Thursday, May 7, 2020


Freedom from the arbitrary will of another is key to understanding true liberty as the founding fathers envisioned it. In other words, I must be free from you enforcing your will  upon me. You do not have the right to tell me what I should wear or where I should go or stay. My freedom does not end where your fear begins. 

Risk is a part of life. I don't want my life to be dictated by fear. Quarantine is for sick people, not healthy people. If you are afraid of getting a virus, then wear two masks and turn the outer mask inside out so I don't have to be afraid with you. Stay at home with your fear. I want to be free. I shouldn't be forced to wear a mask anymore than I should be forced to stay off the road for fear that I might crash or kill someone. This is insanity. 

If I want to take the Bible literally and believe that God has not given me a spirit of fear, it is my right to do so. Who are you to tell me that I can't? Would Jesus force me to wear a mask? "Fear not for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you in my righteous hand," the Bible says. 

The government thinks it has a job to protect us. Since when is the government protecting us from anything? Hundreds of thousands of people die each year from adverse reactions to FDA-approved prescription drugs. The FDA allows toxic ingredients in our food and skin care products that are banned in other countries. Read a label and Google what you see. You might get the feeling that they want you dead. 

 Do some research on the side effects of aspartame as you are enjoying your poisoned yogurt. No one is protecting you from aspartame even though it's been proven to kill lab rats. The government has a website where you can report adverse reactions that your children might have to vaccines-  But don't bother with a lawsuit if your child is damaged. Big Pharma has been granted immunity from law suits. Why do you think that is? Because they know they would go bankrupt by paying out money for all the damage they are doing. 

Here's another example. Roundup weed killer has been proven to cause cancer and lymphoma, but no one is asking you to wear a mask when you spray it. Yes, our government is so protective of us. Aren't we lucky? 

I resist the face mask because I believe it is a first step toward future tyranny such as forced vaccines. If we happily wear a mask, will we happily line up for a rushed vaccine that's loaded with thimerisol, formaldehyde, mercury and animal cells. Do some research on what's in vaccines. Dr Eric Z. and Dr Mercola can help you with that.

The face mask is not a law; it is not an ordinance. It is a proclamation, says Richard Proctor, PhD. "We have a right to do with ourselves what we want to do. That's what the constitution was written about. That's what the Revolutionary war was about. It was about the opportunity to live freely in liberty with your own lifestyle, your own way. We have every right to push back against a state government that violates the constitution.  

I have a running list of doctors who are speaking out against face masks. First of all, a face mask reduces the amount of oxygen coming in. Your body goes into a chronic state of stress while wearing a mask. When your body is stressed and you're not getting enough oxygen, it creates other issues says Dr. Raschid Buttar. 

When you wear a face mask, you are increasing the viral activation and the viral load. So many doctors are telling us that face masks actually destroy our immune systems. So again, we are doing the opposite of what we should be doing. 

We develop an immune response daily to virus and bacteria. As I shelter in place, my immune system drops. Keep me isolated for months and it drops more. Doctors are warning that when we reopen, there will be a huge amount of illness that's going to be rampant because of the weak immune systems we are creating by wearing masks, sheltering in place and killing our good bacterial flora with lysol and hand sanitizer.

Dr Eric Z, Dr Judy A. Mikovits, Dr Raschid Buttar, and Dr Shiva are on the list of doctors that are speaking out against face masks. Do some research and learn what they have to say. 

According to Richard Proctor, PhD, the only mask that will do any good are the masks that seal to your face with filtration systems that filter the air both in and out. "These little decorative things people are shoving on their faces are of no value whatsoever," he said. So your homemade mask you made from a T-shirt is as worthless as Nancy Pelosi's political career. 

So many decisions being made right now are both idiotic and unconstitutional. "Why would you close the beach?" asks Dr. Judy Mikovitz. "There are sequences in the sand and healing microbes in the salt walter ocean." You would think that someone who really cares if we get sick would want us to be exposed to the healing properties of nature such as sunlight and sand. 

When good people stay silent and do nothing, we allow the futures of our children to be destroyed. Think about your children and grand children and the lives they will have if you quietly comply. It's time to be brave.
He may be standing with his hands in his pockets in this photo, but hubby has been a great help to me in finding information to post on my blog and on facebook in order to wake people up about what is happening to our freedoms.

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