot to say on the subject because of my own experiences. In writing this, I thought of many examples of when I didn't feel validated. But one stands out as a representation of all of them.
I was working as an instructional aide at a local middle school. In between classes, I passed many teachers and always said hello to them. But there was one particular teacher, a woman, who never said Hi back. When she saw me she literally raised her chin, looked straight ahead, and walked past me with no eye contact.
I never before had someone treat me like that and it was so strange. It bothered me a lot. Every day I got the same reaction to my greeting her in the hall. Eventually I gave up on the greetings. I had to surrender. There was no point saying Hello to a stone wall.
My daughter recently shared a conversation she had with someone about validation. She hates it when she walks in a room and says something like, "It's really a nice day out there," and no one responds to her. She needs a response in order to feel validated. But she wasn't feeling that validation from a particular person and she told him about it. He had no idea that his silence was troubling her. In his mind, he just didn't have anything to say back. See how easy it is to make someone feel unvalidated.
According to the book, validation has power because it instills so many things in us that help us to function in life. Validation begins in childhood. A parent who can't validate her child will raise a child who has no self-esteem, can't manage her emotions, can't maintain relationships, has little compassion for herself and others, can't commit to things, and doesn't do well academically. The child will be unhappy and not know why.
Of all those problems that lack of validation can cause, I'm going to focus on self-esteem. If a parent doesn't love a child for who he is, but instead only loves that child for how well he can perform, then the child will forever be trying to win a parent's love through achievements such as doing well in school or perfecting a talent or skill.
A child who is told that he's lazy, worthless, ugly or any other negative word will begin to believe it. But when a child grows up feeling loved and accepted, she is more likely to reach her potential without caring what other people think of her. She can handle criticism and rejection without curling up in a ball and crying.
A strong self-esteem gives us an inner strength that is so necessary in today's world because people have lost their manners. Courtesy is no longer the norm. Kindness is hard to find in classmates and co-workers, the people we spend much of our time with. A strong self image allows us to rise above the negativity and believe we are worthy and capable despite what others might say or do to suggest otherwise.
I credit my dad for teaching me about self-respect and boundaries. He had a serious talk with me one day when I was a teenager. I was allowing a boy to verbally mistreat me and he overheard it. I was embarrassed by my dad's reprimand but knew he was right. I refused to talk to that stupid boy again.
Without self-esteem, we don't have the strength to set boundaries. We become people pleasers and care more about being accepted by others than we care about receiving respect from others. Without self-esteem, we are doormats to be stepped on daily by uncaring people. Consistent validation is what we need as children to become strong adults with a healthy self-esteem.
As I mentioned, a strong self-esteem helps us to set boundaries. I've walked away from abusive relationships because I know my emotional health is worth preserving. I stay away from bullies because I deserve respect. But if I couldn't set boundaries because I grew up lacking validation, then my life would be a mess in so many ways.What parent wouldn't want to give her child validation so that the child has what she needs to survive in the world?
We should value how we feel about ourselves more than we value what other people think or say about us. We have to be free to fill our potential without regard to those who might not approve. When we are easily controlled by others or we allow people to abuse us or take advantage of us, then a low self-esteem is usually part of the problem.
A person with self-esteem won't waste emotional energy trying to do something that doesn't feel right to her. She won't give in just because someone disagrees or because she's afraid of rejection. Receiving validation as we grow up gives us the strength to be true to ourselves and stand up for ourselves.
But you don't have to be a parent and raising a child to put validation into action. Anyone can validate others. All it takes is mindfulness--paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment and nonjudgmentally. By being mindful we will see many chances each day to offer validation.
Too many people are quick to correct and criticize without validating the person's efforts first. If we are going to correct someone, our first sentence should be an appreciation for their efforts. Don't pounce on them with your critique unless you first give that person credit for trying.
I recently failed to validate someone when at the end of a very interesting presentation I walked right past the instructor and headed toward the door. I wasn't feeling well but that was no excuse. How much effort would it have taken to make eye contact with him and thank him for the interesting class he just taught? I failed to validate him and I felt bad about it.
I remember telling someone in my family that what he did took a lot of courage. He did something extreme to better his career and he probably felt uncertain about what the rest of us thought about it. It wasn't a normal thing that people do, but in the end it worked out for him. I remember the look on his face when I gave him that compliment about his courage. It was a look of relief. One person in the family validated his decision and I could tell it meant so much to him.
We need to be careful about saying things like, "You shouldn't feel that way." We can't make anything better by making light of a situation as if it's not a big deal. "You need to get over it and carry on," is a cruel thing to say to someone who is clearly hurting and struggling with something. A better thing to say is, "I can see that what you're feeling is very real."
Intentionally ignoring someone is a form of bullying. Our body language says a lot about how we feel toward people. We can't validate someone when we refuse to turn toward them, refuse to speak to them, or refuse to make eye contact. A mere wave of the hand can make a person feel insignificant. Standing with arms crossed in front sends a message of cold disapproval. Nothing breaks the ice like a smile. Let someone know that you appreciate their presence.
Validation has power. We want our children to be strong, capable adults so we validate them every chance we get. But we also have other opportunities to validate. Everyday we come across people who help us in small ways and we can offer appreciation. The lady at the cash register wears a name tag. Say her name. Thank the mail lady, the bank teller, and tell the restaurant owner that he's doing a good job.
Few things feel better that to have someone validate who you are and what you have to offer. After reading The Power of Validation I have become more mindful of the effect I can have on someone simply by validating their thoughts, their feelings, their actions and their presence in a room.
This is me and my dad on my wedding day. He died years ago, but he had many good qualities and taught me valuable things that have helped me to get through life's challenges. That's the power of a parent's validation.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Someone asked recently if I've been doing any writing lately. I told him that I haven't felt inspired to write. Sharing the written word takes a certain strength and I haven't been feeling it...until today. Maybe God is nudging me. God gives us talent not for our own benefit, but for the benefit of others.
I'm a deep thinker. Sometimes I think way too much. I'm also a deep feeler, which means that I'm easily hurt and I hang on to hurts for way too long. I'm also very perceptive to how other people think and feel.
If someone in a room is feeling troubled, I can instantly sense it. I read facial expressions, body language and tone of voice very well. I have a heightened sensitivity to what others think and feel. Some might call it a gift, but at times I wish I could be less perceptive.
Being tuned-in to other people's feelings and emotions can be stressful. I want to fix the problem when someone is hurting. I jump to defend people and that's not always appreciated.
I'm always asking, "How would I feel if that were me on the receiving end of that?" Call it empathy or compassion, whatever it is, I have it.
But it's not something to brag about. People don't become compassionate without suffering a great deal first. I believe God allows suffering so we can become more sensitive to the burdens that others carry.
I would be a completely different person if I had lived a charmed life with few heartaches and no struggles.
Disappointment, heartbreak, adversity and mental stress--these are things that grow a heart. They make us more like Jesus.
I'm not as perfect as Jesus. Sometimes words come out of my mouth that I wish I could suck back in. I'm not always kind. I can sass back when I feel hurt. But I do try to be sensitive to the way my words land in the hearts of others.
Here's the thing: If I dislike someone, I first need to ask myself if my insecurities are causing the dislike or did that person actually do something hurtful to me? For example, if I feel that I lack certain qualities, it's human nature for me to dislike someone who has those qualities in abundance. But is that a reason to dislike someone? Isn't that envy?
I have to keep my insecurities in check so they don't affect the way I treat others. I have to love myself before I can be good at loving others. I have to fix whatever is making me feel that I don't measure up or that I'm not good enough. If I feel that way about myself, then I'm probably imagining that other people feel that about me too.
It's common for women to dislike what they feel threatened by. "She does everything so well that she makes me look bad." Instead of being happy for that girl, we choose to hate her.
I think envy is at the root of most girl fights. And that is an internal problem that can only be fixed by the envy holder. Envy is a very strong emotion that destroys relationships.
I have a saying on my wall by Emily Freeman:" May we be sensitive to the way our words land in the hearts of others. The only thing I would add to that is this: "And may we be sensitive to the things we believe about ourselves so that no insecurity in us kills our love for others.
Someday we will stand before God and give an account for every idle word we spoke here on earth. And that includes texting and instant messaging. Isn't that a sobering thought?
Here I am thinking again.